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Six Flags Fiesta Texas (SFFT) Discussion Thread

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Been almost a whole month since this thread has been active. WOWZA lol. Anyways I saw some comments about Wonder Woman Construction in a Live stream. I Question if this is true or not since the park was not the one doing the live stream.

Here is the link to the live stream:

And here are the comments i found interesting from the live stream:

-Wonder Woman will be up and fully installed in 8 weeks as that is the deal that the park signed with RMC.


-Trains to arrive in January as well as testing to follow.


-The park is looking at a March 10th, 2018 opening for the ride.


In the meantime here are some new eye candy for you from the RMC plant, track almost to begin getting painted and foundations being poured at the park!!!


© Jeffrey Seibert


© Jeffrey Seibert


© Jeffrey Seibert


© Jeffrey Seibert


© Jeffrey Seibert


© Jeffrey Seibert

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I'm about to be one of THOSE enthusiasts! Tomorrow is going to be my first ever visit to the park. Only have Friday as it's a pit

stop on the way to a wedding. So that said, how are the typical Friday night crowds this time of year? Any helpful tips? I'll be at the park solo and should be there open to close. Also, do they have limited ride availability similar to Point? Thanks in advance!

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I'm about to be one of THOSE enthusiasts! Tomorrow is going to be my first ever visit to the park. Only have Friday as it's a pit

stop on the way to a wedding. So that said, how are the typical Friday night crowds this time of year? Any helpful tips? I'll be at the park solo and should be there open to close. Also, do they have limited ride availability similar to Point? Thanks in advance!


Try to get there right at opening if you can. I think they open at 5 tomorrow. Ever since SFFT has gone FREE with the houses during Fright Fest, there extremely busy. Maybe you will get lucky. All rides are open at this time of the year.

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We have a trip to Texas planned for December (San-Antonio, Galveston ((cruise) and Houston).


Part of the attraction of going to San Antonio obviously is going to Six Flags Fiesta. Given that I am one of those Northern types that isn't used to a park being open year round, I have a couple of questions and also looking for any good advice for the time of year.


I am looking at the first weekend of December, and the first thing that struck me was the park hours....opening in the afternoon. I was curious as to the reason why they don't open in the morning....is it a temperature thing, amount of daylight, festivals in December?

Anyway...whatever the reason, is the park considered "busy" at this time of year. I normally always include Flash pass as part of my budgeting, but would this be a time of year to wait and see on arrival or would it be best to be buy in advance? I am hoping that it is not a downtime for a ton of ride maintenance (especially as I would like to try the Rattler, Batman and Superman), but what will be will be.


I won't be renting a car whilst in San Antonio, I have checked online and it seems that public transport is reliable out to the park, but I would appreciate if anyone on this forum could confirm that.


Apart from that, if anyone could tell me where they think the best BBQ is in San Antonio.


Thanking you.

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We have a trip to Texas planned for December (San-Antonio, Galveston ((cruise) and Houston).


Part of the attraction of going to San Antonio obviously is going to Six Flags Fiesta. Given that I am one of those Northern types that isn't used to a park being open year round, I have a couple of questions and also looking for any good advice for the time of year.


I am looking at the first weekend of December, and the first thing that struck me was the park hours....opening in the afternoon. I was curious as to the reason why they don't open in the morning....is it a temperature thing, amount of daylight, festivals in December?

Anyway...whatever the reason, is the park considered "busy" at this time of year. I normally always include Flash pass as part of my budgeting, but would this be a time of year to wait and see on arrival or would it be best to be buy in advance? I am hoping that it is not a downtime for a ton of ride maintenance (especially as I would like to try the Rattler, Batman and Superman), but what will be will be.


I won't be renting a car whilst in San Antonio, I have checked online and it seems that public transport is reliable out to the park, but I would appreciate if anyone on this forum could confirm that.


Apart from that, if anyone could tell me where they think the best BBQ is in San Antonio.


Thanking you.

Wait and see on flash pass. Also check the wind before you go.

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^^ It looks like there have been some restaurants around the SA area posted in our Good Eating Near Theme Parks thread. I also seem to recall some of our TPR members mentioning good BBQ around that area. I believe Larry (aka larrygator) has a trip report out there with regards to BBQ joints in the South and Midwest.


Have fun!



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We have a trip to Texas planned for December (San-Antonio, Galveston ((cruise) and Houston).


Part of the attraction of going to San Antonio obviously is going to Six Flags Fiesta. Given that I am one of those Northern types that isn't used to a park being open year round, I have a couple of questions and also looking for any good advice for the time of year.


I am looking at the first weekend of December, and the first thing that struck me was the park hours....opening in the afternoon. I was curious as to the reason why they don't open in the morning....is it a temperature thing, amount of daylight, festivals in December?

I believe all of the Six Flags parks that run a Holiday In The Park schedule all do the afternoon to evening schedule only. Up here at Great Adventure it's 1 to 9 PM every day of the HITP season. Most likely for staffing issues.

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Anyone know why the park is open November 4th? (A Saturday.) Will be in the area and was thinking of going for the day.

Because they're scheduled to be?

I believe they are closed that Sunday because of a private event. They are open the following weekend and they begin Holiday In The Park on the 18th.

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I appreciate the advice from people. Thank you.


We are looking forward to the trip, hoping to take in SeaWorld also (my son is intrigued by the new jet ski rescue coaster), and then when we get to Galveston, have a look at the pier.


Also check the wind before you go


I will assume this is because that some rides don't open if the winds are too strong?? If so, that is fair enough. I'll decide on Flash pass on the day we arrive.

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Anyone know why the park is open November 4th? (A Saturday.) Will be in the area and was thinking of going for the day.

Because they're scheduled to be?

I believe they are closed that Sunday because of a private event. They are open the following weekend and they begin Holiday In The Park on the 18th.


When Jim Reid Anderson returned as CEO, he challenged all of the parks to find ways to increase revenue. That's why the Texas parks added days that weren't occupied by buy outs in November and whey they extended the season until January 7th.

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Anyone know why the park is open November 4th? (A Saturday.) Will be in the area and was thinking of going for the day.

When Jim Reid Anderson returned as CEO, he challenged all of the parks to find ways to increase revenue. That's why the Texas parks added days that weren't occupied by buy outs in November and whey they extended the season until January 7th.


Interesting. I was surprised to see Fiesta open the two weekends Over Texas was closed. Still on the fence but leaning that way. Thanks for the help.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

gave in to the Cyber Monday call, and Nick and I now have Six Flags Season passes (again. . we haven't had them in years).


Nick won't ride a lot of things, but he says he'll go with me, and it's a GREAT deal today -- includes rest of 2017 (+ parking), and all of 2018, upgrade to Gold (free) and 2018 parking (free) added to BOTH passes.


so yeah, pulled the trigger and I'll finally get to ride Iron Rattler, and Batman at Fiesta (as well as that amazing new Wonder Woman coaster they are currently installing for next year!).



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