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  • Birthday 03/09/1982

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  1. Ha, great point. Long time reader, first time poster. I figured this was a good opportunity to showcase some of the improvements we have made to the park. We love enthusiasts! Also...would you expect anything else from this thread? Don't you have to take a shot each time I say Cuda Falls?
  2. Sara, thank you for your feedback. We met in 2017 when we invited local coaster enthusiasts to enjoy the park, eat lunch and discuss Fantasy Island’s future. Since our acquisition of Fantasy Island in 2016 we have invested millions in upgrades and repairs to the park's attractions and infrastructure. We are proud of the work completed and will continue investing to improve the park for our Guests. I am sorry to hear you are disappointed. All of our rides and water park attractions, with the exception of the Gondola Wheel, are open and running consistently. We are wrapping up an extensive 6-month renovation project on the Gondola Wheel and expect that ride to open this weekend. We think our season pass represents a tremendous value. In addition to new attractions, we have added several new special events, including a Food Truck Festival, Declaration Celebration (WNY’s largest July 4th celebration), KidsFest, Oktoberfest and Halloween Horror. We extended the operating season through Halloween. We also introduced an All Season Dining pass, an offering that is now an industry standard and keeps the park affordable for our Guests. It's important to me that we keep our prices low, despite annual minimum wage increases in NYS. We consistently exceed our third-party safety audits. This includes unannounced lifeguard audits, insurance inspections, ride consultants, manufacturer reviews and annual examinations from the New York State Department of Labor, who regulates amusement rides in the state of NY. We are proud of the park and hope you will continue to join us. We are a smaller, family-oriented theme park with a classic CCI coaster, a great collection of family attractions and thrilling rides such as the Mind Warp. SbSteveZ, thank you so much for the positive feedback. Please let me know if you plan on visiting the park so I can introduce myself and say hello in person! Have a great evening! And now back to your regularly-scheduled Cuda Falls discussion (one of my childhood favorites!) -Chris Kearsing, Fantasy Island GM edit: Another thing I forgot to mention. Not only is your $36 season pass valid all season at Fantasy Island, you also receive free admission to all of our parks, including Indiana Beach (you should see what we've done with the place), Sahara Sam's Oasis (indoor/outdoor water park next door to Diggerland...just outside Philly in NJ...it's seriously awesome. Go check it out. It's free with your season pass), Big Kahuna's Water & Adventure Park in Destin, FL and 12 FECs including Boomers! (no, we aren't the same people who tore down the wooden coaster, relax) and Speedzone. Apex Parks Group DougMJr (Marketing Director), Dana (AGM/Director of Maintenance), Chris (GM), Logan and Michael (enthusiasts) at our 2017 enthusiast event. New front gate signage (2017) Mega Disko Double Dare Falls- one of our large restoration investments in 2018! This slide complex was originally installed in 1984. While most parks have removed similar attractions, we decided to restore the slides and re-open them last season. Once mass-produced, to my knowledge there are only 3 other similar complexes left in the USA- Conneaut Lake, Whale's Tale (NH) and Enchanted Forest Water Safari in Old Forge, NY. Silver Comet- WNY's best wooden coaster! Celebrating 20 years of thrills this season. Town Square at Fantasy Island. Crooked House in Fairy Tale Forest. Fantasy Island front gate photo opportunity. Flight- WNY's first giant swing ride. You can see both downtown Buffalo and Niagara Falls at the (ahem)... Apex! Western Town signage (added 2017) Mind Warp- WNY's most thrilling attraction! Max's Doggy Dog Coaster (enthusiast friendly! Come get the credit!) Canoes- classic attraction! Mind Warp- the only permanent Technical Park Loop Fighter in North America. Crazy Mouse- Zamperla Twister Coaster. Fairy Tale Forest- re-invented children's area added in 2018. This themed area pays homage to the former Garden of Fables from the 1960s. Crankshaft Cruisers- Family classic! New water park entrance added last week. We have 7 water park attractions for both families and thrill-seekers!
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