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Kings Island (KI) Discussion Thread

p. 832: Camp Snoopy announced for 2024!

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  Intamin_coyote said:
I'm pretty sure DB and every other ride in CF ownership has had public announcements as well.

Not at Carowinds. They have taken place on days the park has been closed to the public. or either they just announce via social media like they did with camp snoopy.

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If I were a park and enthusiasts ruined all the excitement by snooping and taking pictures of blueprints, I would forego any teasers too, just as an FU. I hope they don’t even make an announcement and just open the damn thing with zero fanfare and let enthusiasts lose their GD minds for the next eight months.

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^I can get on board with that idea. Kind of like the first year of construction of Steel Vengeance!


For what it's worth, I love when parks start constructing coasters without announcing them. Not knowing the layout and watching it unfold element-by-element is way more exciting. If you have some super detailed, high-quality animation of the entire coaster (like Cedar Fair usually does), it does make the construction progress a little less interesting since you already know exactly what's coming.

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  jarmor said:

Not at Carowinds. They have taken place on days the park has been closed to the public. or either they just announce via social media like they did with camp snoopy.


Sorry. Meant for their ownership of KI at least (as that is home park, can't speak on how other CF parks typically do theirs).


  southpuddle said:
If I were a park and enthusiasts ruined all the excitement by snooping and taking pictures of blueprints, I would forego any teasers too, just as an FU.


Considering its the age of the internet, I wouldn't say the park really has a right to be mad or even surprised that it got let out of the bag this early on. This happens for seemingly every major coaster nowadways, and I think they've been getting found out earlier and earlier each time simply because enthusiasts know where to look.


And yes, I understand that many long for the days of being completely unknowing of what is to come before an announcement, but this is just the way things are now.

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From my understanding, the parks don't really care about things like leaks and chatter on the internet. It's all buzz that works in the parks favor as we never really get everything right anyway until they announce it.

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  southpuddle said:
If I were a park and enthusiasts ruined all the excitement by snooping and taking pictures of blueprints, I would forego any teasers too, just as an FU. I hope they don’t even make an announcement and just open the damn thing with zero fanfare and let enthusiasts lose their GD minds for the next eight months.


We won’t lose our minds. We will all be able to see it. Kings Island is in a poor location to hide anything. It’s not secluded by any stretch of the imagination.


We also have this horrible thing called winter, where cold, rain, snow and ice are the norm. It becomes more difficult to get quality concrete in the ground and tough to get projects to go vertical with any speed, since the conditions are an unknown. If they want it open in May 2020, vertical construction will have to start sooner rather than later. Each year it feels like we are into May before winter temps leave and into June before real warmth comes. Cincinnati is starting to seriously lack a Spring and Fall anymore.

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  southpuddle said:
If I were a park and enthusiasts ruined all the excitement by snooping and taking pictures of blueprints, I would forego any teasers too, just as an FU. I hope they don’t even make an announcement and just open the damn thing with zero fanfare and let enthusiasts lose their GD minds for the next eight months.

Nobody was “snooping.” It’s all public record. Kings Island knows exactly what they are doing when they file those blueprints. Besides, the park is LEGALLY REQUIRED to file those blueprints. Go yell at the politicians who made the FOIA if you are really so upset about this.

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  KIEnthusiast said:
  southpuddle said:
If I were a park and enthusiasts ruined all the excitement by snooping and taking pictures of blueprints, I would forego any teasers too, just as an FU. I hope they don’t even make an announcement and just open the damn thing with zero fanfare and let enthusiasts lose their GD minds for the next eight months.

Nobody was “snooping.” It’s all public record. Kings Island knows exactly what they are doing when they file those blueprints. Besides, the park is LEGALLY REQUIRED to file those blueprints. Go yell at the politicians who made the FOIA if you are really so upset about this.


Agreed, when there's a filing for a local government permit like in this case then the documents become a part of the open records law this is how the media is able to get information for news stories and the general public can also request access to anything covered by the open records laws.

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All I’m saying is that if everyone and their grandma (literally based on this thread) already knows exactly what is coming to Kings Island next year because all of the details were discovered (“snooping” or not), I wouldn’t be shocked or disappointed if they decide not to do your precious teaser campaign and focus that energy and money elsewhere.

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Part of me wonders if there weren't already subtle easter eggs or "teasers" (maybe those Christmas posters that were on the walls by Flight of Fear during WinterFest?) that people just missed or wrote off, and the park just said, "Eh, maybe they'll make the connection eventually."


I do kind of hope whatever announcement is coming in August will be less of a full announcement and more of a confirming some of what we already know (e.g. giga coaster is coming) leading to the start of a teaser campaign and a slow roll-out of information.


But they could also do literally no teasers at all (as already mentioned) and people will still know about it and come in droves anyway. And in the end we'll still like the coaster just the same.

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  southpuddle said:
All I’m saying is that if everyone and their grandma (literally based on this thread) already knows exactly what is coming to Kings Island next year because all of the details were discovered (“snooping” or not), I wouldn’t be shocked or disappointed if they decide not to do your precious teaser campaign and focus that energy and money elsewhere.


Apparently for Kings Island the best teaser is to start clearing land. Enthusiasts then go crazy over the stuff you were going to do anyway--file copyrights for names and blueprints with the government. They figure it out and suddenly the news and everyone is going crazy. In one sense, we could see this as the most cost-effective teaser the park has ever done!

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At long last, we have teasers! (Or...something, at least)




Credit - KICentral member Enchanted Voyage Lover


Some things of note...


-20 would be the years that Invertigo/Face/Off has been at the park.


-11 the years FH spent at the park


- The color spectrum on the Firehawk poster represents the colors X-Flight had (green, navy blue), and the red and grey obviously being Firehawk's colors


Other than that, I don't think there's really much here to decipher (nor that really needs deciphering). My guess is that in the days/weeks to come they will put out a sign for each coaster at the park one at a time. Similiar to CP en route to Steel Vengeance announcement

Edited by Intamin_coyote
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Finally rode Diamondback, Banshee and Mystic Timbers. Diamondback was great, fast and fun. Banshee was good, but both times I rode it I came off nauseous and Mystic Timbers was fun.

Edited by ratdogg68
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  Intamin_coyote said:
At long last, we have teasers! (Or...something, at least)




Credit - KICentral member Enchanted Voyage Lover


Some things of note...


-20 would be the years that Invertigo/Face/Off has been at the park.


-11 the years FH spent at the park


- The color spectrum on the Firehawk poster represents the colors X-Flight had (green, navy blue), and the red and grey obviously being Firehawk's colors


Other than that, I don't think there's really much here to decipher (nor that really needs deciphering). My guess is that in the days/weeks to come they will put out a sign for each coaster at the park one at a time. Similiar to CP en route to Steel Vengeance announcement


Not sure I agree... why is there an ECG 12-Lead for a coaster that is dead?


Also, why does it say 11 AZ? Firehawk wasn’t in Action Zone area of the park like Invertigo is- It was in X-base.

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Well there we go! I haven't been to the park for a few weeks, but I'm liking the posters so far. It also reminds me of what CGA did prior to Railblazer being announced. I guess there's now a Flight of Fear poster too? And it looks like that one has a "0," so I'm guessing whoever said the posters will end up spelling "Kings Island 2020" is probably right.

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It’s almost as if enthusiasts should just let parks present us with information as they see fit to create some sense of mystery, and not try to discover every single detail of a new attraction. But that would require patience.

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  southpuddle said:
It’s almost as if enthusiasts should just let parks present us with information as they see fit to create some sense of mystery, and not try to discover every single detail of a new attraction. But that would require patience.


I completely agree. Perfectly said!

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  southpuddle said:
It’s almost as if enthusiasts should just let parks present us with information as they see fit to create some sense of mystery, and not try to discover every single detail of a new attraction. But that would require patience.

The park has literally been teasing the past few days by putting posters on the fence.

But you wouldn't know that by coming on here.

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