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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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  TBpony414 said:
Looking to be a hot day for our first ever trip to Carowinds this Friday so I'm really excited to get some fast rides in. We may need to leave the park for an hour or so during the afternoon and go back to our hotel about 15 mins away. Will we be able to get back in the park using the parking ticket from earlier in the day or will we have to pay to park again? We don't have Cedar Fair passes this year.


No you will not have to pay again. The receipt that they give you will be fine to park when you get back and make sure you get your arm stamped when you leave the park for re-entry back into the park

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  RyanTPM said:
^It's certainly no coincidence that they keep mentioning the number four in all these teasers, definitely to do with the classic flat rides they bought a while back, likely four of them.


But, there are five rides the ride scavengers found for Carowinds next year while in Europe. If the park is only hinting at four, then maybe they’re not opening all five next year. Maybe the fifth ride will be constructed for the 2018 season? I wonder which ride it will be that Carowinds isn't announcing until 2018?

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  ImNotOneOfYou said:
  carolinaman said:
Seems to me it might mean 4 more than the original 5 flats. They are really stressing FOUR MORE. But that's just my thinking.


I like your thinking. If this were the Kings Dominion thread, the four would mean 4 inversions on their new RMC.

The accuracy in this hurts.

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  FSUFanChris said:
They're bringing back Gr8 Sk8. Maybe another water slide. Possibly a big flat (swing or frisbee). And........


If the do bring back Gr8 Sk8, I hope it returns to its former name Guantlet and is operated as it did back then vs the great slow down to meet the height restriction when it was changed to Gr8 Sk8.

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  Johnlloyd said:
  RyanTPM said:
^It's certainly no coincidence that they keep mentioning the number four in all these teasers, definitely to do with the classic flat rides they bought a while back, likely four of them.


But, there are five rides the ride scavengers found for Carowinds next year while in Europe. If the park is only hinting at four, then maybe they’re not opening all five next year. Maybe the fifth ride will be constructed for the 2018 season? I wonder which ride it will be that Carowinds isn't announcing until 2018?



My guess would be that one of them required a bit more refurbishment than the other 4.

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Which plan would be the best for going on rides in what order? I'm going onto Fury 325 first for early entry, but I don't know what to do after that. Obviously Nighthawk and Carolina Cobra should be ridden early due to low capacity, but I'd like to figure out a more specific plan. So here are the rides I want to go on (keep in mind I have 1 full day and 1 morning/early afternoon):


Highest-priority rides (things I must ride): Fury 325, Intimidator, Nighthawk, Afterburn, Carolina Cyclone, Woodstock Gliders.

Medium-priority rides (things I really want to ride): Carolina Cobra, Carolina Goldrusher, WindSeeker, Drop Tower, Scream Weaver, Woodstock Express.

Low-priority rides (things I'd ride with a short line): Hurler, Ricochet, Plants vs. Zombies.

Whatever rides (things I'd ride with no line): Vortex, smaller rides.

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  Vonni said:
  Johnlloyd said:
  RyanTPM said:
^It's certainly no coincidence that they keep mentioning the number four in all these teasers, definitely to do with the classic flat rides they bought a while back, likely four of them.


But, there are five rides the ride scavengers found for Carowinds next year while in Europe. If the park is only hinting at four, then maybe they’re not opening all five next year. Maybe the fifth ride will be constructed for the 2018 season? I wonder which ride it will be that Carowinds isn't announcing until 2018?



My guess would be that one of them required a bit more refurbishment than the other 4.

It's a little confusing. Carowinds wen on record, earlier this year, about getting the rides. So that wouldn't be a secret. Some are saying its 4 more than what they have already stated. Some of the rides have been on site since the beginning of the year.

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I think it is important to point out the park never announced the flat rides. Cedar Fair announced the purchase and where they would go, without a time for when it would occur.


Something could have changed between then and now which might have reduced the number of rides, maybe corporate decided one would be better at another park. I suspect this really is just the park formally announcing four flat rides. Nine flat rides just seems like it is too much.

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  kenban said:
I think it is important to point out the park never announced the flat rides. Cedar Fair announced the purchase and where they would go, without a time for when it would occur.


Something could have changed between then and now which might have reduced the number of rides, maybe corporate decided one would be better at another park. I suspect this really is just the park formally announcing four flat rides. Nine flat rides just seems like it is too much.

I believe the first tease confirmed the 5 flat rides one will be replacing the yo yo I don't think it's nine flats maybe 8 and the slide from knotts and the poster they have in the park sounds like one of them might be very tall not fury tall but probably drop tower tall or around there

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  I Like Theme Parks. said:
Which plan would be the best for going on rides in what order? I'm going onto Fury 325 first for early entry, but I don't know what to do after that. Obviously Nighthawk and Carolina Cobra should be ridden early due to low capacity, but I'd like to figure out a more specific plan. So here are the rides I want to go on (keep in mind I have 1 full day and 1 morning/early afternoon):


Highest-priority rides (things I must ride): Fury 325, Intimidator, Nighthawk, Afterburn, Carolina Cyclone, Woodstock Gliders.

Medium-priority rides (things I really want to ride): Carolina Cobra, Carolina Goldrusher, WindSeeker, Drop Tower, Scream Weaver, Woodstock Express.

Low-priority rides (things I'd ride with a short line): Hurler, Ricochet, Plants vs. Zombies.

Whatever rides (things I'd ride with no line): Vortex, smaller rides.


Knock out Ricochet and Nighthawk early. All other lines are very manageable most days and no strategy is required.

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  kenban said:
Nine flat rides just seems like it is too much.


Too much for Carowinds by itself, perhaps. Cedar Fair parks seem to have a simple way of working it out if a park isn't satisfied with what they have. Just steal another park's additions. Those 4 extra flats were probably headed for parks that deserve more rides or have an anniversary coming up

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  kenban said:
I think it is important to point out the park never announced the flat rides.

Actually the park did go on the news and announced that they will be getting the new vintage flats earlier this year (feb 16th), aside from the news article. They didn't go into specifics though . . .


Check it out HERE . . .

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Does anyone know Carowind's policy about guests with crutches? I want to take my brother from Puerto Rico to Carowinds this weekend but I got hurt several weeks ago and I'm still healing. I have a leg brace and crutches. My leg can easily bend enough to fit in even their most restrictive rides like Nighthawk, but I'm curious as to what they will ask my to do with my crutches. Will they let me leave them on the station platform or will I have to leave them in the car? I can get around without them, just very slowly and it causes me significant discomfort. If anyone can shed some light that would be greatly appreciated!

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^ Your best bet is to contact the park about getting a disability pass. Even if you can walk with crutches, it's not going to be fun to stand in lines with them. There's a bit of paperwork to fill out, but then you can go in the exits without having to physically stand in line. If you get the disability pass, they will make accommodations for you.

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  ytterbiumanalyst said:
^ Your best bet is to contact the park about getting a disability pass. Even if you can walk with crutches, it's not going to be fun to stand in lines with them. There's a bit of paperwork to fill out, but then you can go in the exits without having to physically stand in line. If you get the disability pass, they will make accommodations for you.


I will call the park on my lunch break and inquire about that pass. It would be a massive help.

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Looks like I might be going to Scarowinds on 10/22. I'm assuming a fast lane plus will be necessary? My intentions are as follows:


-Multiple rerides on Fury and Afterburn, with a few honorable mention laps on Intimidator.

-Repeated trips to the beer man so that I have to uber it to and from the park for the 2nd half. Haunts are much better enjoyed sh** faced, rather than slightly buzzed.

-Enjoying all of the creepy/cheesy haunt crap (sh** faced)


On a side note, if we use our platinum passes to stop in on the Friday night before, how packed will the park will be?

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  prozach626 said:
Also, the park website says separate ticket required for Scarowinds. Will my platinum pass still work? We were planning on going during the day and the evening.

I believe you have to buy a separate ticket to Scarowinds. Not quite sure though.

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  prozach626 said:
Also, the park website says separate ticket required for Scarowinds. Will my platinum pass still work? We were planning on going during the day and the evening.


I have a gold pass and it gets me in to Carowinds and SCarowinds on the same day so I would think you will be ok with the platinum.

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