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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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I had my first visit to Carowinds over the past three days. I am absolutely in love with the park. I have zero complaints about the park. The food is fantastic, the atmosphere energetic even on a slow day, operations are unbelievable, and the park is very pretty! It really reminded of what worlds of fun would be like if Cedar Fair didn't neglect it so much. I really have nothing to complain about.


Operations are unbelievable on their major rides! Fury 325 was running all three trains even though it was a walk on. Towards the end of the day, there is a certain group of operators that can get all three trains out on the ride! They averaged 25 second dispatches. It was great. We did asks go front seat for our first ride, and was told to let people in front of us first, then we got to go to the front row. Fury 325 was amazing! The ride itself is my new #3. It probably would've been higher, but I found the ride to have a strange rattle that kinda gave me a headache. It's not rough or unbearable at all, but I found Intimidator to be way smoother. Fury had just what I wanted in a coaster. When you factor in the entire ride experience, like the beautiful lighting and super hyped up ride crew, it became what I would consider the coolest coaster I've been on. Kinda hard to explain what I'm saying no there.


Those Woodstock gliders were a ton of fun to snap on! I did notice that some of the vehicle's wings couldn't move as far as other ones. Number 3 specifically, it wouldn't allow me to point the fin inwards much at all. My favorite vehicle was number 4 because it moved far in both directions.


Overall, Carowinds became my favorite amusement park I have been to. I'm interested to see how that holds up, because I am going to Dollywood today.

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I know what you're talking about. It's not glass smooth, but I just felt like that was the consequence of hauling so much ass. If you don't have a headache, it's not an issue what so ever. I'm kind of headache prone from roller coasters, like you. I didn't let it bother me, though. I slammed 600mg of ibuprofen and grabbed a soda, which I rarely drink. Caffeine + Ibuprofen = Headache killer. I then continued to ride the hell out of it until I had no choice but to realize Fury325 is the best coaster I've ever ridden.

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So I'll be going to Carowinds Sunday with my wife and one of her friends. Her friend said the last park she went to was Busch Gardens years ago and Verbolten was the biggest ride she went on. She was too freaked out to ride Apollo. However, she said she would do everything with us on this trip. Could be interesting...

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So I'll be going to Carowinds Sunday with my wife and one of her friends. Her friend said the last park she went to was Busch Gardens years ago and Verbolten was the biggest ride she went on. She was too freaked out to ride Apollo. However, she said she would do everything with us on this trip. Could be interesting...


Your wife's friend said she would do everything with you guys. Your in the green my friend!!!!!

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I'm not excited about the teaser. Sure, there could be a few improvements with this park, but with a 325 foot piece of perfection just a couple years ago how exciting can this announcement be? Things are starting to be a little over-teased. It's kind of like being with your wife for ten years and you've pretty much 'done it' all. Then she teases some big announcement that she's going to give you the opportunity to go to 2nd base next year... Well that's great babe, but was it really worth all of the self perpetuated anticipation?


I'm sure guy can chime on on this...

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I'm not excited about the teaser. Sure, there could be a few improvements with this park, but with a 325 foot piece of perfection just a couple years ago how exciting can this announcement be? Things are starting to be a little over-teased. It's kind of like being with your wife for ten years and you've pretty much 'done it' all. Then she teases some big announcement that she's going to give you the opportunity to go to 2nd base next year... Well that's great babe, but was it really worth all of the self perpetuated anticipation?


I'm sure guy can chime on on this...

I'm kinda with you on this. I understand why they'd still make a big deal out of it--that's what the marketing department is for, right? But yeah, sometimes just sell it as it is.



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Even with something as exciting as KI's new coaster, they still keep teasing it so hard despite the plans even being released to the local news media. It's a little late in the game to be showing a truck full of wood on your twitter and expecting us to scratch our heads. The people who are really excited to know about this coaster (enthusiasts) pretty much known it's going to be a wooden GCI coaster. Unless they throw us a major curve ball, we pretty much know everything about the coaster except the name and what color trains they'll be using.


As a disclaimer, before any media hype fanboys get upset, I'm not trying to complain. At this point it just makes me laugh a little.

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People get excited about rides, people get excited about coasters, people get excited about water slides. Regardless of fury, not everyone likes or ride coasters. Getting 5 rides is a huge, big deal. Especially at one time. That is almost doubling the current ride line up. I say tease the hell out of it, make a big deal out of it because it is a big deal. This is geared at families. The bread and butter of theme and amusement parks. I, for one, love when parks tease. If it weren't for teasers these boards would be pretty dead

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I just had my first visit to the park yesterday and was very impressed. The park was immaculate and the operations were fantastic (2-3 trains on all coasters, fast dispatches). My only wish is that the park had more shade since it was almost 100 out. Onto the rides:


Afterburn (4X, 9 out of 10)- I was really looking forward to this invert and wasn't disappointed. The ride's pacing was very good and I particularly loved the batwing. My one complaint with the ride was the final corkscrew, which gave a really strong jolt to the head. Other than that, the ride was perfectly smooth.


Nighthawk (2X, 8 out of 10)- I'm glad I had a Fast Lane since this easily had the slowest moving line in the park. Some of the transitions from lying to flying were bumpy, but the intensity was higher than a B&M flyer. I'll still take a B&M flyer for its comfort, but Nighthawk had a better layout with the vertical loop and corkscrews.


Ricochet (1X, 6 out of 10)- Pretty average mouse. I like the Mack models best. The first series of hairpin turns didn't have much braking, but they do slow the train down a bit before the second half.


Fury 325 (11X, 10 out of 10)- Fury was amazing an my new number one since it had the intensity of an Intamin with the comfort of a B&M, whose hyper trains are the most comfortable seats out there. The ride is relentless from start to finish. The first drop goes on forever and I floated the entire way down, probably the best drop I've experienced. The first half's directional changes are crazy and I especially love the turnaround's dive, which created some unique lateral floating air. The second half's airtime hills gave some powerful sustained air time. I just wish this coaster was closer to me up north.


Hurler (2X, 6 out of 10)- In the front seat, Hurler was pretty good. The ride was smooth other than the low turns and the bunny hills gave some small pops of air. The back seat was considerably bumpier and had less air.


Carolina Cyclone (1X, 5 out of 10)- These Arrow trains seemed more cramped than usual. The first drop was great and the vertical loops were powerful, but the second half was quite uncomfortable during the corkscrew and helixes.


Carolina Goldrusher (1X, 5 out of 10)- I really liked this mine train's layout. Not too wild, but the ride had some decent tunnels. The final transition before the brake run is a doozy though.


Carolina Cobra (1X, 6 out of 10)- One of the better boomerangs I've been on thanks to the restraints.


Vortex (2X, 3 out of 10)- I hate the B&M stand up seats. They're very uncomfortable and I wouldn't be upset if they all got Rougarou treatment. The loops had good forces, but these are just too painful on my legs.


Intimidator (3X, 9 out of 10)- This one surprised me in a good way. I had heard "Intrimidator" didn't have much airtime due to the trims. While the trims did slow the vehicle at points, the ride still had a lot of good floating air time on every hill. Probably the worst of the B&M hypers I've ridden (Apollo, Nitro, Behemoth) due to the trims but still a good, fun ride.


Flying Ace Aerial Chase (1X, 2 out of 10)- Ouch. This is barely better than it's big brother SLCs but this one has terrible transitions too.


Woodstock Express (1X, 5 out of 10)- Good junior woodie with some tiny pops of air.


The rapids ride was a letdown, as I came off dry on a 100 degree day. I loved Windseeker (amazing views) ane Drop Tower (great drop as usual from Intamin). The flyers (Woodstock Express) are very snappable and the operator encouraged riders to keep getting higher! I had my tub stall and drop at one point where people off ride feared for my life.


The two dark rides were nice. Boo Blasters was a pretty average Sally dark ride but the AC was a standout. Plants vs. Zombies was much better than expected. I loved the competitive element and the combination of shooting and motion simulation.


One final note. For anyone who plans to go to the park without a car, make sure you stay at the Comfort Inn on the park side. The "street" the park is located on is a 6 lane highway without a crosswalk. I found that out when I stayed at the Best Western and needed an Uber to cross the street.

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Went to the park yesterday. Yet again it was extremely hot. That chased away the crowds, but it was a pretty rough day for the coasters. Fury was down as much as it was up. I saw that the mine train was stuck on the first lift most of the day. Cobra was down a bit mid-day. Intimidator went down around the time we left at 5. Everything was a walk-on, but the heat was taking its toll on the rides. When some of the big rides go down, it really shows their glaring lack of flats... a welcome addition for next year. Got several re-rides on the big 3 and the next highlights of the day were the Woodstock Gliders and Cirque Imagine. This is my second time seeing it, and I just want to add my voice to the crowd saying it is a fantastic show.


P.S. You get really wet on White Water Canyon. More so than on their rapids ride and with a shorter line.

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Also, I meant to add... Aside from Fury being down for a bit of the day Sunday, it was not having a great day otherwise. It was running kinda rough through the 'S' curves. It wasn't rough like a vibration or a rattle, but instead more like a shakiness. I could see in some of the transitions my lapbar shaking back and forth somewhat forcefully. It was noticeable through some other parts of the ride but mainly the first third. This being said, all of my rides were in the same area and same side of the train. I didn't pay any attention to if it was the same train every time. I hope Sunday was an anomaly and not indicative on how it will age.

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Well given the fact that every single B&M hyper giga ever built is butter smooth except for people that are complete p*ssies I'm sure it'll be fine. Also Fury? Rough? I have 2 theories.


One is that you're a p*ssy. The other (and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, I don't know you ) is that the ride needs a wheel replaced. Nitro can get a bad shake when this happens but they switch it out and it's good as new. The only difference is that Carowinds will probably be on top of things and switch it quickly. At Great Adventure it takes months before they do anything about it and we just learn what trains and rows to avoid.

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^ IDK what you are talking about. Sunday night Fury was hauling ass I rode it about 10x just for that reason. The high speed warning light was flashing on the control panel meaning the trims were not engaging as hard as they should have.

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^ IDK what you are talking about. Sunday night Fury was hauling A$$ I rode it about 10x just for that reason. The high speed warning light was flashing on the control panel meaning the trims were not engaging as hard as they should have.


Luckily I have never noticed the trims on fury.

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Well given the fact that every single B&M hyper giga ever built is butter smooth except for people that are complete p*ssies I'm sure it'll be fine. Also Fury? Rough? I have 2 theories.


One is that you're a p*ssy. The other (and I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, I don't know you ) is that the ride needs a wheel replaced. Nitro can get a bad shake when this happens but they switch it out and it's good as new. The only difference is that Carowinds will probably be on top of things and switch it quickly. At Great Adventure it takes months before they do anything about it and we just learn what trains and rows to avoid.


You know what they say, you are what you eat. No, I've played hockey in the south (redneck hockey) all my life so I can take it. I'm not saying it was not tolerable or that it was painful or anything. I have rode it several times over the season and was really surprised by how it rode. Like I said, not rough, just shaky in the transitions which is why I thought it was strange. I was assuming it was a wheel as you could hear it, just seeing if anyone else has had a similar experience.

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I assume you're talking to defrocker?


Anyway the oppressive heat is probably going to cause a lot of coasters to run over speed. It's a great week for coaster riding in the eastern U.S.


Yeah, Had some hot days at both Carowinds and Hershey. Fantastic time to be riding.

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I assume you're talking to defrocker?


Anyway the oppressive heat is probably going to cause a lot of coasters to run over speed. It's a great week for coaster riding in the eastern U.S.

Yea I was. I guess we posted at the same time and yours beat mine to the board. lol

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^ IDK what you are talking about. Sunday night Fury was hauling A$$ I rode it about 10x just for that reason. The high speed warning light was flashing on the control panel meaning the trims were not engaging as hard as they should have.


I would liked to have gotten some more rides in that evening (like you said, for that reason), but had to get home while it was down that evening. Glad to hear you had some great rides.

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Looking to be a hot day for our first ever trip to Carowinds this Friday so I'm really excited to get some fast rides in. We may need to leave the park for an hour or so during the afternoon and go back to our hotel about 15 mins away. Will we be able to get back in the park using the parking ticket from earlier in the day or will we have to pay to park again? We don't have Cedar Fair passes this year.

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