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Carowinds Discussion Thread

P. 418: Camp Snoopy expansion announced including new family coaster

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I don't how I left it out when I was thinking of it, but yes I think it maybe some midway overhauling in the county fair section or even along the area of where Cobra is the RFD section. As for Vortex it is a stretch to think it will happen this year considering CA is "suppose" to convert their's for 2017.


I still think it would be a lot less expensive to convert them to regular sit downs vs converting them to floorless trains.

Less expensive, maybe. Possible from an engineering perspective? I don't know.

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I get the feeling (and I selfishly hope) that they wouldn't bother with an investment like that for Vortex and just leave it be. I know there was talk of such a conversion around the time Mantis was being redressed- any word since?

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It would certainly make the ride more tolerable, but I don't see that in the future for Vortex.


I agree. Vortex is much more mediocre than Mantis was. It's probably not worth putting the money into the ride. Rougarou didn't even seem all that popular on my last trip to CP.

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It would certainly make the ride more tolerable, but I don't see that in the future for Vortex.


I agree. Vortex is much more mediocre than Mantis was. It's probably not worth putting the money into the ride. Rougarou didn't even seem all that popular on my last trip to CP.

Rougarou was a walk on/station wait while Millennium was 45 minutes, just for some perspective from last week.


That said, it's still an infinitely better ride as a floorless but if the ride isn't exciting or painful than it may not add much value to the experience at all. Mantis was probably a rare case where it made sense to do it, even if it doesn't seem really popular.

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I agree. I really enjoyed the Rougarou, but it was so overshadowed by my desire to ride Millennium Force and Magnum that we only rode it once. It would probably be much more well received at most other parks, which is my general opinion on most of the coasters at CP...

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I don't think Vortex will get the floorless conversion until it's relocated to Dorney or MIA. That area could be better used by something new to compete with Fury


Is a Vortex relocation a rumor I haven't heard of? You say that with confidence.

Not only that, but does Dorney really need another floorless?

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I don't think Vortex will get the floorless conversion until it's relocated to Dorney or MIA. That area could be better used by something new to compete with Fury


Dorney has Hydra so no need for another B&M floorless, hoping that was a joke!


However, I always thought that Vortex being moved to MIA and converted to floorless for that park would be perfect. The GP would eat it up, only the enthusiast crowd would complain.


There would be quite a decent plot of land for another, bigger B&M (flyer, winged or floorless). Or hopefully we could see a nice sit down Mack looper like Blue Fire come to the states!

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However, I always thought that Vortex being moved to MIA and converted to floorless for that park would be perfect. The GP would eat it up, only the enthusiast crowd would complain.


I hated Vortex when I rode it last year (no, I'm not saying that too strongly), however, if they converted it to a Floorless coaster, and brought it to MiA, I would love it! That would be a fabulous addition for MiA, and yes, would free up a great footprint at Carowinds for a more deserving coaster!

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I don't know that Carowinds needs another coaster for several years. I'd honestly rather see more gentle attractions added to the park, with the lack of a train or a flume. Although I didn't care for it much, Plants Vs. Zombies was a step in the right direction. The park is missing a lot of rides that provide a calming break from thrill rides. Hell, I'd rather have a large ferris wheel, antique cars, or some kind of a 'let's take a break' attraction.


I highly doubt Vortex is going anywhere or changing at all, but talking about it will undoubtedly create some self perpetuated false rumor.

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^Meh... I actually thought Carowinds was already bereft of many truly "thrilling" coasters. Fury, obviously fits the bill, and Intimidator and Afterburn do as well. But I can't say I was honestly too "thrilled" on any of the other coasters... Nighthawk is, technically, a thrill ride (well, technically, all roller coasters are "thrill rides"). Suffice it to say that I'm not under any illusion that Vortex in any form is coming to MiA, but the removal of Vortex someday, to make way for a more "thrilling" coaster wouldn't surprise me.

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I actually agree a little bit with both of you. They're adding some much needed flat rides next year which is good, because aside from Plants vs Zombies and Boo Blasters (which are mediocre but at least they get you out of the heat and are mildly entertaining), the one flats I really ever bother with are Windseeker, Southern Star and maybe the Enterprise. I'd love to see them keep adding flats, something like Delirium at KD would be a very welcome sight.


The coaster selection drops off a lot after the big three and they can correct that down the road but the one glaring thing that this park needs is a Log Flume. It's way too hot not to have a water ride that gets you wet without soaking you to the bone. I generally find splash boats and rapids to be an unpleasant level of soaking. I have no doubt that a flume would be incredibly popular at Carowinds.

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I'd like to see them get rid of Vortex and maybe put in a Tempesto clone or something launched. Something like that would bring me back in a heartbeat.


edit* but then again, they might not want to with BGW sort of close by.

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The coaster selection drops off a lot after the big three and they can correct that down the road but the one glaring thing that this park needs is a Log Flume. It's way too hot not to have a water ride that gets you wet without soaking you to the bone. I generally find splash boats and rapids to be an unpleasant level of soaking. I have no doubt that a flume would be incredibly popular at Carowinds.


I hear that Cedar Point just so happens to have a "slightly used" flume that they'd surely be willing to send to Carowinds!!


In all seriousness though, I feel a flume is near the top of the "what Carowinds could use to round out their rides" list. I actually also think a large sized ferris wheel is another one, behind the flume of course. I tend to agree with prozach on this one that they don't really need a new coaster until after they round out the park's flats first. I mean, they still have THREE fairly world-class coasters, and not a lot of parks can even say that. Once they round out the flats (and next year is a great start in that regard!), maybe a modern wooden coaster would be next up for them.


That all said, I just need to get back there and check out Fury!! I have a feeling that it is definitely my kind of coaster!!

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I have thought that they are lacking a launched coaster. I hope they install one down the road, but I do think it will be several years. I wish I could say that I love the park, but honestly, I love 3 rides. They do need to round that out, and I think Cedar Fair is tapping the flat ride vein first while Fury pays the bills.

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Don't misunderstand me, I don't think MIA will get Vortex, also not trying to start a delusional rumor. lol I just feel the way Carowinds is trying to grow, it would make more sense IMO to remove Vortex and ship it off to MIA and do the conversion and replace it with something larger with better capacity.

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People of NC seem to love Vortex for some reason. I picture Vortex at CGA leaving well before the one at Carowinds. Carowinds is a couple of flats and a log flume away from being a contender. I went for the first time last year and found 4 coasters worthy of rerides and only a handful of flats. Fury, Nighthawk, Afterburn and I232. Give it a full throttle style ride and a flume and ill gladly come back!

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I've said it before and I'll say it again. I hate every other standup coaster but I legitimately enjoy Vortex. It's not a "must-ride" but I have zero complaints about the ride and have fun every time I ride it.


Is there a row you recommend for the most fun, and are there required defensive riding positions? I may have followed your advice on MS last month and may or may not have had a blast, so much so that possibly took several spins on it.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again. I hate every other standup coaster but I legitimately enjoy Vortex. It's not a "must-ride" but I have zero complaints about the ride and have fun every time I ride it.


Is there a row you recommend for the most fun, and are there required defensive riding positions? I may have followed your advice on MS last month and may or may not have had a blast, so much so that possibly took several spins on it.


I don't think it's a thing you can brace for, I think it's all about height / body type. That seems to be the consensus on standups. I like it but your mileage may vary. I do like the front "seat" though. I like the fact that Vortex is such a short ride, most standups become an endurance contest. Usually the drop and loop are great and then it all goes to hell. This one is short and sweet.


Oh and speaking of the Mean Streak trick... it also applies on Hurler at Carowinds.

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When I rode Vortex in 2015, I was surprised that I found it be rather enjoyable. I was in the front row and I'm 6'2" with a thin build, so those are probably factors. My experience was a lot closer to Georgia Scorcher (which is right up there with Riddler's Revenge for best stand-up in existence) than the pitiful Vortex at CGA. It seems like B&M must have refined their transitions from CGA's Vortex in '91 to the Carowinds Vortex in '92 as both coasters have the same elements.

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Funny you should mention Georgia Scorcher. Although I only got one ride on it, it was the only standup I've ever ridden that I wanted to ride it again. It was very smooth and whippy.


As far as Carowinds only having three really good rides, that's actually one of the strange things I like about the park. It makes it easier for me to divide my attention up among a few really good rides. It also makes it easier for me to appreciate those rides. Even at Cedar Point I was mostly concerned with spending my time between Maverick and Millennium Force. It made decent coasters like Rator, Rougarou, Valraven, Dragster, and Gatekeeper less appreciated. I'm too simple minded to divide my attention up between that many attractions.

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Oh and speaking of the Mean Streak trick... it also applies on Hurler at Carowinds.


Funny you should say that. I remember not outright hating Hurler when I rode it in 2014, and now that I think about it, I'd probably attribute it to riding in the front row. Definitely elevated the experience to "moderately forgettable".

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Regarding Carowinds getting a Flume, maybe that's where CF is going to send RFYLCB after they take it out of KI for the 2017 GCI woodie!


I abhorred Vortex. And yes, I know what that word means, and no, I didn't use it inappropriately there! To each their own though... I'm just saying I'd gladly ride Green Lantern again, before riding Vortex again... *ducks*

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