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Kennywood (KW) Discussion Thread

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LOL you guys. Those supports are as yellow as the yellow of everyone's text on here, only that one last photo makes the supports look orange. The supports are definitely yellow.

Hah. I figured it had to be a filter. Looked way better in orange, though...

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LOL you guys. Those supports are as yellow as the yellow of everyone's text on here, only that one last photo makes the supports look orange. The supports are definitely yellow.

Hah. I figured it had to be a filter. Looked way better in orange, though...


For a second I thought you were saying there was a new word filter involving yellow supports, and I got really confused

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I was gunna say there's no way it would be orange, the entire point of this ride, which is part of a whole new area, is the Steelers, so it has to be yellow lol Ugly or not and Im no Steelers fan it kinda has to be black and yellow

But nice wishful thinking ha

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Interesting little tid bit from Kennywood's Facebook. They are starting all new team members out at $1.40 more per hour and giving all other employees a raise. I am assuming they were not being paid too, too well before. But $1.40 is a fairly significant increase honestly. I'm sure it won't be a complete game changer for operations or anything. but it is certainly a sign of the park's success.

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Here is a comparison of last year's rates and this year's rates. I think they probably had to do something after all of the issues with being short staffed last year and to be competitive with other businesses in the area. (Lifeguards and bartenders are in reference to Sandcastle Waterpark and Idlewild).



2018 Pay Rates



2019 Pay Rates

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Here is a comparison of last year's rates and this year's rates. I think they probably had to do something after all of the issues with being short staffed last year and to be competitive with other businesses in the area. (Lifeguards and bartenders are in reference to Sandcastle Waterpark and Idlewild).






Wait, so they paid children less than minimum wage? I know its rural Pennsylvania, but how is that legal?

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Wait, so they paid children less than minimum wage? I know its rural Pennsylvania, but how is that legal?


There is a exemption from minimum wage for recreational and seasonal businesses. Whether someone is for it or against it, it is the current law on the books. However, just a couple hours up the road we operate in the same way, and the lowest paying jobs for 14-15 year olds have by far the most applicants. Go figure.

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I know its rural Pennsylvania

You should go to Kennywood sometime! Pittsburgh is a great city, and it's so fun getting off the multi-lane freeway and being an an amusement park right in the middle of it, with those millions of Pittsburghers around you and the skyscrapers off to your left.

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Very cool


A local friend said he heard its not likely to open until July. I never am one to trust "word on the street" esp just regular (non insider) people so anyone have any word? I was planning to go in June after Coastermania and theres no other time, so if it wont be open then I may nix KW

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