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Robb Alvey's 30lbs in 30 days!


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Yeah a lot of people say I don't look my weight. Elissa says I 'hold it well', which is why, for example, in this photo:

I weighed about 215, but no one could ever believe it!


I don't know if it's the angle or what, but I can't even recognize you in that picture.


I'm sure I've seen other wedding pics where you look much more like you do now. So not sure what's different about this one.


Good luck with this!

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Robb, you have the incentives to lose weight very close to you. The two loving females in your life, And I'm not talking about about food and beer!


Remember The Simpsons episode when Homer gets stuck in the water slide at Splash Mountain? DON'T let that be you.


All the best on losing the weight. It's not a diet, change your lifestyle habits. Stick with it. Reading here, there's heaps of support.

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I challenge you to see who can lose more weight. If you win you pay for dinner for Me and Kristie. If I win I'll pay for dinner for you and Ellisa. Or we can wager something else if you have any ideas.





Bob "212lbs" Hoffman

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^I'll throw in my "Good Luck" as well.. and also "that's not healthy"..


But the best advice I can give is that not to treat your diet and exercise program as such. If it becomes something you like to do, you will stick to it and keep the weight off. To keep it off permanently it becomes a lifestyle change. So you'll have to learn to balance your diet with the amusement park fare. For example you'll work out around your trips because you know the food isn't going to be too healthy for you.... and when you get back home, you slowly work your way back into your program.


I think I stuck to my program so long because I view it as a hobby or stress release. Also I like the cute clothes I can buy now.


I saw my best friend a month back after he lost 100lbs... he got lots of encouragement from his gym and he loves shopping now. He's so skinny now compared to what he was a year and a half ago.


Also try to eat smaller meals several times a day... about 5 or 6... you don't have to starve yourself... you'll have better results with that because you're training your body to eat smaller portions and your body only metabolizes so much at a time, so you can actually lose more weight this way... also working out in the morning before you eat helps burn more calories too.


Good luck again,



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Robb - I got to be honest. Everyone says you hold your weight well but I think they are just kissing butt. I thought you were fat when I hung out with you in Spain, Kennywood and Florida.


TPR Biggest Loser would be a good idea, but we all know Big Mike would easily win. Not because he has a lot to lose or anything, but just because he is a born winner.

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Guys, while I do appreciate all the help and everything, keep in mind this isn't something new to me. I've done this before and kept the weight off. I lost a little over 100 lbs back in 2001, and really it's just been this past year where I've had some difficulty. I put back on about 35 lbs of that.


Between the "baby weight" (those of you who's wives had kids you know what I mean), and basically being on vacation from June to September didn't help either.


I know what works for me because I've proven that I can lose the weight and keep it off. But every once in a while you do need to re-focus to keep things in check.


And I'm not anywhere NEAR "Homer getting stuck in a slide!!!" I mean, even at my biggest there wasn't a single roller coaster I didn't fit on!!!


I just need to get back in shape to where I was a year ago, that's all. Help give me support, but with all due respect, please don't try to push certain methods on me, I know how to get there!



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I'll join you Robb........I was doing really well for a while, down from 280 to 235, but then have gained 10 back since I came back from Spain.


I need the incentive to be good, because I get lazy about keeping on track otherwise.


This was exactly the same for me, in Spain I literally just ate junk food and then kept doing it when I went home.

I remember talking to Robb about it at HHN so I will now try to lose that weight also, though I have never really been any good at doing it. I'm too lazy. The pool party pictures did make me think though!

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I just need to get back in shape to where I was a year ago, that's all. Help give me support, but with all due respect, please don't try to push certain methods on me, I know how to get there!


That would be probably the best incentive of them all for me: To prove all the skeptics wrong


As for the swimming, robb is 100% point on, it can get really boring. And after all, having fun in doing sport is a must for me.

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We're in, with you! I gained 35 pounds with this pregnancy, and I think my husband gained about the same (he's going to weigh in, tomorrow.)


I lost 15 pounds with delivery, but I was 15 pounds overweight to start, so that leaves me with the full 35 pounds to take off.


After 9 months of pregnancy, I'm highly motivated to get in shape, again. My current goal is to lose 15 pounds over the next 5 weeks, before I go back to work, and then the final 20 more slowly, over the next 3 months or so.


Good luck!

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I didn't lose nearly the weight in spain that I did in England. Course Spain does not close down their country at 10:00. My weight does fine while i am coaching the kids at my middle school. the problem starts once those seasons stop and I keep eating the same way. I am working on being no more than 185 when we head to Europe.


Good luck Robb


Rich "It would be a lot easier if Mountain Dew didn't taste so sweet on the lips" Bitner.

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Hey Robb!


Best of luck, but I will share that fast weight loss (especially with men) is easy...keeping it off is hard. I have personally lost 30lbs in the past year with just cutting back, moving around a little more, etc. and have not gained back because I haven't deprived myself.


I think it's great you are working on it.... hang in there and take it a day at a time!



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Day 1 -


So here's how my day went yesterday.....Woke up around 7:45, had to go down to our apt complex leasing center to rent out the club house for our xmas party and had to deal with this incredibly bitchy woman, but that's another story.


Got back to the apt around 9:30, had my breakfast of a Power Bar.


Went to work around 10ish. Started my day with a couple of cups of coffee. We have one of those "Flavia"machines which makes AWESOME "Milky Way" flavored coffee. It's amazing!


Made Nintendo DS games.


Went to the smoothie place just before lunch time and had a smoothie which held me through lunch.


Around 3pm went to 7-11 had a snack of a Frozen Coke....YUM!!!!


Came home around 6:00 - had a couple glasses of non-fat chocolate milk.


Elissa and I went to dinner at our local Indian restaurant Karama with Dan, Joey, Jahan, Mike, and Ryan. Had a nice plate of Chiken Tikka (I usually get bread and rice, but skipped it this time...not because it's carbs or anything silly like that, just because it's a lot of food that I didn't really need!)


Came home, had a few Otter Pops before bed, and that was it!


My weigh in this morning? 260!


- 4 pounds from the day before.


So what changed?


Lately, I've been in the habit of eating a LOT more crap. At our office, the guys usually go to lunch every day, and they go to REALLY heavy places. Chipotle, In-N-Out Burger, Friday's, etc. So I pretty much have decided to cut out big lunches and go for a smoothie.


I also would snack a lot more during the day since the company makes available all kinds of snacks - chips, candy, etc, etc. No more of that.


I would also eat a LOT more at dinner. Like I said, my normal dinner at Karma would be a curry based chicken (the sauces are VERY fattening) with saffron rice and garlic naan bread. It's a LOT of food. So I settled for a very lean, all white meat Chicken Tikka last night. And yeah, I had quite a few poppadums too!


I kept any snacks "liquid" based. Stuff that would go through me very quickly. My snacks of Frozen Coke and Otter Pops are also very low calorie. Turns out a 32 oz. Frozen Coke is less calories than 2 12-ounce cans of coke!


I know that if I totally cut out things that I like, as soon as I'm off my diet I'll put that weight right back on because I'll go back to eating those things again.


So what I'm doing now is training myself to not really change what I eat, but alter my eating habits so I:


- Don't snack all the time.

- Eat just a *little* bit less at each meal.

- Try not to eat after 8:00pm

- Exercise a bit more.


Yesterday I didn't get a chance to play DDR or go to the gym, it was just too busy of a day and we had people over at night. I'll get to the gym tonight, though.


Anyway, that's day 1!




Getting sick of seeing my hairy feet yet?

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Awesome Robb! Keep it up!


I must say, I have never been in to drinking Diet Coke, but a few friends and family members have long tried to get me to. They claimed it tastes the same (BS, right). Well, I finally decided to start drinking to see if my tastes adjusted. Sure enough, a few weeks later, I started realizing that I actually liked the taste of Diet Coke. Yeah, you have to deal with drinking crap for a few weeks, but your tastes really do adjust to a point where it tastes about the same, at least for me it did. Just a little thing to think about if you're a big Coke drinker. But again, awesome Robb! Keep us updated!

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^The thing to be careful about all soda though is that our bodies are starting to be fooled into thinking that the chemicals in diet soda are sugar! And for a lot of people that have been drinking diet soda for years, they are starting to gain weight!


Seriously, cut out all soda and you'll drop 5 pounds fast!


That being said, I'm off to go get a caffene free Coke!

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Good luck with this Robb. I have actually started to gain a little weight now that all I do is sit on my butt at work and stare at a computer. Before when I worked at Pizza Port and ate aand drank all the time there you would think I would have gained weight there but no. I ran around a lot at my old job and usually smelled like beer, pizza, and sweat when I came home. Now, I come home and I feel lazy. I think when I get my Wii I will play the boxing game and some dancing game to get me back in shape.


Anyway, good luck Robb. Maybe you should try the "Spartan 300 Workout". My roommate could only do that for a week and he used to be a marine.

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Seriously, cut out all soda and you'll drop 5 pounds fast!

That's the first thing I did. Eventually it worked its way back into my diet, but for someone who usually drinks 4-6 cans of coke in a day, that was an easy way to lose weight!


I think the rest of my weight loss just came from decreasing my portions! I eat just as many times as I used to (meaning all day) but in smaller quantities. Go Robb!!

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Cutting soda is deffinatly a good way to cut some weight. Plus it's pretty easy to get over not drinking it. I haven't drank pop since as long as I can remember. I drink water and an occasional gatorade or lemonade. Pop honestly takes horrible after you get used to water. Plus water is a lot healthier on the wallet.

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Robb, best wishes on your goal. I think it is definately attainable, especially if you've done it before. I am completely using the East Coast trip to do lots of things that I have been putting off. Losing weight, actually going to a doctor to get my headaches under control, and getting in some kind of shape before we start the marathon of parks!


Everybody is on my case about how I should go about the weight loss and such...I also appreciate support, but basically I look at it that I am an adult..I know what I need to do for me to get there, just tell me how good I look as I work toward that goal!


So, I'm interested in watching your progress and I'm going to start keeping better track of mine...but I'm not posting any pictures of my feet on the scales!! Even though there is decidly less hair involved.

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As far as swimming goes, I wish I liked swimming more because that would probably be GREAT for me. But really the only swimming I would ever do is probably in a water park. Doing any kind of monotonous exercise bores the hell out of me.


I swam 2-3 times a week for three years, and yeah it is awesome exercise - but it's also claw-your-own-eyes-out boring. I'm sure I'll get back into swimming again in a few years, but I don't think anyone considers it 'fun'.


What about cycling, Robb? Can you ride to work?



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About time fat a$$! lol Sounds ambitious, but I'm really excited to see the progress. Much luck to you and everyone else going for less of themselves or more in those rare occasions...




I started going to the gym about two weeks ago and I can already see the difference in me, now if I could just cut out the crap I eat (which is fattening free home cooked Mexican food everyday ) I could drop even faster.


Can't wait to see less of you and those gorilla feet.

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