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About moinab

  • Birthday 07/28/1968

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  1. My race is $50, and the race director is picking me up at the airport and letting me stay at his house. Ok, so he's an old friend, from my hometown.
  2. Just registered for a trail marathon, in Massachusetts, in September. The 50 mile ultra, last year, had over 9000 feet of climbing. The marathon is a new addition, this year, but should have at least half that amount. Considering my average elevation change, here, is about 17 feet - this should be interesting! http://hancockshakervillage.org/programs-events/hancock-shaker-village-50/
  3. Not interested. I did the unofficial Dopey in 2011. Adding in a 10K just doesn't do anything for me. I'm looking at the inaugural Celebration Marathon, instead.
  4. Oh yeah, that would have caused more problems than it was worth! I'll try to get them down to Orlando, this summer, if you have any down time between tours.
  5. D'oh! I wish it had occurred to me that you'd be going to Adventure Landing - I would have sent Todd over, with the kids, to see KT. He brings the kids there, all the time. We're only a few miles away. (The intracoastal bridge, right next to it, is where I do all of my hill running!) Glad you had fun, anyway!
  6. We've done the Sally tour, a couple of times, on field trips with our kids. Everywhere you look, in there, there is something cool to see! And the staff is completely awesome (including one of our neighbors, who works for Sally.) And I completely agree with Chuck - more parks need Sally dark rides!!!!!
  7. I used to drive by Sally every day, on my way to work, when I was at St. Vincent's. The building does stick out, in the surroundings,with the bright colors, but it doesn't give away anything of the wonders inside. Chris - I didn't even read the sign. That's hilarious! Adventure Landing is actually on my way to Mayo, and yet, I've never been on the Wacky Worm.
  8. 'The Sally Corp tour really is awesome, for all theme park fans. There's something fascinating, everywhere you look, in there, and the staff is great!
  9. Some oversized puppets, Mickey and Minnie, and a banner across the road.
  10. I thought the course changes sucked. I absolutely hated the WWOS section, and very much missed the run through Epcot, at the beginning, that they used to have. Either way, you still have the long run from MK to AK, and the long run down Osceola, from AK to Studios. That part is almost identical. (Previously, there was an out and back turnaround, slightly before WWOS, on Osceola.) It didn't "fix" anything, but removed one of my favorite parts. I was meh about the run around the race track. It was ok. The mile 20 spectacular was lame, but I expected that, so I wasn't disappointed. They definitely overhyped it. I was also dumping full cups of water down my back, at every water station, starting around mile 15 or 16. I was not in the best shape, having missed most of my training, the past month, so I was happy with my 4:33:47. Going to try for a 4:15, next month, at 26.2 with Donna, if the weather cooperates. The humidity was nasty. My glasses kept fogging up, for the first 14 miles. Never had that happen, before!
  11. I'm also in corral B, with the Runner's World Challenge, but I've also had injury issues and am coming off a sinus infection, this past week, so I've downscaled my goals, and am hoping for 4:30 - 4:40. I'm not getting too excited about the mile 20 "spectacular." It's in the baseball stadium, so I'm hoping it's not just running past a Jumbotron, like the DL Half.
  12. Joey - in 2011, when I did the Goofy, I left my hotel for the 1/2 at 3:50AM. Traffic was backed up on World Drive, all the way back to 192. It took close to an hour, to get into the Epcot parking lot. I headed straight for the starting line, and got caught up in a sea of humanity, slowly making the way to the corrals. I made it to my corral at 5:25. (The race always starts at 5:30, by the way. You may be thinking of your corral start time. I think E starts close to 6AM.) The next day, I left at 3:30AM, for the full marathon, and had no problems, whatsoever. Last year, I can't remember what time Renee picked me up at the hotel, to drive to the marathon relay. I think it was around 4:40AM? No problems at all. Drove straight in. The full marathon usually has about half the number of participants as the half, so I think that's why we didn't encounter problems. Not sure what it's going to be like this year, since the marathon "sold out" so much earlier. No idea how many people they allowed to register, but I'm sure it's more than usual, because of the 20th anniversary. I'm going to leave early, just to be on the safe side. I signed up with the Runner's World Challenge, because I stupidly waited until registration was closed, so the Pasta in the Park Party, Saturday night, as well as the Race Retreat, are included. I was concerned about the late hour of the party, but my training has gone to shit, the past month, so I already know my time is going to be crap. I might as well just enjoy it, and take full advantage of the race retreat, as well! I wouldn't have signed up for them, otherwise.
  13. Forgot about this thread! Getting excited for the Disney Marathon!!!!!!! Long range forecast is looking decent - lows around 60, highs in the low 70s. A bit on the warm side, but my Floridian blood prefers that to 30s and 40s! Those DL prices are crazy. I suppose that means next year's Disney Marathon prices will be jacked up, even more. I should just go ahead and register, as soon as it opens, though, because I keep saying I won't, and then end up paying way more, when I change my mind, after the all the price increases.
  14. Disappointed that I had to spend that weekend in the country of neuroscience.
  15. Kara (or anyone else who might know) - We would like to sign up for Carowinds (myself, husband, 9 year old and 11 year old,) but our problem is that we would have to have our 4 year old with us, as well, who won't be able to participate. Would Todd and I be able to take turns riding, while the other person hangs out around the park with the 4 year old? I realize we'd have to buy her a ticket, but that also brings up the concern that the event starts before the park opens... Anyone know where we can get an answer on this? -Maureen
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