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Canada's Wonderland Discussion Thread

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While the other closed Cedar Fair parks have cancelled their seasons, Cedar Fair recent said in their 2nd quarter report that they’re still hoping to open Canada’s Wonderland at some point this year. Wonder why CW is the single holdout?

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Any word on opening soon!? It's August 15 and they are still waiting on the government to let them open!


I think you answered your own question.

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While the other closed Cedar Fair parks have cancelled their seasons, Cedar Fair recent said in their 2nd quarter report that they’re still hoping to open Canada’s Wonderland at some point this year. Wonder why CW is the single holdout?


They also want to open Knott’s, although that’s year round typically. The big 4 parks, Knott’s, Cedar Point, Kings Island, and Canada’s Wonderland combined provide 80 percent of the chains profits. It’s down to profitability, they can make money at a much lower percentage of regular attendance then the other parks. Same reason why even parks that did open are closing earlier in the season then normal, except for Cedar Point and Kings Island. I doubt the park will have haunt or winterfest, the chain already cancelled it for the rest of the parks.

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  • 3 months later...

While not completely related to the operation of Canada's Wonderland, the park was used in a completely different way earlier this week to keep a tradition alive due to current COVID-19 restrictions in the Greater Toronto Area and the Province of Ontario. Since 1905, the Toronto Santa Claus Parade has drawn many spectators along the downtown streets in the city of Toronto. Due to current restrictions, they had to figure out a way to bring the parade to spectators in a safe manner. Instead of using the traditional street route, they headed north to the City of Vaughan and used Canada's Wonderland as their parade route!

Below is a link to an article looking at how the Toronto Santa Claus Parade was able to produce a made for TV parade safely on the grounds of Canada's Wonderland. There are some photos of the park included in the article during the filming of the parade. This year's edition of the Toronto Santa Claus parade is to air on CTV channels on December 5th at 7pm EST.

It is nice to see the park come alive even if it isn't open to park visitors or an event created/hosted by the park! :)

Link to article: https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2020/11/17/photos-santa-claus-is-coming-to-your-tv-screen-heres-a-sneak-peek-of-torontos-parade-this-year.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter

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  • 1 month later...


Canada's Wonderland is offering all season FastLane for $450 Canadian ($352 USD) for just Wonderland, OR $875 ($684 USD) for all Cedar Fair parks.

If Cedar Point (and Cedar Fair in general) decides not to do daily Fast lane again this year, I feel like this is a MUST and worth the premium... however, for us, it wouldn't pay for itself if they offered the daily versions again and we just bought it each time it's needed. We usually go to Wonderland around 5 times and Cedar Point the same.

I'll hold off for now to see what they end up doing, but just wanted to mention it here that it's an option. I'm not sure if the US counterparts will follow suit or not (if history proves itself, for the same price in USD as Canadian for the all-park version, meaning the Wonderland version is a much better deal), but we shall see.

I doubt you can mix and match a Cedar Point platinum pass with a Wonderland All-Park fastlane to pay the Canadian rate, but luckily my 2020 pass was a Wonderland pass.

EDIT: Just decided to start browsing around. Carowinds and Dorney have the all parks Fastlane as well, as suspected, for $875 USD

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1 hour ago, anonymouscactus said:

I doubt you can mix and match a Cedar Point platinum pass with a Wonderland All-Park fastlane to pay the Canadian rate, but luckily my 2020 pass was a Wonderland pass.

Sure you can.  Also true for dining, pix, plat passes, etc.

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8 hours ago, anonymouscactus said:


Canada's Wonderland is offering all season FastLane for $450 Canadian ($352 USD) for just Wonderland, OR $875 ($684 USD) for all Cedar Fair parks.

If Cedar Point (and Cedar Fair in general) decides not to do daily Fast lane again this year, I feel like this is a MUST and worth the premium... however, for us, it wouldn't pay for itself if they offered the daily versions again and we just bought it each time it's needed. We usually go to Wonderland around 5 times and Cedar Point the same.

I'll hold off for now to see what they end up doing, but just wanted to mention it here that it's an option. I'm not sure if the US counterparts will follow suit or not (if history proves itself, for the same price in USD as Canadian for the all-park version, meaning the Wonderland version is a much better deal), but we shall see.

I doubt you can mix and match a Cedar Point platinum pass with a Wonderland All-Park fastlane to pay the Canadian rate, but luckily my 2020 pass was a Wonderland pass.

EDIT: Just decided to start browsing around. Carowinds and Dorney have the all parks Fastlane as well, as suspected, for $875 USD

The all-park Fast Lane+ add-on has been around for at least two years now, at that price.

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14 hours ago, anonymouscactus said:


Canada's Wonderland is offering all season FastLane for $450 Canadian ($352 USD) for just Wonderland, OR $875 ($684 USD) for all Cedar Fair parks.

If Cedar Point (and Cedar Fair in general) decides not to do daily Fast lane again this year, I feel like this is a MUST and worth the premium... however, for us, it wouldn't pay for itself if they offered the daily versions again and we just bought it each time it's needed. We usually go to Wonderland around 5 times and Cedar Point the same.

I'll hold off for now to see what they end up doing, but just wanted to mention it here that it's an option. I'm not sure if the US counterparts will follow suit or not (if history proves itself, for the same price in USD as Canadian for the all-park version, meaning the Wonderland version is a much better deal), but we shall see.

I doubt you can mix and match a Cedar Point platinum pass with a Wonderland All-Park fastlane to pay the Canadian rate, but luckily my 2020 pass was a Wonderland pass.

EDIT: Just decided to start browsing around. Carowinds and Dorney have the all parks Fastlane as well, as suspected, for $875 USD

We were in the same boat in October at CP (It turned out to be absolutely necessary with 2 plus hours on most rides) and when they were extending it for all of 2021 it was a no brainer. I highly recommend it, even at the high price. It kind of incentivizes us to go to more parks since after the initial price it makes it quite affordable to go to any Cedar Fair park without much waiting. I have a feeling that we won't be seeing daily fast passes next year or at least for most of it.


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Thanks tndank.  I didn't think to check there.  Funny thing now is that I don't even see a Fastlane page that was there this morning.  Oh well.  Having season long FL will definitely get me to CP more this summer and definitely Kings Island.  I'm doubting Canada will be open for us Americans this summer, but if by chance they do let us in, I'll make the trip north to CW.  

One other question- do I have to get the Platinum pass processed at CW, or can I take the vouchers to Cedar Point or Kings Island and have it processed there?  I called the park and they said due to the pandemic, there was nobody in guest services to answer my question, and the security guy I talked to said he thought it had to be processed at the park it was purchased at.  Anyone have experience with this?  Again, thank you!   

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Can confirm, CF doesn't care which park you go to first with your paper voucher for a Platinum Pass.  You'll get your photo taken and be issued a card that has whatever park you go to first on the back.  My Platinum Pass will forever say Michigan's Adventure even though I'll likely never end up back there LOL.

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You can actually activate your pass online ahead of time, and once you do it'll just be on your phone through the app.  Cedar Fair parks have started providing this option during the pandemic.  They even allow you to upload your own photo so you don't have to take one at the park. 



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That's all fine and good unless you actually want a physical card, which is a lot easier to pull out of your pocket and show to the cashier to scan rather than have to navigate back to the QR code on your phone every time you want to cash in your drink/dining plan.

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4 hours ago, Mike240SX said:

That's all fine and good unless you actually want a physical card, which is a lot easier to pull out of your pocket and show to the cashier to scan rather than have to navigate back to the QR code on your phone every time you want to cash in your drink/dining plan.

This is especially true, if you don't have a phone to begin with.

:shockr: Shocking, I know. But it's true for us. We don't own cellphones.

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38 minutes ago, Nrthwnd said:

This is especially true, if you don't have a phone to begin with.

:shockr: Shocking, I know. But it's true for us. We don't own cellphones.

More power to you.  I'm not that old school, but I definitely am in a lot of ways.

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I'm still using the same card from 2014; the awesome Leviathan one. They shall never take it away from my grubby hands! It has had 3 different home parks over the years despite having Canada's Wonderland on the front.


I think I finally uploaded a new headshot photo last year though. Haven't been to the pass processing building since I originally got it 7 years ago.

Doesn't Cedar Fair allow you to pick up a card at the front gate now (provided you uploaded your photo online)? -- I thought they started doing that if you wanted a physical card. I know Six Flags also does at the gate and will take your photo at the gate as well, but I could have sworn I remember reading that Cedar Fair can give you a card at the gate now. I could be wrong.

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4 hours ago, Mike240SX said:

That's all fine and good unless you actually want a physical card, which is a lot easier to pull out of your pocket and show to the cashier to scan rather than have to navigate back to the QR code on your phone every time you want to cash in your drink/dining plan.

Makes sense but personally I don't really mind too much.  Really the biggest advantage for me this year was that I could go straight to Orion during my first visit to KI rather than waiting for the staff to provide a physical card.  Having a Michigan's Adventure pass would be pretty sweet, though.


38 minutes ago, Nrthwnd said:

This is especially true, if you don't have a phone to begin with.

:shockr: Shocking, I know. But it's true for us. We don't own cellphones.

That's awesome.  Personally I'm kind of anticipating reaching the point where I am truly behind the times technologically, if that makes any sense.  Not having any social media is a start but there is definitely a long way to go :D

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On 1/12/2021 at 6:42 PM, Nrthwnd said:This is especially true, if you don't have a phone to begin with.

:shockr: Shocking, I know. But it's true for us. We don't own cellphones.

You are probably wonderful people to be around, especially out for dinner! Perhaps a cell phone for calls only would be useful while still protecting you from looking like the masses.

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