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Guilty Pleasures


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OK then, I guess the disturbing thing is not that I do it, but that I personally take it way too far!


Okay here's something else I have done before (not saying how many times):

I have sucked bacon grease out of paper towels.

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Wow... ewww, ovaltine and bacon, both good in their correct forms, both not good without theur correct forms. I havent actually done thins, but in class I was thinking of the worlds best sandwitch, and then a brilliant thought came to me. Two pieces of French toast with nutella in the middle, and bacon can be added to the nutella if desired... it sounds so awesome, yet it might kill me, but that may become a guilty pleasure. I guess my guilty pleasure is coming up with awesome things in clas, like the nutella/bacon sandwich.

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  • 5 months later...

OK then, I guess the disturbing thing is not that I do it, but that I personally take it way too far!


Okay here's something else I have done before (not saying how many times):

I have sucked bacon grease out of paper towels.


Hah! I used to do that (but now I DO feel guilty about eating bacon). Dry Ovaltine is awesome as well The worst part about Ovaltine is if it's mixed with cold milk, it's gone in less than 5 seconds.


How about this, you know how there's those microwave trays for bacon? Not only would I suck the grease from the paper towels, but I'd scoop up the "bacon residue" that would be left behind in the pan. And my mom would keep the grease in a tin container. After the containers were full, I'd huff it

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^I'm not alone!


You know those circular microwavable pizzas? After cooking, I eat the spilled-over cheese right off the cardboard cooking tray. Then I flip the pizza upside-down onto a plate, eat the bread first, and then eat the cheesy part.

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Changing the subject to "real" pizza now, I love gooey pizza cheese so much that sometimes I wish they would make pizza-cheese flavored gum.


And by the way, I've mentioned this before, but I've also done the mustard thing. I love straight mustard.

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While I am channel surfing I notice myself every now and again stoping on Nick while "iCarly" is on That Miranda Cosgrove girl is going to be so hot when she is a little bit older.


Wow I feel like a creeper right now.


Don't. I totally agree with you, haha.


On topic, not something I'm really guilty of, but something that would make people think differently of me if they were to find out: I listen to and LOVE the band Mr. Bungle.


They're just so bizarre and different, people just don't appreciate it the first time they hear a song. Heck, I despised the first song I heard, but I kept listening to it, now I think it's brilliant.

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I guess you can say mine is that I can get insanly attracted towards something if it looks like it has any infulunce from Japanese Animation and Video Games.


I just fall in love with that kind of stuff instantly.


It also gets me into new storys, either video games or new anime. This only works if I see something that catches my eye that has some kind of story lol.


I also have a guilty pleasure of freinding fan pages on facebook. Infact, I've made a few, lol.

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