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Mantis Man rides Xcelerator 20,000 times since 2002

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I've always found it amusing to hear "US" (of all people) ripping on a guy for being "too hardcore" about a coaster...


ring ring..."Hello, kettle? This is pot..."


Definately agree with you there. How long did the topic about the repainting of V2 get....???

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I can speak from experience, the guy is a freak. Far and away the most annoying person at the Tatsu event, constantly %@#& and complained about every little thing all night long, over the same things over and over again (I unfortunately was camped out within ear distance).


What really got me was when we were allowed into the park to ride Tatsu, as we approached the ride, people in the front of the pack were saying he was shoving them out of his was so he could be the first to ride. Forget the fact that dozens of employees had already taken the first rides already, he just had to be in the first train to say he was the first. Then freakishly ran down the platform afterwards clapping his hands and shouting "where's the media!". The guy is sad and an ass and a freak that needs no defending. KBF would be wise to distance themselves from him rather than encourage such an inconsiderate ungrateful enthusiAss.

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An amazing milestone, regardless of the individual who achieved it.


Maybe next time I go to Knott's I can give him your e-mail so you guys can hang out and talk about obscure kiddie coasters and riding the same thing over and over.

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Wow, that is crazy.. To ride a roller coaster 60 times in one day.. I wish i could do that.. Congrats to this guy to reach his ride total for xcelerator of 20,000 that is so insane!


There is at least one "Coaster Retard" per coaster. Think about it. We all know someone who has done this at their local park. It's sad.

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Sorry, I just thought that there was a difference between having a sense of humor and making fun of those with disabilities.


I've not met the guy, don't care if I ever do. In the meantime, maybe I should just ignore some of the more juvenile comments and attitudes around here.


In any case, Wes, as you've never met me or spoken to me, I don't quite understand why you write about me as much as you do.

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^ When was it ever confirmed he had a disability? What disability does he display (beyond possibly OCD)? Seeing as you've never met him, whereas I have, as well as having plenty of friends who have had run-ins with him (most of them with him acting rude or mean), why does it make my comments juvenile and unjust?

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How many of the people who are acting all high and mighty about this situation have actually met Mantis Man?!?!?


Seriously. The guy may very well have some sort of disability, but that doesn't change the fact that pretty much every single person who has met him considers him creepy and/or an asshole.


If the guy wants to ride Xcelerator 20,000 times and it makes him happy... good for him. But to me it doesn't change the fact he's extremely obnoxious/annoying/an asshole about mentioning it (and everything I could ever not care to know about Xcelerator) to anyone near him.

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Most everyone in the community that I've met seems to be pretty cool.


But then there are a few jerks like that I've met that just seem to kind of ruin it for everyone.


There was this kid at one of my events last year that I went to and I just wanted to tape his mouth shut because he never shut up about how much he knew about coasters, how much he loved Robb and how he wanted to have his baby and how cool he (the kid) was.

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When I was at the Tatsu campout, I unwittingly met this person, and I got far away from him quick. He just strikes you as someone who has something to hide, like a serial killer or something. maybe riding xcellerator is the only thing keeping him sane enough to not turn physically violent towards innovent people. Holy crap, it's going down for refurbishment in march..... Oh well, he won't make it all the way to Ohio on his violent excursion of rage and xcellerator withdrawl.


-james dillaman

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When I was at the Tatsu campout, I unwittingly met this person, and I got far away from him quick. He just strikes you as someone who has something to hide, like a serial killer or something. maybe riding xcellerator is the only thing keeping him sane enough to not turn physically violent towards innovent people. Holy crap, it's going down for refurbishment in march..... Oh well, he won't make it all the way to Ohio on his violent excursion of rage and xcellerator withdrawl.


-james dillaman


How many times would he ride X-Flight? Ohio would be proud to have Mantis Man move here. I know just the community for him to live in. It's called "Norwood".

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Alright we get it, PKI is the best park in the universe. The Beast is an airtime machine. Boomerang Bay is the best ev.


Why do you have to keep rubbing our faces in the fact that we don't live in OH, and therefore suck.


I am shocked...SHOCKED that coaster con has yet to be held in Norwood. I mean, it's NORWOOD. Who doesn't know exactly what that is...come on!


Someday I will move to Ohio, and we can hold hands on the Racer and talk about how it's a SHADOW OF IT'S FORMER SELF!!


::cries while watching the Brady Bunch Kings Island episode...sniff::

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Alright we get it, PKI is the best park in the universe. The Beast is an airtime machine. Boomerang Bay is the best ev.


Why do you have to keep rubbing our faces in the fact that we don't live in OH, and therefore suck.


I am shocked...SHOCKED that coaster con has yet to be held in Norwood. I mean, it's NORWOOD. Who doesn't know exactly what that is...come on!


Someday I will move to Ohio, and we can hold hands on the Racer and talk about how it's a SHADOW OF IT'S FORMER SELF!!


::cries while watching the Brady Bunch Kings Island episode...sniff::


Hey, I rode the Racer back when it had buzzbars. I remember the year they put the stupid ratcheting lapbars in. It had MASSIVE airtime in the back seat after the turn around, especially when you were 14 and skinny. Does posting this earn me a free ACE card?

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Alright we get it, PKI is the best park in the universe. The Beast is an airtime machine. Boomerang Bay is the best ev.


Why do you have to keep rubbing our faces in the fact that we don't live in OH, and therefore suck.


I am shocked...SHOCKED that coaster con has yet to be held in Norwood. I mean, it's NORWOOD. Who doesn't know exactly what that is...come on!


Someday I will move to Ohio, and we can hold hands on the Racer and talk about how it's a SHADOW OF IT'S FORMER SELF!!


::cries while watching the Brady Bunch Kings Island episode...sniff::


Hey, I rode the Racer back when it had buzzbars. I remember the year they put the stupid ratcheting lapbars in. It had MASSIVE airtime in the back seat after the turn around, especially when you were 14 and skinny. Does posting this earn me a free ACE card?


So... I did to. But how many Coney Dogs could you eat in one day at the park?

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