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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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TPR's *REAL* Front Seat, Back Seat and Rider Cam POV from Silver Dollar City's Outlaw Run!

Please SHARE this video on your Facebook page Tweet about it, post it anywhere you'd like!


The ride was freaking AMAZING!!!!


Heading back to the park now... more photos and video to come soon!



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First off, a big thanks to Robb for the awesome coverage today from media day, including that stellar POV video!! THANK YOU!!


After watching that POV (twice already, haha), I have to say that Outlaw Run looks incredible! The speed/pace that it flies through the course with looks nuts! I'm seriously drooling here. And there's so much packed into the ride - killer first drop, overbanks, inversions, blazing speed, and airtime!! It's going to take everything for me to not just hop in my car and start driving there tonight.


This is now my #1 MUST ride coaster, period. Kudos to Silver Dollar City and RMC!!

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First off, a big thanks to Robb for the awesome coverage today from media day, including that stellar POV video!! THANK YOU!!


After watching that POV (twice already, haha), I have to say that Outlaw Run looks incredible! The speed/pace that it flies through the course with looks nuts! I'm seriously drooling here. And there's so much packed into the ride - killer first drop, overbanks, inversions, blazing speed, and airtime!! It's going to take everything for me to not just hop in my car and start driving there tonight.


This is now my #1 MUST ride coaster, period. Kudos to Silver Dollar City and RMC!!

Couldnt agree more

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Thank you Robb! This is awesome footage. You're awesome. OR is awesome! This video is unreal! When you are sitting in the break run I could see the adrenaline pumping. That first inversion is just amazing and the wave turn looks like it has sideways airtime.

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Not being able to wait until later...I can't even think of going here till 2014!


I figured the empty train POV didn't do it justice and indeed I was right, with people in we really see the speed it moves at!

I envy you Robb!

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