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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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Hey guys! Robb is at the Outlaw Run Media Day and is posting photos as we speak from the event! Let's check out some of the photos so far!




Look at where we are today!




Outlaw Run Sign!




Look at that lift hill!




Now, look at that train on that lift hill!




Robb doing the TV interview thing for Outlaw Run.




And check out that awesome Outlaw Run train!


Keep tuning in to our Facebook and Twitter pages for more live updates!!




Edited by ernierocker
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ADMIN EDIT: You do not have enough posts to be able to post links or external videos yet. Plus it was already said that TPR would be posting their official POV of the ride very soon. Please wait until then.

Edited by jedimaster1227
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Question I have is: Will Outlaw Run Unseat El Toro?


Second thing I want to mentioned is ... what a great day! History is made with Outlaw Run, and we have a new closeted homosexual.






That will be tough. ET is an airtime machine and such a wicked ride, but we really don't know what to expect from Outlaw Run.

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I hear the new Pope has a world's first triple-barrel roll! Never before seen on a pope!


As for Outlaw Run, I just saw the little video preview Robb posted on the Facebook page and I nearly wet myself! If you haven't seen it yet, go check it out!! This ride looks unbelievable, and I cannot wait to see the official POV from Robb! And seeing his tweet of his initial impression has me even more stoked about this thing. I feel like I just HAVE to find some way to get to Branson this year!!

Edited by PhantomNick
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