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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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If anyone wants a nit pick to "balance" out the love fest this ride has been getting...


"3 inversions" le sigh....

Sorry but to be an inversion it needs to be 180 degrees. Otherwise where is the cut off line?

Granted I never expected to see a day where we'd see 153 degree banks.

But yeah 2 inversion! And I still wet myself with excitement and sadness of how I wont be there anytime soon!

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^^Many inversions are not 180*. Anything beyond 135* is considered an inversion. Many immelmans, dive loops, and cobra rolls are not 180 at the top. Also inclined loops? Do you not consider those inversions?

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Every time I see more footage of this coaster, it just looks more and more amazing! I can't even begin to imagine once those trees all grow in...and night rides? OMG, that would definitely be epic!!!!


Thanks for sharing, Robb - as always, great stuff.

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^^Many inversions are not 180*. Anything beyond 135* is considered an inversion. Many immelmans, dive loops, and cobra rolls are not 180 at the top. Also inclined loops? Do you not consider those inversions?


Inclined loops? No I do not.

135 just doesn't seem enough. I can accept 150 but for me personally, eh...not that the number matters, except for The Smiler which better have 15!



The Bandit eh? Not bad but all are weak when compared to The Comet at Hershey Park. Now that is a ride that splits your soul open

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^^Many inversions are not 180*. Anything beyond 135* is considered an inversion. Many immelmans, dive loops, and cobra rolls are not 180 at the top. Also inclined loops? Do you not consider those inversions?


Inclined loops? No I do not.

135 just doesn't seem enough. I can accept 150 but for me personally, eh...not that the number matters, except for The Smiler which better have 15!



The Bandit eh? Not bad but all are weak when compared to The Comet at Hershey Park. Now that is a ride that splits your soul open


If you're in an element that twists more than 135°, your body is considered to be in an upside-down position, making it an inversion. And really, even on inclined loops, you are pretty close to being inverted.

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An "inversion" is an "inversion" when the track is rolled at more than 135 degrees. At roll angles over 135 degrees, your body is oriented more downward (negative Y axis) than it is horizontal (either X axis).

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Got back late last night (well, really early this morning) from two amazing days at Silver Dollar City working with their PR department and the amazing folks from Rocky Mountain Construction (take a moment right now and go LIKE THEIR FACEBOOK PAGE - tell them TPR sent you!)


First let me say that Outlaw Run is amazing! It packs more action into each foot of track than I think almost any other roller coaster in the world! It's like the "Batman" of wooden roller coasters! From the first drop to the brake run, the coaster does not let up! There is no place to catch your breath on Outlaw Run until the end! Quite simply, if Outlaw Run isn't in the top five wooden roller coasters in the world next year, I'll be shocked!


Is there airtime? YES! I believe there were at least four moments of serious air, and then you felt like you were being thrown around (not in a violent way, but in a FUN way) all over the place.


What about those inversions? Let me tell you the more bizarre thing about them. If you never knew, you would think that inversions have been on wooden roller coasters forever. That's how "natural" they felt included in the ride. It's not like Son of Beast where it was "horrible rough ride... gimmicky loop ....more horrible rough ride", not at all, Outlaw Run was smooth, packed with insane action, and the inversions fit perfectly with the rest of the layout of the ride. It's a game changer. Seriously, what Rocky Mountain is doing will change the way people look at wooden roller coasters. (Did you LIKE their Facebook page yet?)


Is it short? Does it matter? Seriously, if you're just going to be a techy person and count the number of feet, sure, you're gonna find that it comes up with less track length than other rides. But I'd much rather have a shorter coaster that DELIVERS action the entire way through, than a longer coaster that meanders around trying to get to the next element.


In short, Outliaw Run kicks all sorts of ass! You heard me say it on the video, and it's absolutely true!


Now onto photos and videos, as that is what you've come here for!


Outlaw Run "Official POV" Video!

This video includes the POV clip the park gave us, a backseat POV that we shot, and also a rider cam! We also shot our own POV the following day, but we are going to save that for our Roller Coasters in the RAW Blu-Ray series! (Volume 4 will be out this fall!)


Outlaw Run Off-Ride shots and Reverse POV Video!

This is all footage TPR shot. If you like the reverse POV, you can get an idea of what our forward facing POV looks like! We had amazing weather and lighting for shooting video, and we of course thank Silver Dollar City for sorting that out!

(Please feel free to share either of these videos on your Facebook page or Twitter. Help us spread the word!)


Yup, we are here for the media day of Outlaw Run and we couldn't be more excited!


Walking up to the ride, you can see they did a VERY good job with the theming.


Here is the first section of the queue area, very nicely done!


I'm sure there will be a TON of guests filling these queues the rest of the summer!


I do what I'm told!


Those are some VERY happy riders on Outlaw Run!


Let me introduce you to the steepest wooden roller coaster drop in the world! (81 degrees for all you crazy math people!)


Oh, yeah, did we mention this ride goes upside down???




In case you were wondering if there was airtime on Outlaw Run, I think hair explosion girl can answer that for you!


Also, this ride does some seriously crazy stuff that I don't think wooden roller coasters were meant to do!


And there goes one of the first every trains, off on it's journey into the wild blue yonder.


And for you lift hill enthusiasts, get your box of tissues ready, because we've got something that's going to make you giddy with excitement. Ready for it???




Seriously, this ride is balls out insane. The POVs actually don't do it justice, watch the off-ride shots and you'll see how crazy fast this ride is!


Someone told me they thought this part looked like a "wooden X2" - funny that, isn't it? =)


And for those people who say the structure isn't very dense... look at this!


I love this photo...it looks so wrong... like I need to rotate it in photoshop, but no! This is how the ride actually is! Freaking mental!!!!


The inversions just feel so natural also, like as though wooden roller coasters have been doing them for years. They do not feel "gimmicky" at all!


I think they liked it! What do you think?


Since it's media day, we all got into the park early, and set up cameras and stuff...


Lisa was awesome keeping us updated on testing and when they were ready to have us ride!


Here I am doing the TV interview gig! "I even felt the airtime in my man boobs!"


We saw a LOT of "thumbs up" throughout the day! Seal of Approval came from everyone!


Take a look at the Outlaw Run station... it's really nice!


This photo literally captures "It took my breath away!"


Ride information for Outlaw Run... here we are at TPR providing important coaster info!


Riding with Duane from RCDB! (Who's that clown behind us?!?!?)


It's official! TPR got one of the "World Premiere" rides on Outlaw Run! (I was rider #41)


Another look at the outside of the queue. Really nice looking!


I really think that Silver Dollar City and Dollywood are a bit underrated when it comes to their theming, guest service, and park atmosphere. They are right up there with Disney, Universal, and Busch/SeaWorld parks!


Well, hopefully there won't be a real holdup along the way!


The Cuckoo Clocks will randomly go off in the station!


Ok, let's take another closer look at Outlaw Run.


Here's the top of the lift. Amazing view!


"Um, wait...are we doing that? OMG! We are dong that!"


What's bizarre about all the NINETY DEGREES elements is that you get airtime in ways you're not sure how to prepare for! And you DO get "Sideways airtime" on these hills!


Oh, and yes, there is traditional ejector air on this bunny hop!


This moment right here is when you finally get to catch your breath. And no other point on the ride are you allowed to do this...and we think that's AWESOME!


Thanks to the awesome Silver Dollar City PR staff, we were able to go in places to get photos & video that would be a huge "no-no" on normal park days!


Helllllooooo beautiful first drop!


Loop-de-loop.... THROUGH THE TREES!!!!


I love this photo...


Again, things that I never quite thought I'd see on a traditional wooden roller coaster...but here they are!


"Since when did wooden roller coasters do barrel rolls and other crazy inversions?"

"Since about 20 minutes ago."

Actual conversation I had on media day! lol


See! Stacks of wood with a top layer of steel. Steel wheels are also on the trains. No question - it's a traditional woodie!




Here's what it looks like looking UP from the bottom of the first drop!


We've been seeing images of the barrel rolls for months now, and while the "going upside down" part is awesome, I'm so glad this ride has so much more! Seriously the inversions are NOT a gimmick! They work so well!


I'm a sucker for shots with train shadows in them.


Second car from the back.... Hello Hairtime!!!!


I can't get enough of these onride Outlaw Run shots!


Again, I don't think the structure is a "minimalistic" as people are making it out to be.


Two stupid dudes in the front seat of Outlaw Run! =)

(huge thanks to Chadster for helping out with all the photos and stuff on media day.)


After a very successful media event, there was time for celebration in the evening!


I love Branson for all it's quirky bizarre things you can get... for example.... "Italian Nachos!"


And there they are! And they were awesome!


And if you're coming out to Branson this year, don't forget to see Yakov! No trip to Branson is complete without some Russian influenced humor! (and I believe this is his last year!) "In Russia, the jokes laugh at you!"


If you haven't figured it out from this report...we thought Outlaw Run was seriously amazing. The work that Rocky Mountain Construction is doing is really going to throw the coaster world for a loop (get it!), and five years ago, I never thought I'd be saying their name right along with B&M and Intamin as some of the best roller coaster designers in the world!


Congrats to both Silver Dollar City and RMC - you have a real winner on your hands!



Edited by robbalvey
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*waiting anxiously*


edit: of course as soon as I post that the pictures are up. It looks like media day was awesome! I'm making it out there in a couple weeks (I finally decided) and I can't wait! RMC really seems to be the future of coasters. I can't wait to see what else they cook up in the coming years, they're going to be a major player for sure.

Edited by zunkified
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Great Report!


Can't wait to get on this thing on the tour Robb! I'll admit, the POV does not look like it does the ride justice. Your off-ride footage does a better job showing how this thing hauls ass until the very end!


Also, I may have watched a different reverse POV on a not-nearly-as-good-as-TPR YouTube channel and I got a kick out of you waving and making faces as their train dispatched.


How many days until the Midwest tour? TOO MANY!

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I have to agree with Rob, this is a killer ride. The beauty of it is alot of coasters are good front seat coasters, others are back seat coasters. Outlaw run offers something wild and different no matter where you sit. I even felt that it even is even different sitting in the left seat versus the right seat. I just cannot say enough good about this coaster and it's staff.


They kept the ride going all day even wth a few hiccups and by the end f the day were dispatching 700 people and hour (WOW). If you have the means to get to SDC and ride Outlaw Run it is WELL worth your time and money.

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See! Stacks of wood with a top layer of steel. Steel wheels are also on the trains. No question - it's a traditional woodie!


I wouldn't call it a traditional woodie at all, the manufacturing techniques for the track are a massive departure from the norm. It's true that wooden coasters normally run on sheet steel but they're nailed to wooden laminates which are glued on site. The steel acts to protect the wooden track beneath and to provide a low friction surface to run on, it's not really very structurally important.


In the case of Outlaw Run, the entire top layer of track track is a pre-fabricated steel box section. This requires vastly different manufacturing techniques and a whole different set of skills to make. It's far more rigid than a wooden laminated top layer and will add a lot of strength to the track. It will also stay smoother for longer than a traditional woodie.


I think you would really struggle to perform some of the elements that Outlaw Run has with traditional laminated track.


Personally, I don't see why it's so important that it's seen as a traditional wooden coaster. As long as the coaster's awesome, why does it matter? I don't see Intamin woodies as traditional but it doesn't mean they're not great.

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