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Silver Dollar City (SDC) Discussion Thread

p. 275: New resort announced as part of a $500 million development plan!

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I'm excited for how great this looks, and what work RMC is doing, although I'm not sure I feel so well about wooden coasters evolving...into basically steel coasters.


I doubt this will become the norm of wooden coasters. Parks will still want the traditional types but every now and then someone is going to want what RMC is doing. I'm sure there will be a balance.

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Silver Dollar City is the place that has a cave you can tour through, a couple of interesting coasters, many shows, a log flume that will soak you to the bone, and now Outlaw Run !!!


I just came back from Silver Dollar City last week and I was half crazed and half excited when I was able to see the structure up close during the train ride - Holy Moly: were those inversions on the thing, a woodie coaster? The train announcer couldn't comment on the upcoming structure except to say that the offical announcement will be made August 9.


Now I see what it is and what it's called, I'm still half crazed and half excited.


"I can remedy that: just go to bed and you'll be normal in no time flat!"

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Sooooooo when's the TPR trip!?


I don't have it in me to go to Missouri for one coaster/park butt...maybe a show me state party? SF: St Louis, WoF and SDC?

Well I need to ride this thing, and ideally ASAP near opening since I fear it will tear itself apart in no time

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And yeah...I'm partial to more "traditional" woodies. I mean if they loose their identity too much might as well just make steel.

Still, good to push the envelope and at least is mainly wood. Unlike to SoB which went completely to steel for the loop lol

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Anyone with Facebook with anyone in the hobby as friends has been bombarded with pics and info about this already!


One enthusiast remarked that it was her entire wall right now!


Like all the other coasters out there, we can only guess what it will be like until we ride it.


A few immediate thoughts:


-- Lapbars only! With three inversions. That should make a lot of us very happy.


-- It's funny that they're building this just as SOB is going down.


-- I wonder what the outside banked turn will feel like.


-- 8 moments of airtime: floater or NTaG ejector? On one hand, I could see SDC not wanting something that extreme. On the other hand, NTaG has gotten nothing but rave reviews and the GP seem to love it!


-- The layout doesn't look all that inspiring. Not a lot of directional changes at all. Again, we'll see what it really does when we ride.


-- It's fairly short for a terrain coaster. But will it pack enough of a punch that it won't matter? It makes sense that RMC might not want something Voyage or NTaG sized for their first completely original coaster.


-- Whatever you think of it, you have to give Silver Dollar City credit for trying something different. And Six Flags over Texas for being the stepping stone.

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Anyone else notice the small difference in track angle on the left rail between the two rolls?


Yeah, I was curious about this. The two rails look off from each other. Granted, I don't believe that they're the final rails, and that there's a running board that lays on top of them (hence all the holes), but it looks odd.

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Anyone else notice the small difference in track angle on the left rail between the two rolls?


Yeah, I was curious about this. The two rails look off from each other. Granted, I don't believe that they're the final rails, and that there's a running board that lays on top of them (hence all the holes), but it looks odd.


Oh good lord, I'm flashing back to the Great New Texas Giant Bolt Debate!

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