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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Hopefully Rougarou will bring the crowds Cedar Point hopes to have. 2014 was far from their best year...and nothing about Rougarou is truly "groundbreaking".


All of these projects are researched exhaustively, and Cedar Point isn't oblivious to the fact that it's not as flashy of an addition as GateKeeper, Maverick, TTD, or Millennium Force. I'm sure Cedar Point isn't forecasting a huge step forward in attendance with Rougarou as it is not the most groundbreaking ride, but it should add more value to the overall park experience. Also remember, 2014 was not a good year for many parks in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions due to weather alone.


Rougarou should produce some impressive ridership totals if the ride experience is in fact smoother and more comfortable than Mantis. The capacity 3 train operation will produce combined with a fun, re-rideable experience that is not too intense but offers some flashy inversions should make for a popular ride. People might comment (not necessarily on TPR) how Gatekeeper is not that popular based on the lines at the end of the day, but they aren't looking at the grand total ridership it produces which is very impressive. I see Rougarou having the similar popularity to GateKeeper which has been a great success for CP despite the opinions of some enthusiasts. Based on the effects and floorless trains, Rougarou should give CP's overall high quality collection of coasters a nice boost.

Edited by ajfelice
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I don't want to sound pessimistic but am I the only one who is not super sure the ride will be so smooth? What if the track is part of the reason why it is rough? (although I know the trains must be the main one)

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I don't want to sound pessimistic but am I the only one who is not super sure the ride will be so smooth? What if the track is part of the reason why it is rough? (although I know the trains must be the main one)


Mantis was butter smooth when I rode it this year. I encountered some minor headbanging for the ride, which is probably what people are complaining about.

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I don't want to sound pessimistic but am I the only one who is not super sure the ride will be so smooth? What if the track is part of the reason why it is rough? (although I know the trains must be the main one)


I don't know if they would invest a lot of money in the ride if they thought it wasn't going to smooth with floorless trains.

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I too am hoping this ride is "heavily" themed. Maybe add some trees or something where the train hugs the ground to create near misses. Or even a portion of the second half indoor. Hell', turn off the midcourse break.


Rougarou is not going to be heavily themed. Plus, the promo already showed that there will be no indoor portion of the coaster.


It'll be themed lightly like the rest of the new CF coasters, like GateKeeper, Banshee, and Gold Striker.


However, I don't have much of a problem with this as I would take Cedar Fair's well-maintained lightly-themed queue area over Six Flags' "tried too hard" theming that really is only maintained for the first few years.

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I wouldn't expect this to be rough, if anything it may end up a very mild ride. Standups should be less intense except for the standing up part. Fortunately it needed trims as a standup. As to the subject of the heartline being lower on a floorless, they could have made floorless trains with elevated seats. Though a moot question, I wonder if that would be intense hanging way above the track, or it's better when it looks like your feet could touch the track.


The main exciting thing about this, to me, is Cedar Fair getting more into the ride improvements game. Improved coaster (hopefully) on an "off-year" budget.

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I don't want to sound pessimistic but am I the only one who is not super sure the ride will be so smooth? What if the track is part of the reason why it is rough? (although I know the trains must be the main one)


I don't know if they would invest a lot of money in the ride if they thought it wasn't going to smooth with floorless trains.

I'll be really interested to see how it rides. I wonder if it'll be just like a new coaster.

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If I remember correctly, the trim was added in 1997 to lessen the positive g-forces so it could become more comfortable to ride. Although when I rode it in July of 2013, it felt like the trim was hardly working, think I only heard it touch the train for only a quick "clap." That ride did feel quite uncomfortable on my legs.



You can see that there was a 3rd trim on it at one point as there are mounting points just above the two there now. Anyone have any pictures of it from a few years back that still had that 3rd one? It seems that was removed fairly recently as the mounting holes are not covered by the 2005 paint job.


Really do hope that maybe this will be removed, due to it not being in the render, and the fact that the forces will be applied to a completely different area versus being on someone's legs.

I was there in August last year and a lady told her son this part of the track launched you into the loop. She said the loop was taller than the drop.

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I don't want to sound pessimistic but am I the only one who is not super sure the ride will be so smooth? What if the track is part of the reason why it is rough? (although I know the trains must be the main one)


I don't know if they would invest a lot of money in the ride if they thought it wasn't going to smooth with floorless trains.


Thank you. The people working on this are some of the best coaster designers and engineers in the world. Cedar Point wouldn't throw (presumably) millions of dollars at a coaster if those designers weren't confident that this would make it a better ride experience and those designers wouldn't take on a project that they felt would jeopardize their relationship with a company that's been one of their biggest customers for the last few years. These people know what they're doing... it's their job and they have an excellent reputation.

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I don't want to sound pessimistic but am I the only one who is not super sure the ride will be so smooth? What if the track is part of the reason why it is rough? (although I know the trains must be the main one)


I don't know if they would invest a lot of money in the ride if they thought it wasn't going to smooth with floorless trains.


Thank you. The people working on this are some of the best coaster designers and engineers in the world. Cedar Point wouldn't throw (presumably) millions of dollars at a coaster if those designers weren't confident that this would make it a better ride experience and those designers wouldn't take on a project that they felt would jeopardize their relationship with a company that's been one of their biggest customers for the last few years. These people know what they're doing... it's their job and they have an excellent reputation.

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I don't want to sound pessimistic but am I the only one who is not super sure the ride will be so smooth? What if the track is part of the reason why it is rough? (although I know the trains must be the main one)


I don't know if they would invest a lot of money in the ride if they thought it wasn't going to smooth with floorless trains.


Thank you. The people working on this are some of the best coaster designers and engineers in the world. Cedar Point wouldn't throw (presumably) millions of dollars at a coaster if those designers weren't confident that this would make it a better ride experience and those designers wouldn't take on a project that they felt would jeopardize their relationship with a company that's been one of their biggest customers for the last few years. These people know what they're doing... it's their job and they have an excellent reputation.


Scream says "Hi." All joking aside, I do agree with Coasterbill and Prozach that CP and B&M are the experts and I believe Mantis....err Rougarou will be just fine with the floorless trains.

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I don't want to sound pessimistic but am I the only one who is not super sure the ride will be so smooth? What if the track is part of the reason why it is rough? (although I know the trains must be the main one)


I don't know if they would invest a lot of money in the ride if they thought it wasn't going to smooth with floorless trains.


Thank you. The people working on this are some of the best coaster designers and engineers in the world. Cedar Point wouldn't throw (presumably) millions of dollars at a coaster if those designers weren't confident that this would make it a better ride experience and those designers wouldn't take on a project that they felt would jeopardize their relationship with a company that's been one of their biggest customers for the last few years. These people know what they're doing... it's their job and they have an excellent reputation.



Or they just get lucky a lot ... lol

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