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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

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I didn't encoutering the "vest-tightening" problem on Dollywood's Wild Eagle, but did on Gatekeeper.


I had that problem on my first ride on Wild Eagle, but I didn't notice it until the brake run. On my second ride, I accidentally stapled myself, and oddly enough, I didn't have the problem...Hoping to hit the Point this year to compare rides...

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Oh and one more question: I've only spent two days at the park in the past and have never actually used the back entrance. Is it open to anybody with regular tickets, and what is the parking situation back there?


Yep, just drive around to the back. If anyone ask's, which they won't just tell them Soak City. I have never had a problem parking in the back. In fact, I haven't even parked in the front for a very long time.


I would do Maverick first, as the day wears on ride Gatekeeper and Raptor. When I was there Sun-Tues the lines at night were about 5min for Raptor and 30min for Gatekeeper. The line moves much faster on Gatekeeper than Maverick IMO.


If you are worried about the heat, Game Day Grille is your spot. They have the "Big" waters unlike everywhere else that has the small plastic cups. Go in, sit at the bar, ask for a water and a menu, act like your going to order something and then leave. That is what I did, worked fine.


Being at any park in this sort of heat BLOWS. Finding places with shade or A/C can be a chore all on its own. My fav two spots are the smoking section right by MF and Red Garter Saloon.

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Yep, just drive around to the back. If anyone ask's, which they won't just tell them Soak City. I have never had a problem parking in the back. In fact, I haven't even parked in the front for a very long time.


I would do Maverick first, as the day wears on ride Gatekeeper and Raptor. When I was there Sun-Tues the lines at night were about 5min for Raptor and 30min for Gatekeeper. The line moves much faster on Gatekeeper than Maverick IMO.


If you are worried about the heat, Game Day Grille is your spot. They have the "Big" waters unlike everywhere else that has the small plastic cups. Go in, sit at the bar, ask for a water and a menu, act like your going to order something and then leave. That is what I did, worked fine.


Being at any park in this sort of heat BLOWS. Finding places with shade or A/C can be a chore all on its own. My fav two spots are the smoking section right by MF and Red Garter Saloon.


Thanks a lot for the reply, I appreciate it. I do plan on Maverick first, then moving up to the front through the day. Great tip about the water, I hate having to go up multiple times for water because of those tiny plastic cups. Also, we're hitting 7 parks in the next two weeks from Sandusky to San Antonio, so I'll just have to deal with the heat and drink lots of water. Thanks again .

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I'm sure many will be happy to know this:


Gatekeeper's restraints are slowly being modified one by one so that the vest does not lock anymore. I'm not sure which ones are already adjusted and which aren't, but it will eventually be all of them.


Happy Thursday!

I've also seen in this thread a couple other users report they got rides on the modified seats, one user actually specified which seat and train he found one in if you want to dig for that post.

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^^If the way that's reported is true, that's almost worse than the Texas Giant accident!!!


Do we have any more details on this?


It also confirms my not so irrational fear that I don't like to ride water rides with restraints that I can't get out of on my own.

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^It may be a somewhat irrational fear, but it's one that I share and I'd imagine many other enthusiasts do as well.


Obviously waiting for official details on what happened, but doesn't this have an anti rollback? That's a pretty serious thing to fail if these initial reports are indeed accurate.


The thought of being trapped in a restraint upside down is really making me uncomfortable. I'm glad people were able to help and hopefully none of the injuries are dire.

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What is going on tonight?!?!?!?!?! Jeeze!


Amusement Park full moon or something! Also probably one of the busiest days of the traditional amusement park summer?


It's interesting (and makes me feel a bit better) to see that a lot of you share my same belief on not riding those really restrictive water rides. It even freaks me out a bit being on coasters over water!

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^^I think it's just the survival instincts kicking in. Being restrained underwater I'd imagine is a pretty common fear. And as safe as rides are it's one that I'm unable to really get over.


Was anybody on these boards at Cedar Point today that has any information to share?

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Oh dear. I'll be at Cedar Point next week. Looks like Shoot the Rapids won't be open when I go. It's really unfortunate that this happened around the same time of the Texas Giant incident. Really glad to hear that no riders were killed here, but man that's scary stuff for the anti-rollbacks to fail!


This is turning out to be a Black Friday of sorts for the amusement park world.

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It also confirms my not so irrational fear that I don't like to ride water rides with restraints that I can't get out of on my own.


I completely agree. I never felt comfortable on Perilous Plunge with those shoulder restraints, thinking that if the boat flipped, being trapped would be complete and utter torture.


As for the incident, it's so sad to see yet another unfortunate event to occur today. As well as the NTAG accident, my thoughts are out to those affected.

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It also confirms my not so irrational fear that I don't like to ride water rides with restraints that I can't get out of on my own.


I think this is part of the reason I never rode Perilous Plunge after the new restraints went on. I couldn't imagine how long it would have taken to get people out of that boat (considering how long it took to get them in).

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I'll chime in as another voice who hates water rides with locking restraints, I rode Pilgrim's Plunge and the original Perilous Plunge but they both made me nervous, Pilgrim's less so due to the looseness of the restraint I managed to get away with. Both remind me too much of when I was younger and flipped myself over in a tube on a lazy river and was stuck because the water was too shallow for me to wriggle out of it and I had to try and flip it back over before I ran out of breath.


On another note this sounds like a really serious ride system failure seeing as both the lift chain and the anti-rollbacks had to fail for it to go back down the lift hill

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