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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2036 - Snake River Falls closing September 2nd, 2024

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I'm aware Paramount installed the frisbee at KI, but Cedar Fair decided the same ride should be installed at CP, so the same company is responsible for both parks having it. Continuing on, those parks share a lot of the same attractions. Wave swingers, monsters, troikas, rip chords, go karts, scramblers, frisbees, windseekers, swinging ships but different manufacturers at least, bumper cars, large rail roads, rapids, am I missing anything else? Lol. Point being, the major rides are where the two parks tend to differ. That's a long list of similar or identical attractions. They need to keep the two as separate as possible in their thrill ride offerings.

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2 Things


1- CP and KI are roughly 4 hours away. They target different metropolitan areas. It's not like SWSAnt/SFFT or SFOG/AmAdv

2- I thought Six Flags had a contract with B&M on Wing-Rider coasters? Maybe It's just the layout like Batman from 92 to 97.

3- If this is true, They'll still be at 16 coasters. SFMM "Wins" for a little longer.



Wonder what Matt will remove next? My wishes are with Mean Streak. Iron Dragon doesn't look like it has a great future however.

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Being in central Ohio, it was very obvious when the too biggest theme parks in the state got the same ride in the same year. Imagine if Cedar Fair continues doing stuff like that. What point would there be to visit both CP and KI when they would be essentially the same park.


Different coasters! And one has blue ice cream.

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Being in central Ohio, it was very obvious when the too biggest theme parks in the state got the same ride in the same year. Imagine if Cedar Fair continues doing stuff like that. What point would there be to visit both CP and KI when they would be essentially the same park.


Different coasters! And one has blue ice cream.


And one has TGI Fridays

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A winged coaster going out over a parking lot would be great, as long as cars can still go under it at some points. I understand the whole "things flying out of the train" argument, but going over an active parking lot with nothing under your feet would probably be really exciting!

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If that is indeed the general layout I kind of like it. Yes it is partially over a parking lot but the potential interaction with the entrance plaza is a great concept. If nothing else, the B&M Wing Riders visually are VERY impressive in person and walking right under one upon entrance to the park would be very cool. With the proper track length and right number of trains I'm sure this thing will be a reliable capacity monster, which is always welcome at Cedar Point.

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If you look closely, it's obvious this thing will have no airtime, be incredibly too short, force the parking lot to sink, completely screw up the Fast Lane system, not go to Alaska, have tasteless noodles, cause the Callahan plant to close, have a much-too-long brake run, AND be painted red.


I'll only ride it if the machine guns are installed.


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If you look closely, it's obvious this thing will have no airtime, be incredibly too short, force the parking lot to sink, completely screw up the Fast Lane system, not go to Alaska, have tasteless noodles, cause the Callahan plant to close, have a much-too-long brake run, AND be painted red.


I'll only ride it if the machine guns are installed.


No its "the brake run is too high".....remember?...lol

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If you look closely, it's obvious this thing will have no airtime, be incredibly too short, force the parking lot to sink, completely screw up the Fast Lane system, not go to Alaska, have tasteless noodles, cause the Callahan plant to close, have a much-too-long brake run, AND be painted red.


I'll only ride it if the machine guns are installed.


But all of that doesn't matter, since it's already sinking...



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I'm aware Paramount installed the frisbee at KI, but Cedar Fair decided the same ride should be installed at CP, so the same company is responsible for both parks having it. Continuing on, those parks share a lot of the same attractions. Wave swingers, monsters, troikas, rip chords, go karts, scramblers, frisbees, windseekers, swinging ships but different manufacturers at least, bumper cars, large rail roads, rapids, am I missing anything else? Lol. Point being, the major rides are where the two parks tend to differ. That's a long list of similar or identical attractions. They need to keep the two as separate as possible in their thrill ride offerings.


Don't get me started about how CP has a MUCH better railroad. There are not many parks that can boast about still using coal and owning trains that were not designed for the park but has previous jobs before running around the park. I don't want to start an argument with you Greg, because you know way more than I do, but CP's train is in a whole different league, along with Dollywood's.

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Kings Island and Cedar Point have extremely different thrill rides, they share the same amusement park staples like any other park does and a wind seeker which almost every major Cedar Fair park has. Yea they might share the same type of coaster like Flight Deck and Iron Dragon or Adventure Express and Mine Ride, but their individual ride experiences differ dramatically.


Going back to the wing coaster, I am so excited to see a B&M at the park again. Not only is this ride going to interact with the entrance and it is finally going to show off that beautiful beach that has been hidden by a big, giant box. Space Spiral has not worked consistently for the past ten years and I know it might be an icon, but at this point it is a giant lawn ornament. Can't wait to see the official layout of this bad boy and the first significant change to the entrance of the park since Raptor.

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Postby BeemerBoy » Thu May 31, 2012 5:06 am

If you look closely, it's obvious this thing will have no airtime, be incredibly too short, force the parking lot to sink, completely screw up the Fast Lane system, not go to Alaska, have tasteless noodles, cause the Callahan plant to close, have a much-too-long brake run, AND be painted red.


I'll only ride it if the machine guns are installed.


I want lasers. Roller coaster trains with freaking lasers....


You did not even get to its horrible name!

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^...and it's not wood. Maybe they could work the seagulls into the name.


I am hearing mostly praise from people who have ridden WIld Eagle so I'm sure it will be a good ride. That area of the park will look a lot better. Again, not an anti WR thing but I have to admit it seems a bit uninspired. How much longer will they go without a great wooden coaster.

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I definitely think there will be something unique about it, we shouldn't worry about that. It is Cedar Point. I do however really hope though its more that of Wild Eagle then it is The Swarm (which it looks to be based on the layout given.)

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I really think this is a prime location to have this ride. As guests enter, they will be drawn to it. It's gonna look great dominating the front of the park. Really can't wait until 2013 at this point. And to think, I thought we were gonna have a few months to speculate a few days ago, I guess not now since it was technically "leaked".

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I really think this is a prime location to have this ride. As guests enter, they will be drawn to it. It's gonna look great dominating the front of the park. Really can't wait until 2013 at this point. And to think, I thought we were gonna have a few months to speculate a few days ago, I guess not now since it was technically "leaked".


Agree, I think it will be a fantastic location for an attraction and really could be an iconic ride for the park. Without any details yet, that section that appears to be in the "parking lot" may turn out to be an entirely new in park plaza with shopping, dining, a flat rides, erc and maybe space for future expansion.


I kinda feel like B&M at this point is is just starting to scratch the surface with the potential of the wing rider coasters, and if any park is going to get deluxe version of that concept it's going to be Cedar Point. Should be an interesting project to follow for the next year.

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