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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Nothing posted on the Cedar Point site yet. I just hope this isn't a false alarm. I need a new ride. I don't classify STR as a coaster. IMO, Maverick was their last coaster installed. I'm not a fan of it, so I'm really depressed.

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Will DT Still be open for the rest of the season.


I hope they keep both Disaster Transport and Space Spiral open until the end of the season so that people can get thier last ride on theme before they're gone!

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If this is true, it would be cool if they did a nautical type theme. With it being right on the beach, they could have it go through a lighthouse and have a half sunken ship/sail boat, among many other things that would be easy to do and would make sense for the area, especially with Ocean Motion now being up there. But, if the rumored green track is true, I don't think anything nautical would be happening.


I'm just dreaming here...

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I'm very excited to hear about Dorney's new bobsled coaster for 2012!

I hate that someone beat me to that...


In all seriousness (though nobody would really be shocked if DT went to Dorney or Michigan's Adventure) this sounds like a great addition. I can't wait to see what they do with it.

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If this is true, it would be cool if they did a nautical type theme. With it being right on the beach, they could have it go through a lighthouse and have a half sunken ship/sail boat, among many other things that would be easy to do and would make sense for the area, especially with Ocean Motion now being up there.


Quality idea. Now at what actual theme park can we get someone to put it into action??

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absolutely can't wait to see the layout of this bad boy. with CP being the flagship park of CF, i doubt this will be a scream 2.0, which obv would be pretty unattractive right there at the front of the park. purple color track would be nice. anyone know when the announcement will be official and they'll make a website and everything? end of the summer?

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This appeared in the article...


I asked the barista at Starbucks in Sandusky to text me the layout photo. She came through!



So, what is the general consensus from people who have experienced these wing coasters? I hear of painful restraints, is that right?


On a side note, We all witnessed something remarkable today: Cedar Point's phenomenal marketing system at work! TONS of buzz over the new coaster, way more than if it came from them in August. Why wait?

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If that layout is accurate, or close to accurate, it looks like a dive loop off the lift (along the beach) followed directly by either another dive loop or an immelmann. If it's the latter, there will be some good forces at the bottom! Probably another dive loop over at the entrance, and that long straight portion before the helix at the end is definitely the extended barrel roll they all have. The s-bend over it is probably a corkscrew like on Wild Eagle, so one more inversion after those would give it the record for a wingrider!

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Scince theirs not much going on at the site. I wonder why Mr.O or whoevers's in charge of construction decided to take so long to start construction.


CGA is already starting on their GCI woodie, and all they have to do is earth moving. CP has to remove DT, and SS, aswell as clearing the parking lot area/entrance and then build the coaster. And then restore the vacant area? Why are they waiting so long? I hope this thing opens on time and not in August or something, lol.

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Scince theirs not much going on at the site. I wonder why Mr.O or whoevers's in charge of construction decided to take so long to start construction.


CGA is already starting on their GCI woodie, and all they have to do is earth moving. CP has to remove DT, and SS, aswell as clearing the parking lot area/entrance and then build the coaster. And then restore the vacant area? Why are they waiting so long? I hope this thing opens on time and not in August or something, lol.


Most coasters don't start construction until late-fall, early winter (at least that's the norm). CP wouldn't remove DT or Space Spiral until a good portion of the season has gone by, I think they're safe until August. At least I'll be able to get my DT credit this summer.

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You're probably not going to see any stakes or any earth movement in the parking lot until late summer. I can possibly see track or supports being plopped next to Breaker's Express by mid-summer, like what happened when pieces for Maverick starting showing up early.


I see Space Spiral being the first to come down and will probably be down before the park closes for the season as I'm sure they'll take advantage of being closed during the week after Labor Day weekend to get a big crane in to dismantle it.

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Scince theirs not much going on at the site. I wonder why Mr.O or whoevers's in charge of construction decided to take so long to start construction.


CGA is already starting on their GCI woodie, and all they have to do is earth moving. CP has to remove DT, and SS, aswell as clearing the parking lot area/entrance and then build the coaster. And then restore the vacant area? Why are they waiting so long? I hope this thing opens on time and not in August or something, lol.


Most coasters don't start construction until late-fall, early winter (at least that's the norm). CP wouldn't remove DT or Space Spiral until a good portion of the season has gone by, I think they're safe until August. At least I'll be able to get my DT credit this summer.


Well I know that, and Raptor is a perfect example. But You'd think they'd have more going on by now....


Excuse me but what is a "noodle"?

Yes, indeed good sir.

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You're probably not going to see any stakes or any earth movement in the parking lot until late summer. I can possibly see track or supports being plopped next to Breaker's Express by mid-summer, like what happened when pieces for Maverick starting showing up early.


I see Space Spiral being the first to come down and will probably be down before the park closes for the season as I'm sure they'll take advantage of being closed during the week after Labor Day weekend to get a big crane in to dismantle it.



Maverick track on May 28, 2006



Maverick site on May 28, 2006

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If that layout is accurate, or close to accurate, it looks like a dive loop off the lift (along the beach) followed directly by either another dive loop or an immelmann. If it's the latter, there will be some good forces at the bottom! Probably another dive loop over at the entrance, and that long straight portion before the helix at the end is definitely the extended barrel roll they all have. The s-bend over it is probably a corkscrew like on Wild Eagle, so one more inversion after those would give it the record for a wingrider!


I don't think we are seeing a dive loop or immelmann off the lift there. My suggestion is that it is more like a norwegian loop off the lift. It will top the lift and rotate around 180 degrees and dive down (ala X-Flight, or Swarm) then half loop back up to rotate another 180degrees. It doesn't look to be like there is enough room in that layout for a 170ft lift, drop, and then rise again for the first inversion. Also, that is going to be the mother of all corkscrews. It looks HUGE!

Edited by Zingoman
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