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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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In all honesty everyone, it does not look like it's going to be any different than the other s-curves this thing has already when it transitions from on turn to the next in that one section.


Exactly what I was thinking. The S-curves in the beginning are banked pretty good, this will probably be the same.

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^Interesting...I heard a rumor on Point Buzz that they are going to try to open it on Memorial Day...Maybe there is some merit to this rumor after all, though that is only 6 days from now.


Now I'm wondering if they will have to do another pull through just on this part of the ride, or if since it was testing before it will be more or less ready to go once they finish installing the new track (with a few test runs.)

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Now I'm wondering if they will have to do another pull through just on this part of the ride, or if since it was testing before it will be more or less ready to go once they finish installing the new track (with a few test runs.)

I was thinking the same thing.

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The track piece they are unloading is banked very little, if any. I guess the other two will be banked pretty good then. It also looks as if they didn't pour any new footers, instead, it looks like they just made supports that utilize the current footers' locations.

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Looks like I missed the track by a mere few hours.


I'll have the TR up in a few days, but it sure does look all nice 'n shiny for opening! (Though there's some tunnel work being done, i.e. scaffolding and such across the tunnel entrance. Seemed odd to me.)

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Dude if they can get the track installed today, test the new pieces of track and refill the pond thing by next week that would be so amazing.


Might not happen, but it is easily doable and I think CP wants this to open as fast as possible.

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I'm going to CP in June, early June that is. Hopefully they get this thing up and going. Although if they don't, I don't mind, the ride doesn't look that great IMO anymore. I'm looking forward to Raptor more than anything. (It's my first time to CP period.)


Looks better than any SLC

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