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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I know that heartline roll seemed painful, but having been on Storm Runner, the s-curve doesn't seem like a good replacement. I slammed against the headrest enough on that one at lower speeds, imagine it at 70 MPH?

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What people don't seem to realize, is that immediatly after the heartline roll, there is a slight left hand curve leading into the first stengel dive. This is just a change of banking heading into that curve.



On the contrary, I am very aware of it all. Still doesn't negate the rapid side-to-side head movement that will be produced by the rapid change in direction during the S-curve. Three words: Storm Runner S-Curve. Make that four: Ouch.

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1) Reconfigure the ride at Intamin's cost for next year adding the third loop.

2) Reimburse CP for the loss of revenue and embarrassment.


I call BS on #2. Unless the original contract stipulated penalties for not meeting a deadline, why the hell would Intamin pay? And with these projects being so complex and unpredictable, why would Intamin ever agree to such terms? Revenue loss is a pretty nebulous thing, as there is no way to accurately figure out how much money this has cost Cedar Point, if much at all. I was there opening weekend, and the place had a pretty good crowd.


#1 is a definite possibility because the ride is now not meeting the original specifications.

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^^ I personally have never hit my head against the restraints on Storm Runner. I can see where people are getting this, but I have never experienced the headbanging.


I am sure Intamin and Cedar Point know what they are doing by adding the S curve.

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^^ Whether IntaRide should pay or not is completely irrelevant. If Cedar Fair should decide to take them to court over it (this instance has happened in the industry before), then IntaRide will most likely pony up the dough.


Six Flags has filed lawsuits against Vekoma In't and Arrow Dynamics in the past for loss of revenue and marketing expenses due to a ride(s) that were not delivered on time as promised. And believe it or not, manufacturers and design firms do agree to a specified target delivery date that is usually gauranteed. When this is breached, they face potential lawsuit or some sort of compensation from the park or company.

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^^ Whether IntaRide should pay or not is completely irrelevant. If Cedar Fair should decide to take them to court over it (this instance has happened in the industry before), then IntaRide will most likely pony up the dough.


Six Flags has filed lawsuits against Vekoma In't and Arrow Dynamics in the past for loss of revenue and marketing expenses due to a ride(s) that were not delivered on time as promised. And believe it or not, manufacturers and design firms do agree to a specified target delivery date that is usually gauranteed. When this is breached, they face potential lawsuit or some sort of compensation from the park or company.

Get a life shit head.

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Ginzo, with all due respect, if the ride does not meet the original specifications then that is a breach of contract. It may be less expensive for Intamin to "cut a deal" with CP ($$$$) avoiding a costly lawsuit.

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Ginzo, with all due respect, if the ride does not meet the original specifications then that is a breach of contract. It may be less expensive for Intamin to "cut a deal" with CP ($$$$) avoiding a costly lawsuit.


*shrug* Nobody here really knows the particulars of this contract, nor who pushed to have the inversion removed. Innovation and deadlines are not happy bedfellows. Who other than Intamin could bring a project like this to fruition? I don't see the utility in pushing a vendor around for a relatively minor delay that will likely have little impact on the CF's bottom line and long term prospects.


Maverick will be up and working soon, and the vast majority of CP guests won't even know about the delay. I was up there from Saturday through Monday, and heard NOTHING about Maverick. I did hear about a supposed coaster in Japan that is taller than TTD.

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When it comes to overall satisfaction on a coaster these days, there's no one I'd rather trust than CP & Intamin. I am very disappointed with the removal of that element but am sure that it was done with the (majority of the) riders in mind. Unfortunately none of us will ever know just how extreme/pleasurable/intense the heartline was. I have a suspicion that it'll still be an enjoyable & unforgettable ride.


Pipe dream of the nite: CP could've given sites & organizations like TPR, ACE, etc. the opportunity to ride the initial design on a specific day before the element was removed (without any legal ramifications, of course)...

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Maverick will be up and working soon, and the vast majority of CP guests won't even know about the delay. I was up there from Saturday through Monday, and heard NOTHING about Maverick. I did hear about a supposed coaster in Japan that is taller than TTD.


You mean they're finally building Super Mega Ultra Skyscraper Coaster 3000?!? I can't wait. We'll have to go there next year, Joe. I'm booking the flight now. On a serious note, Julia and I are heading up to America's Roller Coast on June 14th, so we'll see if Maverick's open by then. If not, it doesn't really phase me, as I'll just go up later in the season, but it'd be nice if anything just to draw crowds away from MF...


-James Dillaman

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Pipe dream of the nite: CP could've given sites & organizations like TPR, ACE, etc. the opportunity to ride the initial design on a specific day before the element was removed (without any legal ramifications, of course)...


That would've been AWESOME! I really doubt they would do that due to a later opening, more tests before that, etc, etc. Would've been awesome, though.

P.S.-I wonder if you were to E-mail CP and arrange something like this, if they would let organizitions do this...Robb or Elissa would be your best bet at convincing them, though.

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On a serious note, Julia and I are heading up to America's Roller Coast on June 14th, so we'll see if Maverick's open by then.

-James Dillaman


Actually, they're calling it "America's Rockin' Roller Coast" these days. I guess they wanted to steal Disneyland's failures with Rockin' California Screamin' and Rockin' Space Mountain.

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Wouldn't the blame be on Stengel? I mean he did design it and i'm pretty sure he would be responsible for faults in the design. Intrude just provides the track and builds it right? Also, I don't see why CAP would ever spend money on removing the hardline and adding an SA-Curve then remove the SA Curve and add another inversion. There's really no point to it. Once the SA curve is there, i'm %100 sure that it will stay there and that will be the last major modification to the ride. To me, it seems like blaming the car dealership for a flaw in the car itself.

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To me, it seems like blaming the car dealership for a flaw in the car itself. (sorry, for the life of me I can't figure out how to quote within a post)


Interesting allalogy RollerC, but more accurately it would be like buying and paying for a car with air conditioning, and then not having it once the car is recieved. What would the dealer do if you don't get it (A/C or 3rd inversion)? Imo, they would either give you the cost of the item, or try to install it in the vehicle.

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On a serious note, Julia and I are heading up to America's Roller Coast on June 14th, so we'll see if Maverick's open by then.

-James Dillaman


Actually, they're calling it "America's Rockin' Roller Coast" these days. I guess they wanted to steal Disneyland's failures with Rockin' California Screamin' and Rockin' Space Mountain.


Actualy, Cedar Point started using the slogan "America's Rock N' Roller Coast" in around 2000 or 2001, and only recently switched to a new slogan "Ride On". I guess the employees just didn't get the news.

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I am sure Intamin and Cedar Point know what they are doing by adding the S curve.


Just like how they knew what they were doing with the roll, right?


-Justin "Reading this thread can make one irritated" Seabaugh

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If your planing on going with a 48in tall kid, watch out!


In addition, IntaRide, Maverick’s manufacturer, has recently revised the height requirement for Maverick. Riders must now be 52 inches or taller to ride.


Still 2in under StormRunner, so I don't think its Cedar Fair being Cedar Fair. It does kill the "family" part of the ride, though

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