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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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^^ Whether IntaRide should pay or not is completely irrelevant. If Cedar Fair should decide to take them to court over it (this instance has happened in the industry before), then IntaRide will most likely pony up the dough.


Six Flags has filed lawsuits against Vekoma In't and Arrow Dynamics in the past for loss of revenue and marketing expenses due to a ride(s) that were not delivered on time as promised. And believe it or not, manufacturers and design firms do agree to a specified target delivery date that is usually gauranteed. When this is breached, they face potential lawsuit or some sort of compensation from the park or company.

Get a life poo-poo head.


Oh, that's so nice. You should be given a prize.


Anyway, this doesn't seem THAT big of a surprise.


When you think about it, there really wasn't much they could do to expand the roller without doing some major changes to the ride. I mean, come on. Picture it this way:


There's really not much you can do to expand it without making some major changes to the ride. Now I notice that the current support doesn't look like it would handle it very well, but who knows.


If they did expand the roll, they would probably have to change ALL supports, rip out the canyon, pour new footers, etc. I mean, they're trying to get the ride open. you could give them that much, at least.


My point is that it's the easier, fastest way to get the ride open. It's also probably the safest.



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I'm gonna be honest, this sucks, it really does.. Not only for enthusiasts but for any regular person who was excited about the element. This element was going to make the ride for me and its kind of.. meh for me now... Oh well, there is still Millennium Force

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I don't care one way or the other about the heartline roll so the new curve is cool with me.


On a side note my 2 60 year old parents have rode Storm runner multiple times and love it with no mention of this very tramatic and painfully intense headbanging. I believe that all of you should thank CP for taming down your coaster and obviously saving your life.

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It wouldn't become the next Drachen Fire. In reality, it already has - it just didn't open before the problem was caught.


I heard this was Stengels 500th coaster. What a shame they either couldn't figure out a solution, or, they weren't given enough time.


Either way - whether you wanted the element or not, its pathetic. Cp couldn't open Dragster at full tilt its first few weeks. MF has had numerous issues with cable and lift motor (not to mention its just not that exciting of a ride). WT doesn't run the same as its first 2 months.



They cant seem to open a ride lately that opens in its final condition and runs for a few years without any major implications. We gotta go back to Mantis I believe (not counting kiddie rides) and its since then been neutered.



Hopefully with this S-Curve they can take off one of those brakes up there or increase the launch speed back to what they thought (or higher) since the only laterals they had to worry about were the heartlines. Because I watched it test ALL day this week and theres NO airtime over that hill. None.

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^Yeah, but SDC claims PowderKeg with its 0-53 in 2.8 sec is a "family" coaster too, so there you go.


...completely ignoring the fact that PowderKeg doesn't have a 95-degree first drop and two corkscrews.


True, but it does have quite a few overbanked curves.

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It wouldn't become the next Drachen Fire. In reality, it already has - it just didn't open before the problem was caught.


I heard this was Stengels 500th coaster. What a shame they either couldn't figure out a solution, or, they weren't given enough time.


Either way - whether you wanted the element or not, its pathetic. Cp couldn't open Dragster at full tilt its first few weeks. MF has had numerous issues with cable and lift motor (not to mention its just not that exciting of a ride). WT doesn't run the same as its first 2 months.



They cant seem to open a ride lately that opens in its final condition and runs for a few years without any major implications. We gotta go back to Mantis I believe (not counting kiddie rides) and its since then been neutered.



Hopefully with this S-Curve they can take off one of those brakes up there or increase the launch speed back to what they thought (or higher) since the only laterals they had to worry about were the heartlines. Because I watched it test ALL day this week and theres NO airtime over that hill. None.


You are right only Cedar Point has problems with new coasters, no other park does.

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I always thought that looked like a fairly higher speed section for such a small heart line.


Really sucks too, I have to believe that was one of the looking forward to aspects of the ride. One day they will learn. Since it is a whole section replacement/modification their goes my structural Intamin jokes 


Looks like fault will lie within the designer of the project “unless someone failed blue print reading 101” and then the faults would lay with the fabricator.


And yes CF is a company that will seek and go after damages as they should. These are not cheap projects, and timeline and schedules are to be kept, period.


It wouldn't become the next Drachen Fire. In reality, it already has - it just didn't open before the problem was caught.


Either way - whether you wanted the element or not, its pathetic. Cp couldn't open Dragster at full tilt its first few weeks. MF has had numerous issues with cable and lift motor (not to mention its just not that exciting of a ride). WT doesn't run the same as its first 2 months.


They cant seem to open a ride lately that opens in its final condition and runs for a few years without any major implications. We gotta go back to Mantis I believe (not counting kiddie rides) and its since then been neutered.


Hopefully with this S-Curve they can take off one of those brakes up there or increase the launch speed back to what they thought (or higher) since the only laterals they had to worry about were the heartlines. Because I watched it test ALL day this week and theres NO airtime over that hill. None.


As for comparing this to Drachen, no way! Drachen Fire was a complete design mess that was supposed to be B&M. Arrow was never ready for such a project and using RCT to design it didn’t help it either.

Comparing this issue with TTD, Wicked Twister, MF, etc. is also way off base.


Those 3 rides did kind of break new grounds, granted Wicked Twister was the dumbest design mistake I have bluntly seen with the limited support on the spikes. (Some engineers believe it or not do have logic, just not most.)


All parks have problem with new rides, most we never will hear about unless you have a better source. Custom rides are work in progress designs to a small degree. Tweaks are always required.


As for the trims on the hill, they will most likely stay the same as that trim also controls the entry speed of the next section of the ride. I do agree triming before a hill is a waste they could of done that on the downward turn.


So all in all good for them to fix the problem, sucks it will kill what could have been a very cool part of the ride. I truly hope they don’t rush the opening, and hope the S turn does not end up hurting like the bad feeling I have says it might.

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I'm sorry I bothered checking this.





I'm no mod, but from a purely argumentative standpoint, sarcastic, flaming, furious rant posts, and other member attacks really don't strengthen you post all that much. They actually discredit your argument and make you look quite, well--stupid.


Yes it sucks that the ride is opening late.

Yes it sucks that they are changing the heartline.


But no matter how hard you search through your limited understanding of the matter for a blame, you aren't going to feel any better about this. Things like this happen--that's not to say that they should happen or that it makes them ok when they do, but they do. You are only stressing yourself out by choosing to argue over it. I'm not trying to parent anyone over this, but I do speak from expirence when I say: It's not worth it. In 6 months-year, nobody will even care anymore. So ultimately, it's best to just sit back, try not to steam too much, wait for word from Cedar Point, and look forward to riding whatever form of Maverick we end up getting. I know I am.



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This is all just bad karma for the park.


And I find it amazing that The Chiller took 10 years to fix it's heartline issue while this ride took what... 10 days to get track removed and parts started in fabrication?


Should have been an Aquatrax from the get-go.

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I still think it will be a fun ride, but I may be in the minority. It seems like a lot of people are putting all of their stock into one company in a way, believing that the heartline roll would be the only thing worth while on the ride. I think that the first drop could have some good air since the train goes up at a quicker speed than Millennium does. I am gonna wait to see how this ride is before deciding that getting rid of the roll killed it.

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Kids today wouldn't know rock if a boulder hit them upside the head.


Quoted for absolute truth. ('Course I don't really fall into the demographic, as I hate most all modern music anyway. )


Sunday-Monday I'll try to get a pic or two of the non-heartline. (Does this count as a "neutered" coaster?

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Fastest-neutered coaster ever? Looks like CP might be able to claim a new world record with Maverick after all.


By removing one of the biggest elements of the ride AND raising the height requirement, Cedar Point has more or less ruined their advertising campaign for the ride. It was supposed to be a "family ride," or at least something that isn't quite as intense as MF or Dragster, but now they've had to remove a major element of the ride because it was TOO INTENSE, and now you have to be just as tall to ride Maverick as you have to be to ride Dragster, and taller than you have to be to ride MF. What does that say to the average joe? Pretty much that this ride is anything BUT a family ride.


I'm a credit whore, I'll ride this once for the credit. But I won't ride it again unless it's a walk-on. 8 months worth of false advertising isn't something I'll wait in line for.


And before anybody tries to tear me a new one, I LIKE Cedar Point, and I love to see them succeed and put in great new attractions. I can't place all the blame on them, I know Intamin/Intaride are the ones that goofed with the design, but regardless of whose fault it is, Cedar Point has been advertising this ride as having a heartline roll and a 48" height requirement since September of last year. I've seen people sue over things that were MUCH more frivolous than this, and win.


*Edit* And to inject a little humor into this post, I guess I'll be the first one to say...TAER IT DOWN!!!!

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Does anyone think there might be the possiblity of them cranking up the launch speed now? It had to be right around 70 mph for the heartline but is it possible for it to be like 80 mph for the s-curve. That would make the second half of the ride a little more interesting. I can hope at least, right?


Nope, the track is made for a train going 70 mph not 80, if they were to crank up the launch speed, the enter ride after that would have to be redone with proper banking.

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I'm not seeing how a non inverted S bend would improve the ride all that much seeing as how what they had before was basically just an inverted S bend. Though it I'm thinking the problem had something to do with either the entry or the exit.


I really do hope they plan on bringint it back next season.

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It's sad to see them replacing the heartline roll with a s-bend. I thought that the heartline roll was one of the key features that maverick had. Now its down to the two horseshoe rolls and the launch tunnel. I still feel that it will be a great ride but the ride would have been better with the heartline roll.

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