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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Even though you didn’t see it in the animation or original plans, we’ve installed what are known as “water bombs” that will explode as each train dives over the lagoon after the second launch! They’ll go off in sequence adding to the adventure and excitement of the ride.



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As he (^^) said, Maverick is opening on Saturday, May 26th!




The water bombs thing sounds cool! I wonder if they just get close or if you will get wet.


EDIT- The s-curve sure doesn't look very heartlined.....

I guess we just need a better picture.

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I'm really supprised that the state would let them open the ride with only 3 days of testing. They must be running this thing around the clock until then to get their cycles up.

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^^ With no riders you can cycle pretty fast. i think the state only requires 100 cycles without breakdown or something before opening, but can't remember exactly as it's been a few years since I was a ride operator at KI. At Beast, each train could do 11 circuits in an hour (If there are no stupid guests with problems enterring and exiting the train ), and with 3 trains that equates to 33 circuits, so only 3 hours and a few minutes to get 100 cycles, or only a full day to get 100 cycles on each train, so it's very doable.


-James "And beast is a LOT longer ride than maverick" Dillaman

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Damn! You all beat me to the news!


My roommate works as a freelance audio tech for the park, and he called me a few hours ago. He told me they had been testing Maverick all day, and then he got a call on the radio that it would officially open Saturday!


Woo hoo! Only a few more weeks 'til I ride!

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I'm going to close this thread since it's going to open. Please move all Maverick discussion into the main thread.




^ Better yet, I'm going to combine this with the other one to make the



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