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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I love it! Think of how great an S-curve will be. They took out a boring heartline roll and put in something worthwhile. This also means that they should be able to get it up and running fairly quickly. I'd say a few weeks. I'm not dissapointed, as i value my health, and 7 g's didn't sit well with me. I do question why this didn't get caught during the design phase, and I bet some important questions are going to be asked in the next few months.


-James Dillaman

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I kinda figured that the rumored 6 or 7g's might've came form this spot. Even if they took this spot off, there's still other inversions on the ride that are eye-catching.


Right, it's not like this is going to change the overall image of the ride, I mean, it could've been worse. "Sorry folks, we can't have the 95 degree drop, so, it'll be steep, but not extraordinarily steep."

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I love it! Think of how great an S-curve will be.


YEA! I mean, its not like the ride doesn't already have two or anything....


I'm a little sad the roll is going, but the ride will still be great, right?

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I love it! Think of how great an S-curve will be.


YEA! I mean, its not like the ride doesn't already have two or anything....


I'm a little sad the roll is going, but the ride will still be great, right?


Probably. And look at it this way, you will be upside down if you tilt your head far enough to the side

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Darnit, my expectations for Maverick have been lowered even more.




Oh, I'm so sorry. Why don't all of you just boycott Cedar Point and Intamin because they changed what you wanted.


Perhaps if you realized that Intamin designs rides for the park and general public, not you, you would realize that this change in design is quite necessary. It's one small element that is being changed. Just ONE! I'm pretty sure that it's not going to have an unmanageably high effect on the ride itself.

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Darnit, my expectations for Maverick have been lowered even more.




Pfft. Having actually seen the ride testing, I still think it'll easily be their best ride.

Agreed, and i haven't even seen the ride testing. While I'm not sure if it will be THE best (I still love Millie ) but I am sure it will be one of the best in the park.

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It's one small element that is being changed. Just ONE! I'm pretty sure that it's not going to have an unmanageably high effect on the ride itself.

I disagree. Although it obviously won't ruin the entire ride experience, it is definitely a BIG change. In fact, it was what I was most looking forward to on the ride.


Think about it. When parks market a ride, on a t-shirt for instance, what do you commonly see? Something to the effect of:



*Cedar Point's 17th roller coaster

* Featuring a 95 degree first drop

* two horseshoe inversions

* a 70mph launch tunnel

* a high speed heartline roll

* etc, etc.


See what I'm getting at? You're losing a major component here. A high speed S curve doesn't exactly convey the same effect. Sure, it'll still be fun, but when you look at some of the polls created in here, one of the highest rated elements is always the zero-g/heartline roll.


And considering where this particular one was to be located (close to the ground, and between huge rocks) I definitely think it would have been a great rush. Oh well. Like I said, I'll still ride it, and it'll still be fun, but I am somewhat disappointed with this news.

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Before the whining starts: you can tell that this will be a highly banked S-curve and it will be taken at a high speed. Not quite as delicious as a heartline, but it's still going to be awesome.


Yeah, but the S-Curve will probably be better than just a flat piece of track.


Or so you would think. Storm Runner's S-curve slams riders' heads from one side of the harness to the other. Ow. I can't imagine how much more painful that would be at the speed Maverick's trains will be taking that curve. Maybe a flat-section would've been better off.

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Erm... Well, considering the train has to bank the other direction anyway to meet up with the next corner, that's about all it can do.


Its not a replacement "element", it's just a transition between two corners, like there is near the very start of the ride.



Shame the roll had to go, but looking at the videos of it testing, it was quite obviously not going to feel nice. The headrests (position of the rider's head) swung under as it rolled in a very awkward way- it would have been more sensible to curl around this point of the rider instead of the heartline. Bah.


Still, the airtime is all I'm interested in. And that's all still there

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It is disapointing to say the least, while I hope not too much headbanging will result from the "new" "S" element.


I wonder if the CF agreement with Intamin calls for a coaster with three (3) inversions. If it does, we may see it return during the off season, or some compensation be give to CF. (food for thought).

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I wonder if the CF agreement with Intamin calls for a coaster with three (3) inversions. If it does, we may see it return during the off season, or some compensation be give to CF. (food for thought).


A third inversion will not find a place on Maverick without additional extensive modifactions to the current ride -- which I doubt the park is considering. A lot of resources and time has been lost just for this one modification. Maverick will have two inversions, and will stay that way.


A lot of you keep forgetting that this modification process is a pricey one and has cost Cedar Point a good month's worth of Maverick operation. While it is more than gauranteed the modification is being done for free by IntaRide, it's still an embarassment to the park. Good thing Cedar Point has held their ground and is doing the best they can to get this problem fixed.

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I'm sad that the coaster got delayed but as long as it opens early june I'm fine with it. The pictures of it look awesome, and I can't wait to ride it, I don't think it will be the best coaster in the park that title belongs to raptor but I think it is a very nice addition to the already 16 great coasters in the park. I do wish that cedar point would add a floorless coaster, but time will tell.

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Kraxle, that was my point. The modification process is VERY expensive AND CP has certainly lost revenue and credality due to a significant mistake by Intamin.


Being in sales myself, I have worked on/sold many significant legal agreements between multi billion dollar companies. I strongly suspect Intamin will be held to the "fire" with this one leaving them two (2) options imo.


1) Reconfigure the ride at Intamin's cost for next year adding the third loop.

2) Reimburse CP for the loss of revenue and embarrassment.


Something will happen behind the scenes and hope we find out (come on Screamscape).

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Before the whining starts: you can tell that this will be a highly banked S-curve and it will be taken at a high speed. Not quite as delicious as a heartline, but it's still going to be awesome.


Yeah, but the S-Curve will probably be better than just a flat piece of track.


Or so you would think. Storm Runner's S-curve slams riders' heads from one side of the harness to the other. Ow. I can't imagine how much more painful that would be at the speed Maverick's trains will be taking that curve. Maybe a flat-section would've been better off.


What people don't seem to realize, is that immediatly after the heartline roll, there is a slight left hand curve leading into the first stengel dive. This is just a change of banking heading into that curve.


What really sucks is that they seemed to have enough room to signifigantly extend the roll, but for whatever reason didn't. You can really see here and here just how much room they had that just didn't utilize. I mean, would you rather have a completly nuetered Maverick open early june, or a Maverick with an extended heartline roll open later this summer?

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I think we'll see a neutered Maverick open very soon, and hope the return to Maverick's original design with a modified hearline next year. (At Intamin's cost of course).


You bring up an excellent point that there is a ton of room to elongate the heartline. But suspect inorder to do that - major design modifications and totally new footers would need to be installed throughout that area of the ride. They would never be able to do that and open this year.



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