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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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does anyone know what rides will be open for halloweekends?


It seems like we now have some answers. The Halloweekends rides list includes all major rides except for:


- Corkscrew

- Gemini

- Iron Dragon

- Power Tower

- Rougarou

- Skyhawk

- Wicked Twister

- Windseeker

- Witches Wheel


This appears to be the Friday ride list. I would think that all rides will operate on Saturdays as they always have since Saturday during the day (and all day Sunday) is the Great Pumpkin Fest where the event page references rides that aren't listed on the Haunt site such as Camp "Spooky", Sky Ride and Witches Wheel.


A few other things of note from the website that (I believe) are new...


- Monster and Witches Wheel will be given Halloween soundtracks. Witches Wheel will receive Halloween lighting

- Ocean Motion will become Ocean Potion and the water beneath the ride will be dyed red

- Cedar Creek "Mystic" Mine Ride will have a special surprise in the transfer shed. They're clearly playing off of Mystic Timbers here as the website uses the hashtag #what'sintheshed but I don't expect much

- Sky Ride will operate for the event this year and some cars will feature spooky passengers. Apparently they may sometimes sit beside you.

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They honestly made some really deep cuts to the Friday night ride list this year if that really is the list. I would guess that they're definitely having some staffing problems. I'm also surprised that they would put a special lighting package and sound effects on Witches Wheel and then not run it on Friday since you can really get away with one ride op.

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^^I'm looking at that hop into the break run...if that thing has the speed I think it will going into it, that could be a stupid ejector pop. Wow.

F*** yeah! Looks like the best part of the ride! Then, after sitting on the brake run I can try to decide if this is my 36th favorite steel coaster or my 14th.


I'll say that it's strange seeing that long flat piece of track in the midst of all that twisted steel.

Edited by prozach626
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...- Cedar Creek "Mystic" Mine Ride will have a special surprise in the transfer shed. They're clearly playing off of Mystic Timbers here as the website uses the hashtag #what'sintheshed but I don't expect much.



Well, whether it turns out great or not, at least they're doing something with it.

Something I thought they should do with it, when I rode it back in June. And keep it

as part of the ride, year round. But Halloweekends are a start.


It's begging for "something" to be in that shed! Taken on June 5, 2017.

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I'm intrigued by this but I'm really not sure how it'll go.


Initially I figured they'd just throw some props in one of the cars so other cars see it when they pass, but if people are really going to hop in the car with you that'll be pretty interesting. Honestly I think it'll be more awkward than anything. After the initial scare there's no way they can stay in character for the duration of the ride. It'll probably just turn into a ton of people taking selfies with the monsters.


I'm just glad they're planning to run it this year after cutting it for staffing last year.

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I was there yesterday evening and I'd say they are already having staffing issues.

Seems gemini is down to just one side for the most part unless it's a Saturday.

Most food places that were open only had 2 or 3 workers.

Many food places closed.

Merch places only had one worker.

Many games were closed.

Glad the park wasn't busy because from an operations standpoint it would've been a mad house.

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They always have staffing issues this time of year. They anticipated it well in advance and have brought in a sh*t ton of food trucks for the next 2 weekends. During the week they know they can get away with a lot of closed food places and games because it's a slow time of year anyway.


And yeah, Gemeni rarely races on weekdays this late in the year. It's a shame, but it's nothing new. I just hope they have the staff to run 2 sides on Halloweekends Saturdays this year so it doesn't pull an 85 minute wait again. That's absurd.

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It's that time of year again... time to book Sandusky hotels for Labor Day weekend!


Now I know people have asked about hotels a ton of times, including myself. We really should have a post somewhere that keeps this information together so it doesn't need to be asked again for people like me who can't remember all the advice, but since we don't, I need advice again.


I'm looking for something near CP, breakfast preferred, indoor pool is a plus, preferably less than $100 a night but not too dirty or awful. So far, the motels I've found that seem alright are Quality Inn Huron, Days Inn Milan, and Motel 6 Huron (which I think was the one people said was pretty good?) Have any of you stayed at these before and can give advice on these or another suggestion?


Also, what sites do you prefer to book from? I remember someone saying he booked Breakers for a really cheap rate at some site but I can't remember which one it was.

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It's that time of year again... time to book Sandusky hotels for Labor Day weekend!


Now I know people have asked about hotels a ton of times, including myself. We really should have a post somewhere that keeps this information together so it doesn't need to be asked again for people like me who can't remember all the advice, but since we don't, I need advice again.


I'm looking for something near CP, breakfast preferred, indoor pool is a plus, preferably less than $100 a night but not too dirty or awful. So far, the motels I've found that seem alright are Quality Inn Huron, Days Inn Milan, and Motel 6 Huron (which I think was the one people said was pretty good?) Have any of you stayed at these before and can give advice on these or another suggestion?


Also, what sites do you prefer to book from? I remember someone saying he booked Breakers for a really cheap rate at some site but I can't remember which one it was.


I can recommend the Motel 6 Huron. It was very clean when I stayed one month ago and was $65 for the night.

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