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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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I hardly even know where to begin in talking about Steel Vengeance! It's everything I could have hoped for the coaster to be, and more! I'm definitely going to be getting my CF Platinum Pass next year, and will be going to CP early (Opening Day) and often! Count me in as well, among those who will be clamoring for Coastermania tickets, and I've never been before, so hopefully I'll be able to get what will undoubtedly be a super hot ticket. RMC really went all out on this one, and it will likely be their defining masterpiece for years to come!


I'm a little surprised that it appears CP didn't take the opportunity to expand Frontier Town here, and open up the dead end there on the other side of the train tracks, since doing things like that with new coaster additions has been their M.O. in recent years, and it seemed like the area was begging for enhancement. But maybe that's still to come, and they just haven't announced it yet, nor bothered to show it on the renderings. I guess we'll see over the months ahead.


This is my 2000th TPR post! How better to use it, than talking about Cedar Point's latest and greatest scream machine? Steel Vengeance! Can't Wait!!!

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Hello TPR,


after reading this thread (and others) for more than a year, I finally made the account because.. Holy crap, what a coaster!

We're from Germany and have been to CP six weeks ago (the reason we started reading here) and stood directly on the fence in front of the first drop and thought "How crappy awesome will this drop be". The ledgers for the vertical drop were already there and they were with the lift hill already over the turnaround.. But what we saw yesterday was not forseeable.

Now we have a problem: How to get back next year over the Atlantic an onto Lake Erie?

P.S.: If a TR from an European couple is wished, let us know.

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Steel Vengeance looks to be potentially the most insane RMC creation yet . I need to get back to Cedar Point asap. They've now added Maverick, Gatekeeper, Valravn, and now Steel Vengeance to their lineup (also a huge S&S Screaming Swing) since I last went in 2005. Not to mention I've never ridden TTD, Blue Streak, or Rougarou/Mantis.

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Already planning a 2018 trip around beginning of June. Also trying to plan a Texas (both parks) and Georgia(only if GC gets the RMC treatment) trip.


You should do the Texas Midwest route TPR did back in 2013. Start at Six Flags Fiesta Texas, head up to Dallas, roadtrip to Chicago and Six Flags Great America, and end at Cedar Point.

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I am concerned about its re-ridability.


Much like it's neighbor, this ride is designed to kick your a** (in a good way). If you don't find it re-rideable, they have plenty of awesome, highly re-rideable coasters like Millennium Force, Valravn and Gatekeeper that you can ride until you're ready to get back in line.


As for me, I'll be re-riding the crap out of it.

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I read this on another forum. Makes sense why its called Steel Vengeance.


Mean Streak used to be the only thing back in frontier town, everyone back there rode it. Then Maverick came, making all the people back there ride it, and Mean Streak to have no one. This explains the name "vengeance" (basically revenge), so now it will draw all the people back to it.


Tony Clark built Steel Vengeance for the coaster enthusiasts. We should have the hashtag #ThankYouTony when it opens next year.

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So where's all those fools at that were convinced this would be a dueling coaster? Or the ones that said a drop track? The announcement finally shut all that nonsense up.

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The Texas Giant will be going through extensive rehabilitation in 2010 for the park's 50th anniversary. The rehabilitation will include new trains and major track work to smooth out the ride.


Mark Shapiro also announced that SFOT will receive a major new attraction in 2011 as will every Six Flags park.


Article here: http://www.star-telegram.com/local/story/1260267.html


It was with this post that a new era in roller coasters began.

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I live in Ohio, and I know a lot of casual coaster fans -- people who go to KI/CP but who would never keep up with a website like this one, for example. I've been telling them for the better part of a year: Cedar Point is building a ride that could be the best coaster in the park, knowing full well the magnitude of that statement. Now, I'll be sending them videos of this thing, and I hope they can start to understand why!


Lots of these people have never been on an RMC. They've never been on anything like this. I struggle to think they'll be able to appropriately prepare themselves for what they're going to experience in 2018. Enthusiasts like us know what to expect, but honestly, the anticipation of the reactions from the casual fans might be my favorite part of the build-up for the ride.


Everyone else has covered the RMC-fanboy angle pretty well.

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I am the only one who seems to think that the ride is a bit... overkill?


Sadly I haven't had the chance to try an RMC yet but if they really are as awesome as everyone says then what's the problem? It might not have any "new" elements but it's just a longer/bigger/faster version of the rides that have been getting so much praise which seems quite amazing.

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We're from Germany and have been to CP six weeks ago (the reason we started reading here) and stood directly on the fence in front of the first drop and thought "How crappy awesome will this drop be". P.S.: If a TR from an European couple is wished, let us know.


We love TRs here and the more pics and details included the better! Was it your first time at CP?


I need to get back to Cedar Point asap. They've now added Maverick, Gatekeeper, Valravn, and now Steel Vengeance to their lineup (also a huge S&S Screaming Swing) since I last went in 2005. Not to mention I've never ridden TTD, Blue Streak, or Rougarou/Mantis.


Dude, do yourself a favor and Get To The Point! It's seriously awesome and Skyhawk (S&S's SS - how's that for an abbreviation? lol) kicks all kinds of ass.

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Yes, this ride looks like it will be in the "kick your A$$" category with Intimidator 305 and Maverick.


These new Cedar Fair RMC's are going to give CP and KD one-two punch intense lineups quite like nowhere else in the country.


I agree with you that it will be just as "kick your A$$" intensity as I305, BUT Maverick?!?! Maverick is just a bad A$$ and well rounded coaster. IMO it doesn't kick your butt though. Especially with the same new OTSR as I305... For instance, when do you black out on Maverick? HAHAHA anyway, I think I am going to black out on the SV outward banked 3 hill turn because I am going to be scared to death.

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So I wonder, watching the animation further (along with the Planet Coaster model as well), that at the bottom of the first drop, there is a faint "S-bend"... Wonder if that is real, or just a coincidence between both models. So it makes me wonder if the lift/drop/airtime hill are all in a straight line when viewed from a top view, or if there will be a slight "wiggle" in the tracking as noted in both of these models (more-so the actual animation...)

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So I wonder, watching the animation further (along with the Planet Coaster model as well), that at the bottom of the first drop, there is a faint "S-bend"... Wonder if that is real, or just a coincidence between both models.


I bet it's real.

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I am concerned about its re-ridability.


Much like it's neighbor, this ride is designed to kick your a** (in a good way). If you don't find it re-rideable, they have plenty of awesome, highly re-rideable coasters like Millennium Force, Valravn and Gatekeeper that you can ride until you're ready to get back in line.


As for me, I'll be re-riding the crap out of it.


100%. A coaster intense enough that more than 2-3 rides in a row becomes a challenge (and then you just push yourself to do it anyway) is exactly what I want. Most of my top 10 are like that.

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They made us wait for it, but it was well worth it! They threw the kitchen sink at us with this ride. CF knew that this was the dream RMC conversion and they did not hold anything back. What I am most excited about Steel Vengence, and its little cousin, Twisted Timbers, is that it looks like they are using the full layout of the original coaster(s). In both instances they are using MORE track, whereas in previous Six Flags conversions they have shortened the layout.

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We're from Germany and have been to CP six weeks ago (the reason we started reading here) and stood directly on the fence in front of the first drop and thought "How crappy awesome will this drop be". P.S.: If a TR from an European couple is wished, let us know.


We love TRs here and the more pics and details included the better! Was it your first time at CP?


Yes, it was. It was our first time to the USA as well.

We also went to KI, to Knoebels and to Luna Park at Coney Island, so we have ridden quite some stuff. But CP was the overkill for us. The park might be not as pretty themed as our "home parks" Europa Park and Phantasialand, but coasters like CP - you won't find them over here. And now SV.. We have to come back.

We were at Breakers for four nights, so our TR will be a bit longer, but I will look to get it done. I have to, because many of your TPR folks TRs and statements helped us enjoying our trip.

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What I am most excited about Steel Vengence, and its little cousin, Twisted Timbers, is that it looks like they are using the full layout of the original coaster(s). In both instances they are using MORE track, whereas in previous Six Flags conversions they have shortened the layout.

i too am loving the fact that these two conversions are going to be LONGER coasters post-conversion. let's hope that's the new trend for RMC's.


2011 - NTAG - lost 720' of track

2013 - IR - lost 1,814' of track

2014 - MSC - lost 136' of track

2015 - TC - lost 3,660' of track*

2015 - WC - lost 280' of track

2016 - SC - lost 256' of track**

2016 - Joker - lost 91' of track

2018 - TT - GAINED 204' of track

2018 - SV - GAINED 313' of track


(*) that's the total lost from Colossus' combined dual trackage, as TC traverses the lift twice


(**) that's the loss from only one half of Twisted Sisters, as SC only traverses the lift once



we'll have to see where Georgia Cyclone ends up to see if it's really just a six flags vs. cedar fair thing, or just the new direction for RMC conversions in general.


Georgia Cyclone will be shorter for sure. They don't have room to really expand.


Also how come Six Flags didn't use the helix or at least the area where the helix was for Iron Rattler?

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