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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2036 - Snake River Falls closing September 2nd, 2024

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Hey guys, does one have to be in the park to see actual ride wait times on the CP mobile app?

Just curious because I am looking at the webcam currently and do not see TTD making any runs and then of course tried to see the ride status on mobile app, but no go there. One would think there would be a TTD "status" somewhere online since they have had issues with this one since it's inception in 2003.


I'm headed up to CP from Charlotte on Thursday and wanted to make sure I get at least one TTD credit

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Oh man, if Intamin revived the plug n play woodie concept after a decade now, I would die of excitement!!!

If B&M can bring back the stand-up model, I have faith that we may see another Intamin woodie. If GCI can flourish under RMC's reign, surely Inamin can sneak in at least one more woodie. We can only hope.


I don't know how eager CP would be to work with Intamin on a flume ride after Shoot the Rapids, unless there were some kind of deal in the works to mend their relationship. Maybe it would come with the demand of keeping it simple with proven technology vs. letting Intamin run wild.

Edited by prozach626
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Now that an Intamin flume is on wishlists here, it seems like an odd case of Shoot the Rapids amnesia: it was an odd, recent, lazy-river-coaster-hybrid with a bad reputation, from Intamin, and torn down just last year. It scrapped a lot of the fun flume tropes and felt like the anti-flume of flumes. Why book a reservation with the same restaurant to order the same dish that recently gave you food poisoning?


If it does turn out to be an Intamin flume, I pray that its with broad changes in its approach. I'd like to see it toss the 2 mph, in-ground lazy river experience for an elevated, briskly-paced ride, have several drops, be only moderately wet, and if it wants to feel modern, maybe toss in a funky whirlpool helix or something. It can have as much of a theme as it wants, but it better take many cues from Arrow flumes, and very few from Shoot the Rapids.

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Now that an Intamin flume is on wishlists here, it seems like an odd case of Shoot the Rapids amnesia: it was an odd, recent, lazy-river-coaster-hybrid with a bad reputation, from Intamin, and torn down just last year. It scrapped a lot of the fun flume tropes and felt like the anti-flume of flumes. Why book a reservation with the same restaurant to order the same dish that recently gave you food poisoning?


If it does turn out to be an Intamin flume, I pray that its with broad changes in its approach. I'd like to see it toss the 2 mph, in-ground lazy river experience for an elevated, briskly-paced ride, have several drops, be only moderately wet, and if it wants to feel modern, maybe toss in a funky whirlpool helix or something. It can have as much of a theme as it wants, but it better take many cues from Arrow flumes, and very few from Shoot the Rapids.


Or how about looking at it from Intamin's side. The ride was a flop. Prove that STR was a once time thing and re-build a great flume without trying to make it state of the art.



I could see how this route would seriously eff with the GP since we just saw the flume ride torn down in 2006, a new one built...what 2014? Torn down last year...and then a new one go up

Edited by PKI Jizzman
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Screw that, Sam. I say don't change the formula and KSS (keep it simple, stupid). Length and quality with a few modest bits of themeing. Save the tricks for somewhere else. "New Coke" was a bust.


(not intending to sound like an A$$, sorry if it came off that way)

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Screw that, Sam. I say don't change the formula and KSS (keep it simple, stupid). Length and quality with a few modest bits of themeing. Save the tricks for somewhere else. "New Coke" was a bust.


(not intending to sound like an A$$, sorry if it came off that way)


That's actually exactly what I'd hope for in a new flume (more like Arrow classics).

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Hey guys, does one have to be in the park to see actual ride wait times on the CP mobile app?

Just curious because I am looking at the webcam currently and do not see TTD making any runs and then of course tried to see the ride status on mobile app, but no go there. One would think there would be a TTD "status" somewhere online since they have had issues with this one since it's inception in 2003.


Yes, you do have to be in the park to see wait times on the mobile app. There are a few websites (though not 100% reliable) that pull this data from the app though. The best are CoasterQueue and Queue-Times.


The former often shows all rides as "Closed" when they're not, but if only certain rides are showing closed then you know it's accurate. The latter normally lists all rides that it doesn't have a wait time for as closed and can't be trusted for everything, but data for major rides is generally accurate.


As for Dragster, it's been down all day. This shouldn't come as a shock to anyone.

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Dragster had issues on Sunday as well. I rode it early on, but about halfway through the day it went down for a bit. There were mechanics walking along the launch messing with the electrical boxes. Nothing really out of the ordinary though. It opened back up and all operations seemed to be in mid-season form. Kudos to all the CP ops.


Going back to the rollback talk a few pages ago, on one of my rides last year I thought for sure it was possible. There was one section of the magnetic brakes towards the end of the launch that were constantly stuck in the up position. I thought it was interesting how, not only were they still launching trains, but it didn't seem to have much effect on how the trains were clearing the tophat. Although you could feel them on the ride for sure. The train rocked pretty violently over that section.

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Does anybody think (and hope like myself) that CP will eventually come up

with some kind of DARK RIDE, in a nicely air conditioned show building?

And is it even possible to build something like that on the property?


Just curious.


Cedar Point used to have several dark rides - with last one closing in the mid 90s. I think they could certainly do it and the top floor of the coliseum would be a great spot. I would guess one of the hold ups for the park with it is the capacity - with the crowds they put through they would need one that can really handle the capacity.

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^^ And as far as capacity goes, I wouldn't think it should be something that churns people through it,

in a large scale. Not as much as coasters, but not as little as say, any flat ride in the park.

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Originally I thought at first that Intamin miiiiiight provide a LIM/LSM(?) lift for New Mean Streak (not necessarily a launch, but a lift like Maverick) -- but judging by the little hop at the bottom of the lift I'm definitely not seeing that as a good 'rollback' scenario/area and don't see that happening anymore.

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For you speculators, how about a polercoaster?


Let's go WAY out on a limb here... They could remove Corkscrew, and Power Tower... Put in a 600ft Polercoaster in their spot, add a drop tower to the side of it, and have both the tallest roller coaster in the world, and the tallest drop tower in the world.


I vote yes.


(But I know that will never happen.)

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For you speculators, how about a polercoaster?


Let's go WAY out on a limb here... They could remove Corkscrew, and Power Tower... Put in a 600ft Polercoaster in their spot, add a drop tower to the side of it, and have both the tallest roller coaster in the world, and the tallest drop tower in the world.


I vote yes.


(But I know that will never happen.)


I would approve of this pipe dream.

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I think Jason's Intamin tweet is meaningless and I wish it really did mean that an Intamin coaster is in the works.

I was thinking this too when I read the tweet and the response. Maybe they are trying to get more parts, or any number of other things than "OMFG A NEW INTAMIN COASTER!!" Isn't a world-class RMC enough as it is? I'm happy and excited for it!

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What in tarnation...




It looks like a downward-stengel-stall if I'm not mistaken




Also, take a look at the new ledgers in the bottom middle of this picture (banked upward right) - Where on earth is the track going to go next???


Green: Ledgers

Red: Track and ledgers

Edited by chickenbowl
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