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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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^wow. I don't think it's the maintenance department. They've had most of these rides for many years and most likely have maintenance down to a science. Something can always throw a sensor. These rides are very fragile and delicate. It's amazing that they can diagnose the issue and usually have the rides back up and running in a couple hours at most. That's actually really impressive! They aren't slacking.



Having a ride running at a lower capacity is better than not having it run at all, and if it's for safety, than that's the most important! I'm from SFMM where they only run 2 trains max on all coasters except TC, so I can say rides can still be efficient with only 2 trains. And when the weather is "iffy" I guess it's better to err on the side of caution than to have to close every half hour just to put a train off then take it off, etc.


To clarify my point on the ride maintenance, their ride uptime WAS excellent. As I said all of their reliable rides are down frequently during the day.


Kings Island (I was there last week for 4 days) runs trains in the rain. This is a CP policy not Cedar Fair. I'm looking forward to another bad day at the park today. The forcast is for rain all day. I know all you "CP fanboys" love this park, but I knew it when it was great. They had great ride up time, rideops that liked their jobs, etc. I've seen it go straight downhill over the years. Something bad changed about 10 years ago making it mediocre at best. They could care less about their customers. They don't get it - It's sad.


I think you need to go back and visit SFMM again lol. Then come and tell me about the crappy maintenance and the employees who just don't care. I was just at SFMM Saturday and at least 5 of the ride ops were having conversations and not dispatching trains or were just beatboxing into the microphone. Tatsu was stacking when they were using both stations with 2 trains. And then there's that time earlier this year where there only ran one train on X2 for 5 months.


And in regard to rain, I have no idea how that works at most parks since I usually don't have to deal with it at my home park. But if it's me, I wouldn't want to ride a coaster in the rain anyways. At least in anything much more than drizzle.

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To clarify my point on the ride maintenance, their ride uptime WAS excellent.


This is a complete contradiction to your initial complaint.


I've seen it go straight downhill over the years. Something bad changed about 10 years ago making it mediocre at best. They could care less about their customers. They don't get it - It's sad.


Oh for f**k's sake. This park does not have a customer service problem. Just a few examples...


- They keep all ride lines open about ten minutes AFTER the park closes. In contrast, Six Flags has started closing them early so they don't have to pay their staff to work extra hours. They routinely cut ride lines off early chain-wide.


- They never ever ever give up on rides and always try to run them at maximum capacity. Just this year I've had people at BGT and Darien lake basically tell me by late afternoon that they probably wouldn't open (insert ride here) since it was already later in the afternoon anyway. I don't even mind that, but Cedar Point never gives up. A few months ago Dragster was down all day, opened 15 minutes before park close and they left the line open well after close so that people could get a ride in. I've seen them do things like open up smaller rides like Sky Ride with 30 minutes left in the day when it was down all day for wind, they run all of their rides at maximum capacity almost all the time (unless weather is an issue) and we all saw what they did with Dragster last week when some people thought it would be down for the season. Last year they replaced an Iron Dragon lift chain in less than a week and 2 years in a row they replaced a Gatekeeper chain in less than 3 days. Goliath at Magic Mountain was down for about 6 months with the same problem.


- Most of the staff is pretty well versed in customer service. We're not talking Disney or Universal here but the staff is generally really good. We've encountered some great people, usually in the rides and games departments but even in retail and food service (though food service is usually the worst). For a Cedar Fair park the staff is great. It's not amazing but it doesn't bother me. Go to Six Flags New England and then tell me that Cedar Point doesn't care about customer service.


In my opinion you're spoiled. Counting today you'll be spending 6 out of the last 8 days at the park and you're complaining because it might rain so you've decided going in that you're going to have a bad day. Look, the rain policy sucks a big one. But in my opinion you'd have a much better time if you didn't go in with such unreasonable expectations for every single thing to be perfect. It's a Cedar Fair park. It's not a perfect park (where do you think you are? Elysburg, PA) but it's a great park and it's much better in the service department than most other parks with a similar price point. I have very few complaints about Cedar Point.

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Gone downhill? The park is so much better than it was in 2006, it's not even comparable. The atmosphere, shows, lights, beach, coasters.. Still my favorite park, followed closely by Knoebels (whoever said enough talk about Phoenix, never)


As for 2017 - I expect a slide complex closer to Valleyfair than Kings Island in height / speed.

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[attachment=0]Screen Shot 2016-08-16 at 11.13.22 AM.png[/attachment]


I wouldn't expect anything too major since the announcement is being done on Instagram.


Maybe it will be water slide pieces with a singular piece or RMC track running down the bottom side to connect them all. Just to dash all of our dreams.


Or hey maybe it will be RMC track showing up to get the enthusiast community hyped up for an announcement of the layout later.


I'll just sit back and watch this thread get a little crazy.

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Today's issue was their STUPID RAIN POLICY! All coasters need to have one of their trains removed. Today's rain was very light and lasted less then 90 minutes. All rides shut down to off load 1 train, then the ride gets tested and then reopened at a lower capacity. Because there were clouds in the sky, none of the coasters returned to full operation. This is a Cedar Point "thing." King's Island doesn't work this way with rain.


They've essentially been doing this ever since Magnum crashed in 2007. They blame the crash on the rain. From everything I've heard with all the time I've spent around Magnum over the years it was definitely brake pressure / maintenance related.

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Email sent by Cedar Point:


Ahoy, Passholders! Visit Soak City Water Park THIS Thursday night from 6:00-8:00 p.m. to celebrate what's in store for 2017!


Full details on exciting new additions coming May of 2017

Late slide time on select Soak City Water Park attractions

Exclusive DEALS on 2017 Platinum Passes, valid one night only!

FREE hot dogs, refreshments, and more!

LIVE entertainment from the Toes In The Sand Band and a Live DJ

You won't want to miss this FREE event for ALL Passholders (both Regular and Platinum)* but hurry, space is limited so RSVP at the link below in order to attend.



Sounds a lot like Kings Island's announcement last year.

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Email sent by Cedar Point:


Ahoy, Passholders! Visit Soak City Water Park THIS Thursday night from 6:00-8:00 p.m. to celebrate what's in store for 2017!


Full details on exciting new additions coming May of 2017

Late slide time on select Soak City Water Park attractions

Exclusive DEALS on 2017 Platinum Passes, valid one night only!

FREE hot dogs, refreshments, and more!

LIVE entertainment from the Toes In The Sand Band and a Live DJ

You won't want to miss this FREE event for ALL Passholders (both Regular and Platinum)* but hurry, space is limited so RSVP at the link below in order to attend.



Sounds a lot like Kings Island's announcement last year.


That it does. My inner optimism is hoping that this announcement is just a precursor and we'll see a mean streak announcement the same time as the closing ceremony. But I guess we'll just have to wait and see

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"FREE hot dogs, refreshments, and more!"


I'm always curious when a park adds in "and more." Other than possible free season passes

and/or tickets, the free food and refreshments is covered. As is the entertainment.


So what could "and more" possibly mean? Just curious of me.

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"And more" could be anything. You just have to let your mind race and go to places that it's never gone before to think of what 'and more' could be.




My guess would be that they'll give away stuff for people that are there.

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^^ At my age, letting my mind race and go to places that it's never gone to before...


Been there. Done that. And still doing it, unintentionally, from time to time.


I'm sure there could be possible t-shirts and souvenirs given away, etc.


And bug spray.


How about giving THESE away, CP?

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How would you feel about them adding standup trains to the existing Mean Streak and marketing it as a new coaster?

Only SIX could do something as boneheaded as that.


Six Flags is sinking even lower than that... They're adding VR to an SLC.

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How would you feel about them adding standup trains to the existing Mean Streak and marketing it as a new coaster?

Only SIX could do something as boneheaded as that.


Six Flags is sinking even lower than that... They're adding VR to an SLC.


That makes me cringe.

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After many moons of waiting, Google Maps (online version) has finally added an updated satellite image of Cedar Point that includes GateKeeper! It must be from last fall, because it was after construction on Valravn had begun (the start of the lift hill was up), but before the removal of the GoKarts and Skyscaper.


In semi-related discussion, I was looking at possible places for the relocation of RipCord next year on the satellite view. My personal thought process on the matter has it being placed next to Gemini and Slingshot, in the beginning of the new extended midway that will be completed in 2018 with the addition of RMC Streak, and a new back entrance gate. This will, of course, necessitate the removal and likely relocation of the buildings back there currently, but to me, that makes sense as they are some of the few non-public access buildings remaining within the perimeter of the park. Perhaps I am off-base in my thoughts about that whole new midway/gate concept, but I guess we'll at least have an idea by the end of tomorrow what is in store.


Assuming Ripcord doesn't go there, where else might it be relocated? One popular train of thought is in the old Shoot the Rapids spot. Now, I don't know what everybody else envisions when they think that, but from actually looking at the space there, I can see that it could fit completely on Millennium Island, or completely on the Frontier Trail side of the lagoon (but on the other side of the train tracks.) However, I think either of these locations would be a tremendous waste of the potential space for expansion in the old STR footprint. What I looked at as a better possible use of that spot involving Ripcord, was having the attraction positioned in such a way that the spikes you get pulled up to are positioned ON Millennium Island, and the entirety of the Ripcord footprint is to the left of where the current (at least in the satellite image) STR lift hill is located. That would use the least amount of space, and also provide a cool swoop across the lagoon water while riding Ripcord.


Additionally, that would leave room to the right of the STR lift hill, and the remainder of the Millennium Island plot that STR occupied, for a GCI woodie to be added there a couple of years down the road. The station, and beginning of that coaster could be in the area where there's currently other behind the scenes stuff to the left of MF's second hill, and the queue and its entrance could even be incorporated into Fort Sandusky, which is currently a cool looking area on Frontier Trail, that is ultimately not very significant in what it's being used for. But that's speculation for a different time, really, as we're a little ways off from that right now, I believe...


What other areas in the park do you think might be a landing spot for Ripcord, if not the two I have already mentioned? Or do you think it'll be in one of those two areas?

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Ripcord needs to be inside the park, and the STR spot is that of least resistance. I'm not entirely fond of the idea because I don't how it fits in well with the Frontier Trail, but until the Dinosaurs Alive contract ends and frees up that space, I just can't think of anywhere better.

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