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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2036 - Snake River Falls closing September 2nd, 2024

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I'm not typically one to be a Debby Downer' date=' but this is pretty underwhelming announcement. I don't care what kind of "records" this thing breaks, no matter how you look at it, Sheikra did most of what this coaster does 10 years ago. The lack of a tunnel, water splash, or theming in general kinda kills the excitement of this coaster for me.[/quote']

I also view it like this. Having Sheikra so close gave me higher hopes for this coaster, but this still looks like this coaster could have been designed around the same time as Sheikra...

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I'm not typically one to be a Debby Downer' date=' but this is pretty underwhelming announcement. I don't care what kind of "records" this thing breaks, no matter how you look at it, Sheikra did most of what this coaster does 10 years ago. The lack of a tunnel, water splash, or theming in general kinda kills the excitement of this coaster for me.[/quote']

I also view it like this. Having Sheikra so close gave me higher hopes for this coaster, but this still looks like this coaster could have been designed around the same time as Sheikra...

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Considering their existing line-up, this looks like a pretty great addition for this park. I don't want to come off as a complainer since I'm definitely not losing any sleep over this, but I'm very surprised of all parks CP wouldn't really up the ante and install a 250 or 300 foot dive machine. They just added a few feet to snatch the record. Nonetheless, I'm sure it will be a great ride. I haven't ridden a dive machine and they look like a ton of fun. Pretty cool that CP is getting B&Ms 100th.


Related, I couldn't help but notice this on the page on parks website about the new ride.

Known for their smooth ride, high throughput of riders and top-notch reliability, B&M’s coasters provide the ultimate experiences for fans young & old.

Slight dig at Intamin if you ask me.

Edited by boldikus
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^^Basically any manufacturer but Intamin could claim that.


I wish Stengel was still designing rides for B&M. This ride looks floaty and lame just like everything else they've churned out over the past several years.


Obvious troll is obvious.

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B&M dive coasters are great, but I can't say I am that impressed by this announcement for what it is (and please don't attack me for being less than 100% impressed and excited, I am still at least 70% impressed/excited).


Yes, it is an awesome big dive coaster, but I feel like it falls short for Cedar Point overall. The "barely the tallest dive coaster" height, the lack of a splashdown, the layout just seems minimal, not utilizing the 10 across seating, and very likely another clean but dry and generic plaza/entrance/station with no character (we will see).


Still a great addition and I am sure it will go over extremely well with the GP, but considering the reputation Cedar Point has I was hoping they would push the envelope a bit more. It's still a top notch addition to their stellar line up.

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B&M dive coasters are great, but I can't say I am that impressed by this announcement for what it is (and please don't attack me for being less than 100% impressed and excited, I am still at least 70% impressed/excited).


Yes, it is an awesome big dive coaster, but I feel like it falls short for Cedar Point overall. The "barely the tallest dive coaster" height, the lack of a splashdown, the layout just seems minimal, not utilizing the 10 across seating, and very likely another clean but dry and generic plaza/entrance/station with no character (we will see).


Still a great addition and I am sure it will go over extremely well with the GP, but considering the reputation Cedar Point has I was hoping they would push the envelope a bit more. It's still a top notch addition to their stellar line up.



Agreed. I'm not overly thrilled with the announcement either. It's a solid ride but being someone that's ridden both Sheikra and Griffon I find myself somewhat underwhelmed. It'll be a fun ride and will fit nicely with the rest of the park.

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I've never been on a dive coaster, so I'm shocked to see so many people lamenting the lack of a splash-down.

I didn't realize it was such an important (or impressive) element.



I think it's the lack of a lot of elements on this ride.


Don't get me wrong, I am excited to ride this ride and will probably be one of the first in line. But..........


The rides layout just seems uninspiring to me, and it lacks a lot of elements that other dive coasters have(splashdown, tunnel, ect). In my opinion, I think they could have done a better job. Could you imagine something like a splashdown near the main midway and the interaction with passer bys for example? The length of the ride seems rather short to me as well even if it is the longest.


Now before you start bashing me, remember, this is just my opinion. I am sure the gp is going to eat this ride up and love it.

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The animation appears to show a lack of B&M roar. Considering the fact that the first drop, along with most of the ride, is right by the marina entrance, making it quieter is probably a good decision.


I've never been on a dive coaster, so I'm shocked to see so many people lamenting the lack of a splash-down.

I didn't realize it was such an important (or impressive) element.


In terms of aesthetics, it's a very good element. In terms of riding, it's a straightaway above water.

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I've never been on a dive coaster, so I'm shocked to see so many people lamenting the lack of a splash-down.

I didn't realize it was such an important (or impressive) element.



I think it's the lack of a lot of elements on this ride.



I agree, I really thought it was going to do more than just a few inversions and a MCBR.

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Given the space they're working with, I'd rather have more midway and paths than a splashdown that creates dead ends and throws a wall of water up in the middle of the park. I guess some tunnels would be nice, but that's something they can add on after construction using less than 50K in supplies from Menards if so desired. Not like that industrial looking one on Leviathan makes the ride.

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I've never been on a dive coaster, so I'm shocked to see so many people lamenting the lack of a splash-down.

I didn't realize it was such an important (or impressive) element.

I think it's the lack of a lot of elements on this ride.


Don't get me wrong, I am excited to ride this ride and will probably be one of the first in line. But..........


The rides layout just seems uninspiring to me, and it lacks a lot of elements that other dive coasters have(splashdown, tunnel, ect). In my opinion, I think they could have done a better job. Could you imagine something like a splashdown near the main midway and the interaction with passer bys for example? The length of the ride seems rather short to me as well even if it is the longest.


Now before you start bashing me, remember, this is just my opinion. I am sure the gp is going to eat this ride up and love it.


This was the first thing that popped into my mind as well, almost like a pre-built ride in RCT chosen and plopped-down wherever it could fit. It sometimes feels like there's something missing from some of Cedar Fair's latest coasters to make it that much more memorable and not fade into the blur of other coasters offered in the park.


But then I always think back to the steel shed "tunnel" that was added on to Leviathan, making me figure why they should even bother with theming in the first place. Just put a nice plaza around/under the ride, and make it photogenic enough to photograph (and please, please, PLEASE add shading to the queue). Most park go'ers probably know to expect little to no theming anyways.

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Cedar Point's coaster lineup is unlike anything! Between Valravn, Maverick, GateKeeper, Millennium Force, Top Thrill Dragster, Magnum, and Raptor, they have 7major coasters! And they are all quality! When coasters like Rougarou and Wicked Twister are not even in the top 7 major coasters at a park, you know it's an insane lineup! I can't wait to ride Valravn next year! Any park with 4 huge B&Ms and 4 huge Intamins is a must visit in my book!

Edited by chickenbowl
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... Complaining about the ride less than 12 hours after it was announced... That's a little sad... I think it looks awesome. I like the colors and I think the name is unique. Maybe if it was named Flight Deck 223 or something and it was all white or whatever I'd be a little upset... But the renderings look awesome to me. Theming or not it looks amazing to me. This isn't Disney or Busch, it's an AMUSEMENT park and we all know that, if this opened at a THEME park, then it would be different.

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I am EXTREMELY excited for this ride. I've wanted to visit Busch for many years simply to try a dive machine. I must admit I thought CP would push the envelope and create the first 300ft+ Dive coaster but whatever I'm not complaining. Why does every DM have the turn at the top though? Why do none of them go straight into the holding brake/drop is it just for the view?


Also which row is the best? I'm typically a backseat rider but I feel like the back row wouldnt get much out of the holding brake effect.

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