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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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Well there goes my weekend


I hope CP is nice about letting me move my hotel reservation to a later date.


BTW, I don't see this as being too big of a deal. Although I like B&M, would they even attempt a ride like Maverick? I really hope CP maintains a good relationship with Intamin so that they can replace Mean Streak with an Intamin woodie.

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I think Intamin and Cedar Fair relations could be broken, now back to BM.
(Has anyone ever died or even been injured on a B&M coaster?)
Only male models and geese.


Man, I'm gonna follow Maverick's news more closely now. That heartline roll just looked wicked. But it's good to know that Arrow wasn't the only group that had problems with their designs after being built. I thought Drachen Fire was the only ride that had to have inversions taken out due to pain. I guess some would say that about Steel Phantom as well, though.

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Hahaha, nice. I'll probably going in August if I go this year, anyway!


Well...uhhh...it looks like Cedar Point MIGHT have some trouble getting the track in and out. I mean, the canyon theming is already set in there...


Oh well!

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I think Intamin and Cedar Fair relations could be broken, now back to BM.


I would hope so, I love the expierence of Intamin's rides, but their reliability track record is gettin a bit ridiculous. B&M's rides are less thrilling and extreme, but they have a great track record for reliability and safety (Has anyone ever died or even been injured on a B&M coaster?)

OMG! I seriously wish you would stop posting this uneducated and uninformed crap.


OF COURSE there are going to be more potential casualties on some Intamin rides, they PUSH THE ENVELOPE.


HELLO! How many B&M rides go negative? Not many! In fact, even the hypers rest nicely at zero G from the accelerometor data I've seen.


And on top of that, if you look at the casualties on Intamin's, they have usually been with handicapped people who shouldn't have been on the ride in the first place. B&M has also sufferred from this (remember the Kumba death?)


And again, reliability is all relative. The reason why B&M doesn't often build a "record breaker" like Intamin does is because they *KNOW* that their reputation is on the line. Intamin, on the other hand is willing to take that risk because they want to see their rides in that #1 spot.


Top 5 steel coasters in the world....3 of them are Intamin's including the #1 and #2 spot. Hell, they even held the #1 woodie spot for what, 3 or 4 years!


I'm not saying that Intamin is a better company than B&M, but I'm saying is they are willing to take the risks that other companies will not. So don't go trashing Intamin and praising B&M because they both make DIFFERENT TYPES OF RIDES.


Anytime you build ANYTHING that is pushing the technology envelope, be it a race car, tallest building in the world, suspension bridge, etc, you are going to run into delays. Ever watch that show "Modern Marvels" on Discovery? How many of those projects actually opened on time? Practically NONE.


And saying Intamin rides aren't reliable is only using a small sample of rides as examples, look at rides like Storm Runner, California Screamin', Xcelerator, Speed Monster, Kanonen, Balder, Colossos, etc, etc, etc.....


They might have had some typical minor setbacks in the first year, but they are all very reliable.


Look, I understand why you're saying what you're saying....


You're pissed off because you booked tickets to ride it opening weekend and now that's not happening.


Stop trying to make it someone else's fault.


--Robb "Sorry, just being realistic here..." Alvey

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More Pointbuzz LOL...


I must say that I'm always amused when a collection of coaster geeks stops to take the time to throw around the "fanboy" term at some other site. Really? Like they're the cool kids? So lame, but so funny. Even more so when you actually take time to read this thread and see there nothing "fanboy" about it.


To quote a recent article, "The name gets loosely thrown around yet tells more of the individual using the term than the person it's directed at."


Never more true.

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Thank You ROBB!!! Someone needed to say it!!! I agree 100%... My home park is GADV and i LOVE the 3 Intamins We have 2 being awesome, and one skull mountian...nuff said!!! El Toro has great reliablity now that they got alot of the bugs out and they can accutually use 2 trains and not stack!!! So dont go bashing Intamin because they make intense rides!!!

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To me B&Ms and Intamins are uncomparable. They are both totally different companies. I don't really see how a delay could completely ruin a company and a park's relationship.


It's Unfortunate that it isn't opening as scheduled, but I'm sure it's better than it being open for a week then having a serious problem and shutting down for an extended period of time.

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Heck, I say go to CP. There are, what, over 70 other rides to enjoy? Also, if you go during a weekday during the first week or two of operation, you would think that you would have the whole park to yourself.

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I personally do not care, because I will not be there until June 24th.


Agreed, I will be there the 24th as well.


I am very disappointed with this news... They had previously said they were ahead of schedule, this news seems to come out of nowhere. Did anyone perceive that the ride would open late, besides Robb?

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More Pointbuzz LOL...


I must say that I'm always amused when a collection of coaster geeks stops to take the time to throw around the "fanboy" term at some other site. Really? Like they're the cool kids? So lame, but so funny. Even more so when you actually take time to read this thread and see there nothing "fanboy" about it.


To quote a recent article, "The name gets loosely thrown around yet tells more of the individual using the term than the person it's directed at."


Never more true.


I tried to load PointBuzz, but my browser crashed from the 23423423 pop ups.

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Does anyone have a picture of the heartline roll that shows how tight it is

This is the only one I've seen:


BTW, when did the park announce it would be open for the 12th? I don't think I ever saw that.


I saw the media day announcement, but never a date set for an official "opening day" for the public.




They stated it will in the Maverick FAQ (as stated earlier) and they also said it a few times in the blog.

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It will be interesting to see whether:


a) the heartline is removed and replaced with something else altogether

b) the heartline is modified to reduce the forces

c) the track and/or welds were faullty and is being replaced


I guess we don't know yet, but I reckon (B) myself, I guess we will know by June if not sooner.


I hope CP Resorts allows people to cancel reservations without penalty, and takes some measures to make up for this.


It's a shame, that element really looked killer to me, and maybe it was a killer, hitting the heartline at 70mph would be intense.

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It's one thing if the delay was due to weather-related issues or bugs concerning new technology, but something really stinks here. While it's true that we don't know who to point the finger at yet, the fact remains that somewhere, there are executives who are pulling their hair out right about now.


You don't drop 20+ million into a project, and then calmfully announce just before media day that the opening has been delayed, with a possible huge alteration to the track itself in the works. As said earlier, there are plenty of possible culprits in why this has happened, but regardless of who, where, when, why, and how, tempers have got to be high behind the scenes.


Personally, I smell lawsuit over this blunder. It'd be like me contracting you to build me a 3 story house, and then telling me the night before move-in day that the third floor may have to be taken out because of miscalculations on someones behalf. You bet your arse I'd be talking to my lawyer.


Scott "hope it's not another lawn ornament during our Coaster Mania visit" B.

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I hope CP Resorts allows people to cancel reservations without penalty, and takes some measures to make up for this.


I've got the notice right in front of me.


It's a $50 cancelation fee if more then 72 hours is given. Less then 72 hours you lose your deposit (one nights stay).


But I do believe you can change the date of a reservation without charge.


Why should they make up for this? The park is called Cedar Point, not Maverick.


Sure it sucks if it's not open, but it's a big park with lots to do.


They don't give rain checks if one of their other coasters are down.


I had TTD die on me the first time I was there, and last year MF blew it's lift motor shortly before I got there. It sucks, but I still had a good time.

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OK, so its not going to open on time due to some track issues. I for one am glad that CP is taking the steps needed to repair the ride before something bad happens to someone. They could have opened the ride with this flaw, but that would have been jeopardizing people's safety.


For people that are upset about it not being open for their visit...suck it up. CP is a great park, with tons to offer. You won't be bored. I went in 2003 specifically to ride TTD, and it was closed the entire time I was there. I still had a blast riding everything else.

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While I agree with everything Robb said about how Intamin pushes the envelope more than any other company in its field, and that, as a result, there will be more complications, I still feel that it begs the question... shouldn't they actually, ya know, perfect the technology before constantly offering it to parks?


To give an analogy, Sony really pushed the envelope with the "PSP", does that mean that nobody should complain about the dead pixels and poor button construction? Should they instead just chalk up their losses to "the inherent problems of envelope pushing"?


A car company could make the fastest, smoothest, most well-handling car on Earth, but should it be marketed if it doesn't work half the time?

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Cedar Point spokesman Bryan Edwards said Maverick was tested over the past few weeks with water-filled dummies aboard, but no people have made the trip, which includes a 105-foot opening drop that goes five degrees past vertical.


Does this mean that the drop might be altered, too? I wondered how a 3-car train could manage to be safely launched over a 95-degree drop. If the train went just a little bit too fast, that could cause some dangerous forces for the back-seat riders. I can easily see them modifying that part to put in some brakes.

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Does this mean that the drop might be altered, too? I wondered how a 3-car train could manage to be safely launched over a 95-degree drop. If the train went just a little bit too fast, that could cause some dangerous forces for the back-seat riders. I can easily see them modifying that part to put in some brakes.


As far as I know, the LIMs on the hill are weak, and are just used in lieu of a chain lift. It's not a launch per se. Think of it as LIM lift hill.


As for putting in brakes after a launch, that makes no sense. Why wouldn't you just weaken the launch?

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I'm confused.


By reading so many posts by so called "enthusiasts" even from this site, it's really aggravating to see these people that want their money back, or some sort of compensation from CP.


That's just plain STUPID!! GET A FREAKIN' LIFE!!! The world DOES NOT revolve around you, nor your LACK of common sense, nor your INABILITY to read!


Robb & Elissa have MANY TIMES OVER reiterated the problems of trying to hit a specific coaster on opening day/weekend, whatever. Yet you ignore it. Look at the schedules of ANY of the trips they have planned: there is always a contingency plan for weather, traffic and any other situation that may arise.


Why do they do that?? To make sure that their plans are not dependant on a specific ride being open, or weather delays related to their schedule.


Suppose it rained all weekend to the extent that only steeplechase and the antique autos were open?? You still going to BLAME Cedar Point for that? Demand some sort of compensation? If you do, you are certainly a moron.


I too, have spent money on airline tickets to hit CP on June 1. Big deal. It won't be open. So now I've altered my plans, and we're going to drive to Valleyfair (instead of flying) by way of IB and the Dells.


It's a vacation, people. Treat it like one and make the best of your plans.


Failure to plan well, is planning to fail well. It appears that many of you have already done that. I feel NO pity for any of you.




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