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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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What makes MF so incredibly great? To me it just looks like an oversized B&M Hyper.


the back seat over the hill. . it just whips you over. . .is AMAZE-Balls.

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What makes MF so incredibly great? To me it just looks like an oversized B&M Hyper.
It's a bunch of graceful turns and hills at high speed, plus a couple of nice air moments. The drop also goes on FOREVER. All of this happens through a pretty smooth ride, giving a good sensation of flight.


You won't confuse the sensations with what you experience on Maverick, but Maverick's attempts to shake your head off your shoulders isn't the only way to have fun on a roller coaster.

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What makes MF so incredibly great? To me it just looks like an oversized B&M Hyper.


When I ride MF, I like to grab the front of the car and learn my head forward. I feels like I'm racing on the back of a rocket ship. It's such a great ride with a sense of speed that a B&M - even Fury, will never capture for me.

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What makes MF so incredibly great? To me it just looks like an oversized B&M Hyper.

I really didn't find Millennium to be so special. My first ride was on a chilly Friday in May, right after a breakdown, so I cut the ride some slack for being such a snooze. Hell, it inched over the last over-banked turn.


But after a second, warmer ride that night, I didn't find myself impressed (though it did run a lot faster). I'd even rank it lower then the Morgan hypers, but that's just me. It just doesn't do anything for me. But I know I'm in the minority, so I have no problem with Millie keeping the Maverick line just a tad shorter

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I have to admit that I was a little underwhelmed by MF. Awesome first drop obviously. The rest of the ride is fun, so I'm not bashing it by any stretch. Unfortunately only got to ride once, so I look forward to trying a few more times whenever we make it back.


Side note: That moment when I realized I may have converted my girlfriend into a coaster lover (she'll never be an enthusiast). She used to always ask me if a ride is "scary." After riding MF, I told her how tall it is and her reaction was completely no big deal like, "Oh it didn't seem that high."

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What makes MF so incredibly great? To me it just looks like an oversized B&M Hyper.



MF is better then a B&M Hyper because It doesn't have 18 trims and a massive slow helix after the mcbr. In fact I enjoy that it doesnt have a mcbr to ruin the speed

Edited by grsupercity
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What makes MF so incredibly great? To me it just looks like an oversized B&M Hyper.


The others (with a few Scrooge-like exceptions ) did a great job of trying to answer more tangibly, but I think there's just "something" about the experience that is magical to most people! And when I say "most people", I'm including GP, since really, all of us "Enthusiasts" on here are a very microscopic, and unimportant in the grand scheme of things (to the parks) segment of the coaster-riding public. And I've yet to EVER ride MF with a non-enthusiast, over every year since it's been open, when they didn't love the ride afterward! Heck, just last night, my dad, and three of my kids were all talking in the kitchen about coasters, and it turned to how much they all loved MF. There's just something about the ride that captures the fancies of its riders! Whether it lights the fire of every enthusiast or not (and clearly is does not) is irrelevant... It's fast, fun, and leaves a lasting impression on most of its riders that keeps them coming back for more! And after all these years, and all the other awesome coasters I've ridden, I still find it pretty amazing how much I still enjoy MF! It is truly a timeless coaster masterpiece, as simplistic as it may seem, at first glance...

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I surprised my 3 kids with their first ever visit to CP last weekend (Saturday and Sunday June 3 & 4) and my first visit since 2009. I hoped crowds wouldn't be too bad since I had never been on an actual weekend before. Saturday was pretty good. Maverick was our longest wait at around 45 minutes, but we never waited more than 30 minutes for anything else. Sunday was a different story, though. I have NEVER been to any park so empty in my life. All of my best days at CP have come with a little precipitation. There was a little light rain when we got to the park, but it was all done and gone by around 10:45, but it was enough to keep crowds away. Most coasters were no more than 1 or 2 train waits. After our second ride of the day on MF, they were just letting us walk straight from the exit platform to the loading platform, so that we were getting right back onto the train we just got off of.


My kids were completely in awe of the place and had an amazing time. My wife and I had a blast watching their reactions to it all.


I took these pics in the early afternoon. I'll probably never see this place so empty again.




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I surprised my 3 kids with their first ever visit to CP last weekend (Saturday and Sunday June 3 & 4) and my first visit since 2009. I hoped crowds wouldn't be too bad since I had never been on an actual weekend before. Saturday was pretty good. Maverick was our longest wait at around 45 minutes, but we never waited more than 30 minutes for anything else. Sunday was a different story, though. I have NEVER been to any park so empty in my life. All of my best days at CP have come with a little precipitation. There was a little light rain when we got to the park, but it was all done and gone by around 10:45, but it was enough to keep crowds away. Most coasters were no more than 1 or 2 train waits. After our second ride of the day on MF, they were just letting us walk straight from the exit platform to the loading platform, so that we were getting right back onto the train we just got off of.


My kids were completely in awe of the place and had an amazing time. My wife and I had a blast watching their reactions to it all.


I took these pics in the early afternoon. I'll probably never see this place so empty again.


Seems like First Sunday of June is usually quiet at the Point (it is the biggest day for graduations in Michigan and possibly Ohio)

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To be honest, I have never seen the GP act as giddy, happy and enthusiastic as when the train comes back to the station on MF compared to any other coaster that I have ever ridden. Magnum used to get similar reactions back in the heyday when it was the biggest coaster in the park - and still does on occasion at night.


To each his own though. Some people prefer Maverick over MF, while some people prefer Gatekeeper over Raptor, while others prefer Valravn over Maverick.


Everyone's tastes are different, but I still rank MF close to my #1 coaster. Why? Because it's fun and has a lot of elements that I like in a coaster such as the steep, fast lift, the awesome first drop with a killer view, speed, smoothness, and two really fun airtime moments (the hill before the photo tunnel and the bunny hop by the station).

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I surprised my 3 kids with their first ever visit to CP last weekend (Saturday and Sunday June 3 & 4) and my first visit since 2009. I hoped crowds wouldn't be too bad since I had never been on an actual weekend before. Saturday was pretty good. Maverick was our longest wait at around 45 minutes, but we never waited more than 30 minutes for anything else. Sunday was a different story, though. I have NEVER been to any park so empty in my life. All of my best days at CP have come with a little precipitation. There was a little light rain when we got to the park, but it was all done and gone by around 10:45, but it was enough to keep crowds away. Most coasters were no more than 1 or 2 train waits. After our second ride of the day on MF, they were just letting us walk straight from the exit platform to the loading platform, so that we were getting right back onto the train we just got off of.


My kids were completely in awe of the place and had an amazing time. My wife and I had a blast watching their reactions to it all.


I took these pics in the early afternoon. I'll probably never see this place so empty again.


we were there too, but didn't go to the park on Sunday (we were desperately needing a break after 17 hours on Friday (Coastermania!) and full day on Sat.


we considered it tho, because we saw from our room at Breakers (once the rain cleared out after 10am) how empty the coasters were, but stuck to our plan to skip Sunday and go Monday.


interesting you had a good Sat, as we thought it was PACKED (and were super glad we had done FL+ as the lines for Maverick/Valravn were huge all day, and if we hadn't been using FL+ we would have maybe gotten one ride in, rather than multiple). most of the rides were managable, but the lines on the "big" coasters were decent on Sat - we saw sign nothing 1:45 for Maverick and 1:15 for Valravn.. tho interestingly, MF stayed a steady ~15 wait all day (the FL+ line put you into the queue right where the main line was ending anyways).


here's what the weather on Sunday morning when we got up looked like, so not surprised the park never got crowded.



(too bad you didn't stay thru Monday. . there was such heavy fog until about 11am, that riding things in the total fog was amazing!).


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we were there too, but didn't go to the park on Sunday (we were desperately needing a break after 17 hours on Friday (Coastermania!) and full day on Sat.


Even my kids were pretty worn out after a full 10-10 12 hours on Saturday. lol


interesting you had a good Sat, as we thought it was PACKED (and were super glad we had done FL+ as the lines for Maverick/Valravn were huge all day, and if we hadn't been using FL+ we would have maybe gotten one ride in, rather than multiple). most of the rides were managable, but the lines on the "big" coasters were decent on Sat - we saw sign nothing 1:45 for Maverick and 1:15 for Valravn.. tho interestingly, MF stayed a steady ~15 wait all day (the FL+ line put you into the queue right where the main line was ending anyways).


Valravn had a pretty solid line all day and probably would have been our longest wait, but after about 15 minutes in line it broke down so we bailed and moved on to something else. We never came back to it on Saturday. I knew we'e be back the next day, so I was concentrating on trying to get the kids to experience as much as possible on day 1 so we could relax on day 2 to fill in anything we missed and then get re-rides.


(too bad you didn't stay thru Monday. . there was such heavy fog until about 11am, that riding things in the total fog was amazing!).


Oh, now that would have been cool!

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Oh wow. That stall on Valravn's drop is already pretty freaky, it'd be that much more awesome in fog!


it was!


and Gatekeeper being totally unable to see the track?. . . one of the best experiences i've ever had.


TTD & MF never opened until the fog cleared (operator on MF told me it was due needing to be able to use the cameras on the lift hill. . I guess to make sure morons didn't pull out phones or undo seat belts). . . .but the other stuff in the fog? Amazeballs.

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Nothing better than being at CP when you practically have your own ERT sessions on everything because the park is so dead. You feel like you've freaking hit the lottery or something!


I would LOVE to go tomorrow and Monday - sunny and temps in the upper 80's. Would be a great time to check out the revamped water park with minimal waits on the slides. You'd probably even have Muffelheads swim-up bar all to yourself!

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Anyone have an information on the 3rd magnum train, I have been to the park over the past month and 3rd train is always on the transfer, I have yet to see 3 train operation and normally magnum doesn't really have a line but recently seems to be longer and longer

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Just got back from an awesome 14 hour day at the park. Got on the last train on TTD after it broke down at close and they made the effort to get it fixed for us. The biggest surprise of the park was the Extreme Wheels show, the performers were incredible!

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Just got back from an awesome 14 hour day at the park. The biggest surprise of the park was the Extreme Wheels show, the performers were incredible!


I absolutely LOVE the All Wheels Extreme stunt show! I can't tell you how many times I've seen it and I never get sick of it. They mix up the tricks a little bit too and the outfits/chase with the cell phone skit changed from last year which was fun. I don't recall the super tall trampoline tumbling dude in green being in last year's show but he is outstanding. There's so much to see and the music is fun that there are no lulls whatsoever. Even my boyfriend, who typically hates shows and isn't really into this sort of thing, was clapping and hollering at how much fun it was. GO SEE THE STUNT SHOW, PEOPLE!!! A lot of the performers are X games medalists and the best of the best. It's by Windseeker/Wicked Twister and I believe at 3, 5, and 7pm every day but Wednesdays.

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