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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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  DoinItForTheFame said:
  liamre4 said:
Another RMC teaser



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Why they gotta keep saying "they... They... They're... They?!?!"


Like, WHO DA F**K IS THEY?!.

And what da f**k is in the shed?!


Running off a good marketing strategy?


Also, those photos are great. I was just waiting for the telephoto lense photos. I took iPhone photos but I definitely couldn't zoom (or see) far enough to catch those angles. Great job! (And sorry about your camera)

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It will 100% not be dueling at the spot where the track is close in the footage, there's like one element separating those two tracks...


Also, there's no way the MCBR flat track will have a launch. The drop off of it is super steep and definitely won't be going over at any speed more than 30 mph or so.

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  Mater said:
Hopefully they've learned their lesson from TC and they'll give the ops more than enough time to get the next train ready for the duel.


I'll have a little of whatever this guy's on

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This is my take on the possibility of a dueling Mean Streak: not happening. The evidence is in the construction. We know too much about the layout without having had RMC build track nearby to make for a duel.


But I do think there's something that we're missing. Construction is zipping along and hasn't stopped while the park has been open. For this not to open in 2017 would require something to happen that we're not expecting. I think this coaster will have some kind of trick to it, and very little would surprise me.


As far as "They're coming" goes, I think it refers to RMC in general while being a good way to troll people about a dueling Mean Streak conversion. RMC is coming to Cedar Fair. We know about Mean Streak and Hurler for 2018. There are a couple of other wooden coasters in the chain where RMC conversions have been speculated (CW's Minebuster), and I don't think RMC will be done with Cedar Point after the Mean Streak conversion is done. If RMC is to become a premiere coaster company, major parks should have more than one RMC coaster. Cedar Point has multiple B&M and Intamin coasters (and multiple Arrow coasters from when Arrow was the big dog), so eventually having multiple RMCs seems reasonable.

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  Guy T. Koepp said:
I don't think Mean Streak is gonna break any height records. I think you're gonna get a double dip into the first drop, kinda like Lightning Rod had before it got torn down.

I'm not letting this one go unnoticed. Well done.

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The photos have been amazing. Please keep them coming. I won't be there this year but am planning on being there in 2018! This RMC creation has to be one of the biggest anticipated coasters I've been waiting to ride in a LONG time. And the rides not even announced or done yet.


  coasterbill said:
Jesus dude, that's got to be a 6:30 AM to 1 AM shift. You're literally the only person that would do that and actually be legitimately happy about it


Not true. You can count me in as a former ride operator who would be more than happy to work that shift. Working at theme parks whether on the mechanic side, or the ride operator side, have been some of the best most fun, most "not feel like I'm actually working and getting paid" jobs that I've ever had. At Knott's on Grad Nights I'd get to the park at 8 am and sometimes not leave till 2 am. Not a lot of people were willing to do it but I was at a theme park dispatching rides, and seeing guests reactions and making it fun for them was priceless.

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OK...this is probably absurd and totally impossible and it's really late and I'm not thinking straight and feel free to laugh at it...but...what if it does duel? What if we're looking at two dueling monorails?


We know RMC is working on the T-Rex concept. So what if they've figured out a way to do something similar, but on traditional, smaller side-by-side tracks? The trains would have to be staggered, since they're so close to each other...but...never mind...not gonna happen. Or is it?

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I think the thin vertical part of the I-beam teack would end up getting pulverized. If a car were hanging off the the side, then imagine the amount of torque twisting that middle piece during a high-G maneuver.


Something like that (cross it with the Raptor idea) could work to bring to life that splitting coaster idea from RCT3, but it seems impossible for this particular coaster.

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  B&MIntaminGCI said:
Had a little fun in Photoshop with The Great Zo's photo to simulate what we may be looking at




While this would be incredibly awesome, I think the top speed would be waaay too high for the rest of the course. I think RMC will make to top bit of the lift hill Lightning Rod-ish, with a small predrop.

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  HavenHamilton said:
OK...this is probably absurd and totally impossible and it's really late and I'm not thinking straight and feel free to laugh at it...but...what if it does duel? What if we're looking at two dueling monorails?


We know RMC is working on the T-Rex concept. So what if they've figured out a way to do something similar, but on traditional, smaller side-by-side tracks? The trains would have to be staggered, since they're so close to each other...but...never mind...not gonna happen. Or is it?


Sorry. The reason why that is impossible, is due to the heart lining of the track. You can clearly see that the track has been designed to be heart-lined between the two rails. Furthermore, the (RM)Craptor track is still in prototype stages, and is just being built in a car park, so it is certainly not at the stage of MS.

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  hyyyper said:
  B&MIntaminGCI said:
Had a little fun in Photoshop with The Great Zo's photo to simulate what we may be looking at




While this would be incredibly awesome, I think the top speed would be waaay too high for the rest of the course. I think RMC will make to top bit of the lift hill Lightning Rod-ish, with a small predrop.


Hmm. While that might be nice, a large pre drop would mean a (near) vertical drop after it would be very, very intense. As in, too intense for the track, train and people to handle. As I am rooting for the vertical drop, I feel a pre drop would not be good. Also, I would have guessed that some of the supports would have been removed to do this pre drop. Just my speculations for today...

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  Henry M said:
Sorry. The reason why that is impossible, is due to the heart lining of the track.


We're not doing this again are we? You're right, it's not Raptor track but you're right for the wrong reasons.


  CPFan1234 said:
How have the security checkpoints been? Hopefully quick and smooth...


I found it to be incredible efficient.

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