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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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I've been rallying for a launch halfway thru. No slow down like Maverick, just keep going and then speed up. And take the record for longest coaster, of course. Just my wishes…


Oh yeah, a double loading station with six trains. Never say never.

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The most recent pic released on the official unofficial Mean Streak twitter account teases that possibly something interesting is gonna be done with the MCBR.

Drop track.



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The most recent pic released on the official unofficial Mean Streak twitter account teases that possibly something interesting is gonna be done with the MCBR.


My mind wonders what RMC might do with it. Any ideas?


Firstly, just reading over the wording and style of the posts, it sounds very much like Tony is managing this New Mean Streak twitter account.


That said, with all the clamoring on here for a launch of some sort, and taking into account the back to back posts about the MCBR and the wood taller than the structure of the second turn, along with the layout, here is my theory: The MCBR will still be there for blocking purposes, and will incorporate the launch, into the higher, yet to be constructed turn, ABOVE the second turn.


Seem plausible to anyone else?


Edit: Looking closer at the images, it almost looks like they could do this, and time the launch with a train coming in the first part of the ride, with the second turn being the outward banked turn, and the turn after the MCBL being more of a traditionally banked or even over banked to "180 degrees" from the second turn, and have the trains travelling through at the same time, so directly above you would be the other train, both times through that area. I don't know if the structure could handle the stress of 2 trains loading outwardly through turns at the same time, but it would be a cool effect if the structure could handle it...

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Quick thought I had a few days ago when I found the official unofficial twitter account... Maybe they paused on the lift construction until after they complete the section of track that possibly goes under instead of over.

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Wanting to wait until the park is open to top it off makes sense. I wouldn't be surprised if the RMC makeover is announced very early in the season. I mean, it's already obvious what is happening. It would be cool if it's announced during opening weekend.

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I think people are overthinking the whole extra structure left over thing. To me the new track looks like it's simply traversing away from and back to the old footprint. RMC may cut some of the old unnecessary structure away at some point, or they may just leave it there and call it a day. I don't know. I just know that converted RMCs by their very nature have never been the most aesthetically pleasing coasters since they reuse old structures that weren't designed to do those new elements originally, hence the left-over parts that are just kinda there, no longer supporting track.

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Quick thought I had a few days ago when I found the official unofficial twitter account... Maybe they paused on the lift construction until after they complete the section of track that possibly goes under instead of over.


that's what i was guessing as well.

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I think people are overthinking the whole extra structure left over thing. To me the new track looks like it's simply traversing away from and back to the old footprint. RMC may cut some of the old unnecessary structure away at some point, or they may just leave it there and call it a day. I don't know. I just know that converted RMCs by their very nature have never been the most aesthetically pleasing coasters since they reuse old structures that weren't designed to do those new elements originally, hence the left-over parts that are just kinda there, no longer supporting track.



i know when i watched TC being built, they left all kinds of loose ends. then trimmed and added supports after. so, i wouldn't be surprised if a lot of that structure gets trimmed down.

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This one sure reads like it's Tony running the account. It's almost bursting with snark. (See how I'm being good and playing by the rules here?)


I feel like there'd be some way for the park to get this Twitter handle taken down permanently if they really wanted to. It has to be breaking a number of Twitter community rules - one would imagine. Which makes me think all the more that this is being done by a park official as a form of free publicity as well as just to mess with people, and get everyone excited. It's awesome, and a pretty great social media stunt if it does turn out to be Tony or someone else from the Point!

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^^ Really? I think they are very aesthetically pleasing.

Ok let me revise my statement. It depends on the coaster. The conversions can range from looking very nice (New Texas Giant), to looking like a bit of a mess (Twisted Colossus), and everything in between. This is just my opinion. I tend to prefer the LOOK of a classic wood coaster's swooping hills and turns as they were originally designed, but actual ride experience? RMC obviously. I guess that's all that really matters, huh?

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