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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Will there be construction walls around the attraction with some kind of teasers?


I'm assuming that they'll just close the train gates and quietly celebrate the labor they're saving by not having to pay someone to staff the gate this season. I expect some kind of teaser at some point, but construction walls seem a little unnecessary.


If they do just leave the train gates closed what's the over/under on how long someone stands there waiting for the gates to open? Also how many days into the season before someFIFOone says screw it and just crosses the tracks anyways?


Taking bets starting now......

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bluestreak is walking on thin ice with that one.




I was pointing out the email interaction between tony and the news source. Realizing now that a screenshot of the text would've been more appropriate than a link to an article with pictures. My apologies.

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Will we ever see a "like" button on these forums? Lol. Posts like this would be well deserving.

We've thought about it. And I think having a LIKE Button would replace some actual discussion and we like the forums to be as active as possible.

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Will we ever see a "like" button on these forums? Lol. Posts like this would be well deserving.

We've thought about it. And I think having a LIKE Button would replace some actual discussion and we like the forums to be as active as possible.


True, as people would take the shortcut and just click like instead of contributing to the discussion.



Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Will we ever see a "like" button on these forums? Lol. Posts like this would be well deserving.

We've thought about it. And I think having a LIKE Button would replace some actual discussion and we like the forums to be as active as possible.


Also there would then be no point in the Nina Kleppe button and we can't allow that to happen.

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If anyone is planning on making a visit to CP May 11-25 (Sundays-Thursdays) they're running a promotion for rooms at Express Hotel (formerly Breakers Express) if you're a passholder (using the code PASS). I'm not sure if its valid for all passes or platinum passes, but for fun I looked up a one-night stay and it was $60 instead of the usual $100. So that's 40% off. Not bad at all. The renovations look great!

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Hey everyone, headed to CP May 19/20 and was wondering which food location has the best fresh pizza?


I will have the all day dining plan and know that I'll probably crave some good pizza at some point.


Thanks in advance!

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If anyone is planning on making a visit to CP May 11-25 (Sundays-Thursdays) they're running a promotion for rooms at Express Hotel (formerly Breakers Express) if you're a passholder (using the code PASS). I'm not sure if its valid for all passes or platinum passes, but for fun I looked up a one-night stay and it was $60 instead of the usual $100. So that's 40% off. Not bad at all. The renovations look great!

Are there still discounts for platinum passholders to Hotel Breakers? Never stayed there yet, but contemplating it for this year's end-of-summer road trip.

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The pizza in the park sucks. I've never been there and would be skeptical of any pizza in the state of Ohio, but I'd suggest going to Chet and Matt's in Sandusky after the park closes since it comes highly recommended. They seem to be open an hour later than the park on Saturdays.

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Hey everyone, headed to CP May 19/20 and was wondering which food location has the best fresh pizza?


I will have the all day dining plan and know that I'll probably crave some good pizza at some point.


Thanks in advance!


Yeah. Leave the park and head to Cameo's Pizza in downtown Sandusky. Then a quick trip to Tofts for their great ice cream and ridiculous portions! Both are about a 10-15 minute drive from the park.


Other than Knoebels, does ANY park have good pizza?

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Thans for all the suggestions.

I knew I was reaching when posting this question, just thought perhaps someone ran might have ran across a "best kept secret" slice of pizza others may not know about.


Looks like even though I already purchased the "all day" dining plan, I might just head outside the park for a local slice.

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Other than Knoebels, does ANY park have good pizza?

No. And I wish I learned that lesson instead of being doomed to repeat my mistakes every time I visit a new park.


Same Here - I keep trying, hoping that it will be better, and I'm always disappointed.


I'm really looking forward to see what happens at CP over the next year, and to see how many enthusiasts stroke out over the lack of an announcement

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Other than Knoebels, does ANY park have good pizza?

Kings Dominion has had great pizza the last 2 Aprils on Int'l Street. Unfortunately the same place by May was overstacked, undercooked garbage and later was generic at best. Hopefully I haven't jinxed it for this year by saying that. My guess is the cooks get free rein at first, then a manager gets involved and makes them make the pieces bigger because someone complains about the cost-quantity ratio. Look at it and you can tell, but by then if it's not good you get to slink out.

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