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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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Cant wait to see what's on the table for Coastermania!



(actually, I don't really care if we get anything "bonus" regarding Mean Streak or not.. . I've never been to CP before, and it's going to awesome regardless. . . . )

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We were talking about this, this weekend at KK's Keys to the Kingdom, we pretty much all agree that this is the world's worst kept secret and honestly how long did CP expect to be able to keep it a secret, they may as well go ahead just announce whatever it is. Everybody knows that Mean Streak is being converted. I've never worked in PR at all but even I know something this big and visible should have been announced from the gitgo because you were never going to be able to keep it a secret.

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They do not expect it to be a secret in that sense. The timing of the announcement influences sales for this and next season. They will announce when it benefits them. Also details are not known. Delaying announcing the stats gives other parks less time to one up them. If they had announced already then it is possible whatever records are included would be broken a year sooner.

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They do not expect it to be a secret in that sense. The timing of the announcement influences sales for this and next season. They will announce it at Coastermania! June 2nd. Also details are not known. Delaying announcing the stats gives other parks less time to one up them. If they had announced already then it is possible whatever records are included would be broken a year sooner.



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Good point, but if it is for 2018 since the 2017 coasters are pretty much nearly complete they wouldn't have to worry about records being stolen from them, they could announce it since they already have a head start on all the other amusement parks.

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They do not expect it to be a secret in that sense. The timing of the announcement influences sales for this and next season. They will announce it at Coastermania! June 2nd. Also details are not known. Delaying announcing the stats gives other parks less time to one up them. If they had announced already then it is possible whatever records are included would be broken a year sooner.




Is that confirmed, or just word in the Dippin' Dots storage room?

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Does anyone have any insight on these two quotes?




The only thing I can think of with this quote is that Tony isn't lying. Technically Mean Streak is being taken down, and Mean Streak does not exist at Cedar Point any more. What exist now is a new (unnamed) coaster that took the place of Mean Streak.


At least, that looks like how they are wanting to approach the topic.

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Am I the only one that isn't dying to hear a RMC Meaner Streak announcement? I like the anticipation.


I'm just fine with the random photos that pop up from time to time, and I don't need an official announcement to know what's going on.


I know it's driving a lot of people nuts, and Cedar Point is banking on that. This has to be the most talked about non announced coaster ever.


Plus once it's announced, the mystery is gone. I like not knowing.

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Why in the world would they announce this ride ahead of their 2017 season if it's not going to be open by then?


It's already well established that Cedar Point will not open a flagship ride halfway through their season. The secrecy behind the existence of this transformation is nothing but marketing. Consider from a non-enthusiast perspective, that some people might hold off on purchasing a 2017 ticket or season pass until this bad ass new ride is open.


Of course the transformation is common knowledge among enthusiasts. But outside of a few local articles, the transformation does not exist in the eyes of the public. There is literally no incentive for them to announce anything, and it makes perfect sense why they are deliberately avoiding mention of the ride both officially and on their affiliate sites. Meanwhile they have been dropping hints to enthusiasts since as long as RMC conversions have been a thing.


The disaster that is this thread is just proof of how effective their marketing is.

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New Mean Streak Photos are sick...More out every day.



I don't know what is entertaining me more. The amazing marketing strategy behind the ride or the stupid people on our forums. I guess both are fairly equal.

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Am I the only one that isn't dying to hear a RMC Meaner Streak announcement? I like the anticipation.


I'm right there with you. The ride will open in 2018, and having the park announce the ride sometime soon doesn't change that fact.


On the topic of 2017, the water park expansion is looking fantastic--and much needed. When I last visited in 2014, it was pretty obvious that their water park wasn't quite on par with some of Cedar Fair's other ones. I'm glad Knott's and CP are both getting large expansions to theirs because they both desperately needed it.

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New Mean Streak Photos are sick...More out every day.



I don't know what is entertaining me more. The amazing marketing strategy behind the ride or the stupid people on our forums. I guess both are fairly equal.


Will we ever see a "like" button on these forums? Lol. Posts like this would be well deserving.

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Am I the only one that isn't dying to hear a RMC Meaner Streak announcement? I like the anticipation.




The game is good. The game is sound. The game is fun.


Not knowing is the only thing that makes the game fun.


Did you really want to find that stash of Xmas presents in your parents' bedroom closet on dec. 12th, and then have to fake all of that excitement on Xmas morning, or, in hindsight, would it have been a crapload more fun to just simply f@€king wait?

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