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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

P. 2037: Siren’s Curse tilt coaster announced for 2025!

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It's not run by Tony.


It's a pretty good red herring then.

^This. Also, there are pictures from before opening weekend that are clearly taken from inside the park. I think that this account would not be there for this long if Cedar Point were not okay with it.

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It's gonna be interesting to see how the park handles this project after they open in May. I mean I think it's awesome how they've frozen out all of the coaster nerds of the world all off season but I'd imagine when but the place is open and get thousands of guests per day asking "why ain't that big wooden coaster in the back of the park open?" they'll eventually acknowledge it somehow......... maybe?

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I don't understand why people seem to think the park needs to acknowledge or announce anything when they open in May. I expect them to not give any real announcement until sometime in August or September when they're making a push for season pass renewals. So people will go in the park and take pictures and ask questions. So what?


Not trying to be rude here, I'm genuinely curious why this seems to be a need for the park in some people's minds. Seems more like wishful thinking to me.

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I don't understand why people seem to think the park needs to acknowledge or announce anything when they open in May. I expect them to not give any real announcement until sometime in August or September when they're making a push for season pass renewals. So people will go in the park and take pictures and ask questions. So what?


Not trying to be rude here, I'm genuinely curious why this seems to be a need for the park in some people's minds. Seems more like wishful thinking to me.

It's not that they need to announce it in May, but they worked so hard all off-season to prevent people from seeing or posting photos, and when the park opens none of that will be preventable any more. So any sense of "secret" they achieved during off-season will disappear when the park opens. So unless all of that was to hold the sense of mystery until park opening where people will just see it with their own eyes, I don't see it as too far off to suspect that the reason they have done all this is because there is an announcement coming soon.


Personally, I will be happy either way. Even if there is no announcement soon, in one more month we'll be able to see a lot of the layout anyway.


Edit: Also, I do recognize that the park has a complete right to request that illegal photos not get posted during off-season, and that doesn't necessarily signify anything except them exercising their right.

Edited by RAWKIN_coaster38
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^ Aw, they'll throw scaffolding and tarps all over it, by opening day, and you won't even know they're working on it.


For example. (o;


Or this one. (Nobody does scaffolding and tarps better, than Disney.)

Edited by Nrthwnd
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It's not that they need to announce it in May, but they worked so hard all off-season to prevent people from seeing or posting photos, and when the park opens none of that will be preventable any more. So any sense of "secret" they achieved during off-season will disappear when the park opens. So unless all of that was to hold the sense of mystery until park opening where people will just see it with their own eyes, I don't see it as too far off to suspect that the reason they have done all this is because there is an announcement coming soon.


I get what you're saying here, but did they really work so hard though? Unless I'm mistaken, all they did was post a blog asking people to keep out and likely contact a few clubs asking them to keep photos off their sites. Neither of these things seem like that big of a task and could be done only once and rather quickly.

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Anyway I really do not think Cedar Point deserves another coaster, even if its just a rmc'ing on mean streak. Didn't they just get valravn?

You have to be sh*tting me. I haven't seen a post from you in months and I see that they're still consistently idiotic. Cedar Fair is running a financially calculated company. It's different from handing out candy evenly to your children.

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You have to be sh*tting me. I haven't seen a post from you in months and I see that they're still consistently idiotic. Cedar Fair is running a financially calculated company. It's different from handing out candy evenly to your children.


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I don't understand why people seem to think the park needs to acknowledge or announce anything when they open in May. I expect them to not give any real announcement until sometime in August or September when they're making a push for season pass renewals. So people will go in the park and take pictures and ask questions. So what?


Not trying to be rude here, I'm genuinely curious why this seems to be a need for the park in some people's minds. Seems more like wishful thinking to me.



I didn't mean to imply that they "need" to make an announcement or have to acknowledge the project, I'm just curious to see what they will do. Will there be construction walls around the attraction with some kind of teasers? Will they launch some kind of social media campaign with a promo site leading up to an announcement? Will they train the Dippin Dots guy to respond to questions with fake project details? It'll just be interesting to see how they handle a gigantic attraction under construction that's visible to the park throughout most of the operating season.

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Will there be construction walls around the attraction with some kind of teasers?


I'm assuming that they'll just close the train gates and quietly celebrate the labor they're saving by not having to pay someone to staff the gate this season. I expect some kind of teaser at some point, but construction walls seem a little unnecessary.

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It's not that they need to announce it in May, but they worked so hard all off-season to prevent people from seeing or posting photos, and when the park opens none of that will be preventable any more. So any sense of "secret" they achieved during off-season will disappear when the park opens. So unless all of that was to hold the sense of mystery until park opening where people will just see it with their own eyes, I don't see it as too far off to suspect that the reason they have done all this is because there is an announcement coming soon.


I get what you're saying here, but did they really work so hard though? Unless I'm mistaken, all they did was post a blog asking people to keep out and likely contact a few clubs asking them to keep photos off their sites. Neither of these things seem like that big of a task and could be done only once and rather quickly.

Yeah, I see what you're saying, but we really don't know how much effort they've put into nixing photos from spreading on the internet. I don't follow every. single. new. addition. but I can't think of another one where we weren't allowed to post photos we found on the internet and/or where there weren't a bunch of people doing construction updates on other sites. Although, there also aren't too many major theme parks on a peninsula!


Again, I totally understand and respect that the park has every right to ask us not to post or take photos and I'm not trippin over that whatsoever, just playing devil's advocate for sake of discussion.

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Cedar Fair is running a financially calculated company. It's different from handing out candy evenly to your children.

But that's just not fair!


Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!


^Now I'll NEVER be a teen model!!

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I didn't mean to imply that they "need" to make an announcement or have to acknowledge the project, I'm just curious to see what they will do. Will there be construction walls around the attraction with some kind of teasers? Will they launch some kind of social media campaign with a promo site leading up to an announcement? Will they train the Dippin Dots guy to respond to questions with fake project details? It'll just be interesting to see how they handle a gigantic attraction under construction that's visible to the park throughout most of the operating season.


My comment wasn't necessarily directed at you, or anyone in particular. It was just something that seemed to continue to come up as we get closer to opening day. It will be interesting to see what they do throughout the season. I'm guessing coasterbill is right and they'll just leave the train gates down and leave it at that, at least for a while.


Again, I totally understand and respect that the park has every right to ask us not to post or take photos and I'm not trippin over that whatsoever, just playing devil's advocate for sake of discussion.


And I appreciate that! I was genuinely curious to hear some other thoughts and the discussion is a nice departure from boats and complaining about not being able to post pictures.

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I didn't mean to imply that they "need" to make an announcement or have to acknowledge the project, I'm just curious to see what they will do. Will there be construction walls around the attraction with some kind of teasers? Will they launch some kind of social media campaign with a promo site leading up to an announcement? Will they train the Dippin Dots guy to respond to questions with fake project details? It'll just be interesting to see how they handle a gigantic attraction under construction that's visible to the park throughout most of the operating season.


My comment wasn't necessarily directed at you, or anyone in particular. It was just something that seemed to continue to come up as we get closer to opening day. It will be interesting to see what they do throughout the season. I'm guessing coasterbill is right and they'll just leave the train gates down and leave it at that, at least for a while.


Again, I totally understand and respect that the park has every right to ask us not to post or take photos and I'm not trippin over that whatsoever, just playing devil's advocate for sake of discussion.


And I appreciate that! I was genuinely curious to hear some other thoughts and the discussion is a nice departure from boats and complaining about not being able to post pictures.


New Mean Streak Photos are sick...More out every day.

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I didn't mean to imply that they "need" to make an announcement or have to acknowledge the project, I'm just curious to see what they will do. Will there be construction walls around the attraction with some kind of teasers? Will they launch some kind of social media campaign with a promo site leading up to an announcement? Will they train the Dippin Dots guy to respond to questions with fake project details? It'll just be interesting to see how they handle a gigantic attraction under construction that's visible to the park throughout most of the operating season.


My comment wasn't necessarily directed at you, or anyone in particular. It was just something that seemed to continue to come up as we get closer to opening day. It will be interesting to see what they do throughout the season. I'm guessing coasterbill is right and they'll just leave the train gates down and leave it at that, at least for a while.


Again, I totally understand and respect that the park has every right to ask us not to post or take photos and I'm not trippin over that whatsoever, just playing devil's advocate for sake of discussion.


And I appreciate that! I was genuinely curious to hear some other thoughts and the discussion is a nice departure from boats and complaining about not being able to post pictures.


New Mean Streak Photos are sick...More out every day.



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Has anybody thought that the park may stop construction during the season and then continue after Labor Day or the end of season?


No. Mean Streak Construction b/c it's on the park border doesn't effect other attractions, It's not like building something on the main causeway. I could see it being done before the season ends and they just don't open it till 2018. The fact CF has RMC working on Hurler, which is a much smaller coaster already and they have opened for the year, makes me think CF may want both done by end of season 2017 or late fall right after closing. But, not open either until 2018 and that CF might have another project for RMC next off season....CA Wonderland?

Edited by eugjackson
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Has anybody thought that the park may stop construction during the season and then continue after Labor Day or the end of season?


It will most likely be an ongoing process during the entire operating season. Much like NTG.

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Has anybody thought that the park may stop construction during the season and then continue after Labor Day or the end of season?


Why would they do that? Dragster was under construction during most of the 2002 season.


If they don't do any construction during the summer, there would be no updates to post or for people to go and get new pictures all the time.

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