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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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Its actually only going to be 100 feet tall, but going into a 400 foot under ground tunnel making a 500 foot drop. It will traverse underground like Hades 360 to save a bunch of space for the park. They will then build the worlds tallest superloop over the underground hybrid coaster creating the worlds first dueling superloop and hybrid polar coaster. duh

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So according to RMCs website, the I-box track makes the structure stronger. So I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that maybe it could handle the height. Also, is it possible we see a double down for the drop?! I mean... both make sense to me. In no way am I saying that a double down would happen, but I know they have ways to increase structure weight capacity to work with a taller drop. RMC also talks about having the lightest trains on their site. So to me, it just seems like a combination of these things could easily allow for a taller coaster.


I took screen shots of the pages but had no luck, so I will link you all with the the source.





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Using simply the Pythagorean theorem isn't gonna be accurate to determine a possible lift height. A user over at PointBuzz had the most thorough assessment of ~200ft by using the proper method to calculate a potential height based on the variables we know... Here's the post outlining the calculations for any other engineering nerds like myself that are interested.


Of course using the Pythagorean theorem isn't accurate. If I used it for a calculation like this at my job, I would probably be fired. It's a good reference point to estimate what a 45 degree lift would be height-wise. I think myself, as well as other users here are just using it because it's simple.


That Pointbuzz user spent a lot of time calculating, but he's made one huge mistake. He's using an image for his angles and calculations. That's a big no-no. Images can be taken from different perspectives and are misleading to use for measurements. None of us really know the "new" angle for the lift. The resulting height therefore varies tremendously. I think that his resulting height is likely, not based on his calculation, but based on what Cedar Fair might be going for record-wise.


I really think that someone who would put that much work into calculating is trying too hard. Most of us are here just to have fun. I'm not a coaster designer. Whether or not my makeshift calculation is correct or not will not mean anything. No matter the height, the bottom line is that this will be a kick ass coaster.

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So according to RMCs website, the I-box track makes the structure stronger. So I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that maybe it could handle the height. Also, is it possible we see a double down for the drop?! I mean... both make sense to me. In no way am I saying that a double down would happen, but I know they have ways to increase structure weight capacity to work with a taller drop. RMC also talks about having the lightest trains on their site. So to me, it just seems like a combination of these things could easily allow for a taller coaster.


I took screen shots of the pages but had no luck, so I will link you all with the the source.







ibox is some massive stuff. just the boxed top end of topper is pretty massive alone.

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Right on time for the forum engineers.


Kill me.



Shot?? Vodka, or tequila?

You mean no Jaëgermeister?


We're not all frat bros, homie.


I'll take a Jameson, and with the direction this thread is headed, better make it a double.

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Right on time for the forum engineers.


Kill me.



Shot?? Vodka, or tequila?

You mean no Jaëgermeister?


We're not all frat bros, homie.


I'll take a Jameson, and with the direction this thread is headed, better make it a double.


I'm down for anything with a "J", Jameson, Jaeger, Jack, Johnnie, Sailor Jerry

Edited by Superbatboy
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Right on time for the forum engineers.


Kill me.

Who you calling an engineer? I'm only two years into my 57 year program here at UW-Madison.

But on a serious note, this project is just fun to speculate on. I mean its CP. Anything is in their reach, and they love messing with people like us. For all we know, they could have just bought those 6 pieces of I-Box, cut down half the lift, and demolish the entire coaster next week just to mess with us.

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Poor RMCstreak was being blasted for her pre-lift section when it hasn't even been built yet and now everyone's going mathematically crazy trying to figure out all her angles and how tall she is. She can't grow up from the awkward young girl she was into the beautiful woman she was always meant to be without picking her intentions to shreds every step of the way, huh?


Some of you need to chill out or do something to divert your attention. It's an RMC, we know it's coming, everything is going to be okay, I promise. Following the construction of a ride should not consist of insane, crazy speculation or 3 paragraphs of completely biased criticism, especially when construction crews have barely touched the thing, lol!

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I mean compared to Joker and Twisted Colossus, with a fun pre-lift, if this is such a big ride---they couldn't do better than that? Such a mediocre B&M pre-lift style. If it's for 2o17 we'll be wishing they waited a year and took the time to make it a much better ride for 2018.


Umm..Mean Streak has no space before the lift to do that. They can't just make a pre-lift just because, the other coasters could support it.


lol @ "no space" in Cedar Point. What a joke.


RMC can do whatever the hell they want with a pre-lift. It's not like RMC hasn't manufactured rides from scratch, they most certainly could incorporate something less boring than a simulated-Valravn pre-lift for the new RMC updated Meaner Streak.


Saying that an RMC "can't just make" anything is the dumbest thing I've ever heard.


Thank you. THERE IS ALWAYS ROOM. A pre-lift would be nice, a nice long pre-lift with a tunnel. Double-loading station and 4 trains. Hey, dreaming is free!

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