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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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Yeah but the coaster manufacturers have absolutely nothing to do with the lift chains. There are companies that specialize in roller chains and they supply the chains.


Exactly. Renold provides the chains for Titan/Goliath but I can't speak on who B&M's chain vendor is as I don't know.

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That has already been established. "Brought up to code" is a generalized statement. We're not exactly sure what bringing it "back up to code" entails. In any case, Back to discussing CP and their 750ft dive machine.

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That has already been established. "Brought up to code" is a generalized statement. We're not exactly sure what bringing it "back up to code" entails. In any case, Back to discussing CP and their 750ft dive machine.


Wait... it's only 750ft now? I thought it was 1,001 ft... because they wanted to be the first to go over 1,000ft... and they had cleared pleanty of space for it.

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That has already been established. "Brought up to code" is a generalized statement. We're not exactly sure what bringing it "back up to code" entails. In any case, Back to discussing CP and their 750ft dive machine.


Wait... it's only 750ft now? I thought it was 1,001 ft... because they wanted to be the first to go over 1,000ft... and they had cleared pleanty of space for it.


I thought the final decision on the height was only 1 or 2 light years high.

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That has already been established. "Brought up to code" is a generalized statement. We're not exactly sure what bringing it "back up to code" entails. In any case, Back to discussing CP and their 750ft dive machine.


Wait... it's only 750ft now? I thought it was 1,001 ft... because they wanted to be the first to go over 1,000ft... and they had cleared pleanty of space for it.


I thought the final decision on the height was only 1 or 2 light years high.

Woah, woah woah. So much discussing over a 1,234 ft dive machine that may not even come to CP. Slow down guys

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That has already been established. "Brought up to code" is a generalized statement. We're not exactly sure what bringing it "back up to code" entails. In any case, Back to discussing CP and their 750ft dive machine.


Wait... it's only 750ft now? I thought it was 1,001 ft... because they wanted to be the first to go over 1,000ft... and they had cleared pleanty of space for it.


I thought the final decision on the height was only 1 or 2 light years high.

Woah, woah woah. So much discussing over a 1,234 ft dive machine that may not even come to CP. Slow down guys

But I saw it on the internet, so it must be true

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From Twitter


Yeah, that's a broken chain alright. Hopefully they get it up and running quickly. It's Cedar Point so they probably will, they fixed Gatekeeper's chain in less than 3 days last year.




Did this happen during a test run, or was there occupants on the train that had to be evacuated?



There we're people on it. I saw an attendant walk up and talk to the people.

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That has already been established. "Brought up to code" is a generalized statement. We're not exactly sure what bringing it "back up to code" entails. In any case, Back to discussing CP and their 750ft dive machine.


Wait... it's only 750ft now? I thought it was 1,001 ft... because they wanted to be the first to go over 1,000ft... and they had cleared pleanty of space for it.


It's also going to have a water splash-down across lake Erie and do an immelman at Canada's Wonderland.

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That has already been established. "Brought up to code" is a generalized statement. We're not exactly sure what bringing it "back up to code" entails. In any case, Back to discussing CP and their 750ft dive machine.


Wait... it's only 750ft now? I thought it was 1,001 ft... because they wanted to be the first to go over 1,000ft... and they had cleared pleanty of space for it.


It's also going to have a water splash-down across lake Erie and do an immelman at Canada's Wonderland.


I thought 363 of the 1000 inversions will span CW's perimeter

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If Morey's Piers ever builds their new woodie in NJ it will in fact span two parks, thanks to a beach bridge.


Back on topic... after returning from a trip to BGE and riding the awesome Griffon, I am so hoping for an even bigger and better diving coaster at CP!


Check out that span!

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Windy day at the park today. Many of the coasters were down at different times due to weather. Even Raptor went down around 9p or so. It looked like maintenance was working on Iron Dragon all day. It appeared that they had all or some of the chain removed and being inspected. A worker was on top of the chain lift at the bottom of the lift hill and appeared to be welding something. Another worker was on a crane near the top of the lift hill performing some inspection. Hopefully they have it up and running again soon.

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