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Cedar Point (CP) Discussion Thread

p. 2030 - Top Thrill 2 announced!

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Guys, don't the overly impossible coaster type comments ever get old?! I mean, really. I love the humor on this site as much as the next guy, but come on! The 500ft, inverted, wooden, launched, AquaTrax by RMC type lines just get old after like 3 of them.


Only until it becomes a reality, naysayer.

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It would be horrible marketing to say getting rid of a coaster is a good thing. That would be Cedar Point saying we made a bad decision investing in a multi-million dollar coaster. I believe we are seeing some type of upgrade to make the experience better, and enough to market the ride as new. It all points to floorless or sit-down trains, or SOMETHING that will change the ride experience without completely tearing down the coaster.

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Guys, don't the overly impossible coaster type comments ever get old?! I mean, really. I love the humor on this site as much as the next guy, but come on! The 500ft, inverted, wooden, launched, AquaTrax by RMC type lines just get old after like 3 of them.


Only until it becomes a reality, naysayer.


You'll see......You'll all see when the first 500 foot inverted Wacky Worm is installed at Great Adventure in 2016.

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Mantis is my least favorite coaster at CP. I never cared for the ride experience it provided, going back to the first summer it opened. Aesthetically, I've never liked its placement in the park because I think it looks too big for that area -- with that gigantic lifthill towering over Iron Dragon, and right next to the walkway. It looks like they shoe-horned it in to fit that space. Whether they reconfigure it or relocate it... I'm just glad they are doing SOMETHING with it.

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Not a good time to be a Standup at a Cedar Fair park. I hope the Vortices can hang one for at least one more season. It sounds ridiculous with all the other great coasters in California and King's Dominion, but there is a good possibility that a pair of old, unloved B&M Standups are what finally brings me to California and King's Dominion, respectively.


I'm glad I have plenty of laps on Mantis.


As for the Togo in Canada? Once was enough. I don't think they (Togo Standups) are rough, they just don't really do anything for me.

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While I do enjoy the iconic location and the photogenic nature of Mantis, put me in the camp of a relocation. I don't see Cedar Fair putting hype and money into converting a less than decent ride into a slightly better ride. I'm all for seeing Mantis move to MiAdv, Dorney or Valleyfair, (preferably MiAdv as that park could use the most love in my opinion) and CP putting in something new for 2015 or 2016. Cedar Fair has been pushing B&M to their limits recently and with Holiday World getting the first launched beemer, then maybe they've got a few more new tricks in their bucket that we've yet to see

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I'm surprised that they're doing this but I think it's a great move. I would think it would be tough to justify the expense of adding new trains to Mantis if they would have to spend a lot of money on them and wouldn't get much of a return on investment. The best way to get people through the gates is to market the ride as "new" with a cool new feature. As far as I'm concerned this is as good as them getting a new coaster because it's taking a ride I just ignored and never rode and converting it into a ride that will likely be very enjoyable.


Sure they haven't officially announced a conversion but I'm assuming that's what this is as all of the signs are pointing to it.


This shows that CP is really committed to making a well rounded park as opposed to battling for coaster count with MM(vomit). I'm happy that they recognized one of their bender coasters and are focusing on improving it, rather than ignoring the issue and working on a new addition.

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Based on all the hints and rumors over the past several months, I really think this is pointing more toward a conversion than a removal. My guess is that Mantis will be entirely repainted, rethemed, renamed, get new trains, and possibly have some tweaks done to the track to make it compatible (if necessary). When the process is done, the ride will probably appear as a new ride to all but coaster enthusiasts, and as a sit down Mantis would probably be on par with (if not better than) GateKeeper. If the process is successful, I could see it applied to one or both of the Vortex twins in 2016 (CGA really needs it, Carowinds not as much).


Of course, I could be totally wrong and Mantis could be removed for a new coaster. Cedar Fair has done two big coasters in one year before, I just see it as being a little late to begin construction unless it's something on the scale of a GCI (actually, that would be a great fit for Cedar Point). We'll probably know after Dorney Park's announcement whether Mantis is staying or leaving.

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That video doesn't scream "floorless conversion" to me. Looks like another standup bites the dust.


But...what replaces it? Let the speculation begin!


I'm going to say this out pure speculation that Cedar Point is going to get the "Time Machine" from Hard Rock/Freestyle park and send Mantis to Darien Lake as a florless sit down coaster!

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