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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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Does anyone think that SFMM will get some other coaster moved in to keep the "crown" as part of this ride rotation program? Wasn't there rumors the "Pandemonium" was leaving SFDK? Perhaps there moving that to SFMM to go with this rumored drop tower.

No.With Kinzel out at CF the pointless coaster wars are over at least for now since neither CF,nor SFI cannot affford to keep throwing in coaster after coaster at one park just to maintain a stupid title especially since the locals in the GP(the parks' target audiences) don't even know that the other park exists.


SFMM NEEDS to work on their flat ride selection to even things out as they can't hardly expect to gain a foothold on the family market(remember families bring in more money than the SP toting teenagers do) by adding rides not geared to their needs as well.The park has enough coasters for now but from what I understand there are like only 3 or 4 flats that those who don't enjoy coasters can ride & that's what they need to work on.

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After going to Cedar Point, I say screw the title of 'having the most coasters' - while they don't have X2 (one of 2 4Ds, right?), and Tatsu (better than other flyers because it's on a hill), they seem to have more of what tourists might want - a resort/scenery/etc.


When I first saw Cedar Point, I couldn't believe people actually compared the two, and felt that SFMM had a chance at being better than Cedar Point. While you can't necessarily compare the rides at each park, it's the fact that Cedar Point is just a better place to be.


So yeah.. they'll lose their 18th coaster... I guess people won't be complaining about how it's never open anymore.


I'm excited.. maybe there is something better in the future.

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Well, I was hoping that Deja Vu wouldn't be leaving, but I guess it is. That's really too bad, as I enjoyed that ride. At least it is only being relocated, not demolished, and will be reopening at SFNE, where it will be one of the park's top three coasters. At SFMM, it really was overshadowed by many other rides (Tatsu, X2, Green Lantern, Goliath, Apocalypse, Riddler's to name a few) while at SFNE only Bizarro and Batman are better. I just worry about a Giant Inverted Boomerang being placed next to a regular Boomerang, and I hope I get one more ride on it before it leaves (planning to go in early/mid October, but I don't know how late in October it will be running) since I likely won't get back to SFNE for several years.


As for its replacement, I don't care if it is a new coaster or not provided it is still a quality ride. If it is a coaster, anything comparable to or better than Scream would be fine by me. If it is not a coaster, a more unique flat or a drop tower would be a good option. I just really hope the park replaces the ride within a year or two (aka by summer 2013).


As for the coaster count, I don't really care. I'd rather visit a park with 4 really good coasters than a park with 1 amazing coaster and 10 decent to below average rides (not saying that is SFMM, but the same principle holds true). Even with only 17 coasters, SFMM still has six world-class coasters, two more that many parks would be glad to have, three more good but not great coasters...in fact, other than the kiddies, I don't think SFMM has a single coaster that isn't worth riding. How many major parks with more than 10 coasters can boast that?

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Does anyone think that SFMM will get some other coaster moved in to keep the "crown" as part of this ride rotation program? Wasn't there rumors the "Pandemonium" was leaving SFDK? Perhaps there moving that to SFMM to go with this rumored drop tower.

No.With Kinzel out at CF the pointless coaster wars are over at least for now since neither CF,nor SFI cannot affford to keep throwing in coaster after coaster at one park just to maintain a stupid title especially since the locals in the GP(the parks' target audiences) don't even know that the other park exists.


SFMM NEEDS to work on their flat ride selection to even things out as they can't hardly expect to gain a foothold on the family market(remember families bring in more money than the SP toting teenagers do) by adding rides not geared to their needs as well.The park has enough coasters for now but from what I understand there are like only 3 or 4 flats that those who don't enjoy coasters can ride & that's what they need to work on.


So I guess a 400 foot drop tower is going to make that family market take notice? Or was it the family coaster they just added that they didn't advertise, or the failed attempt at a Thomas town?


Also some one must care about having the most coasters in a park b/c two states news sources won't shut up about it, you have CF new President making statements about not going down without a fight, and people on both parks Facebook pages crying about losing such a title no one cares about.

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After going to Cedar Point, I say screw the title of 'having the most coasters' - while they don't have X2 (one of 2 4Ds, right?), and Tatsu (better than other flyers because it's on a hill), they seem to have more of what tourists might want - a resort/scenery/etc.


When I first saw Cedar Point, I couldn't believe people actually compared the two, and felt that SFMM had a chance at being better than Cedar Point. While you can't necessarily compare the rides at each park, it's the fact that Cedar Point is just a better place to be.


So yeah.. they'll lose their 18th coaster... I guess people won't be complaining about how it's never open anymore.


I'm excited.. maybe there is something better in the future.


I totally disagree with your statement that C.P. is a better place to be. Over the past 3 - 4 years I've really enjoyed myself more at MM than CP. If nothing else you don't have the bugs at MM! I find the entire experience (yes this includes rideops) much much better at the Mountain. That's my opinion and I'm sticking with it!

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"Prone to down time and rough rides, Deja Vu is one of my least favorite coasters at the park and will not be missed. Similar versions of the outdated ride have been disappearing from bigger parks around the world, finding new homes and extended lives at smaller parks."

Funny, at WCB 2011 I asked if there was a plan to make Deja Vu more reliable. Neal and Tim said it was very reiable. My home park and I've only ridden it twice in the past three years.

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What a crazy ass year (2012) so far. Let's see:


- First B&M Giga coaster, and it's going to Canada to share space with Behemoth.


-Hershey Park finally gets their Intamin hyper, all 3,600ft of it.


-SFA gets a new coaster, a 20 year old stand up.


-SFMM removes Deja Vu, 4 months after making a big deal out of having 18 coasters.


-SFNE receives Deja Vu, to sit right next to their Vekoma boomerang coaster.


It seems as if, at least here in the US, parks are indeed preparing for the end of the world next year!

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I'm sad Deja-Vu is moving, I always thought it was one of SFMM most underrated coasters. An October closing date gives me plenty of time to go and get my last rides, so its all good. The bright side of this situation is now they will have some room to build an Intamin airtime machine on the back side of the mountain. Pray for an Intamin to replace Deja-Vu!

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What a crazy A$$ year (2012) so far. Let's see:


- First B&M Giga coaster, and it's going to Canada to share space with Behemoth.


-Hershey Park finally gets their Intamin hyper, all 3,600ft of it.


-SFA gets a new coaster, a 20 year old stand up.


-SFMM removes Deja Vu, 4 months after making a big deal out of having 18 coasters.


-SFNE receives Deja Vu, to sit right next to their Vekoma boomerang coaster.


It seems as if, at least here in the US, parks are indeed preparing for the end of the world next year!


Suddenly the Batman clone and SLC at La Ronde don't seem so stange anymore.

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Wow Cyclone Bay area of the park just cannot retain a ride. Just kidding. But I'm honestly not sad at all to see it go. Never a big Deja Vu fan and people El Toro is coming thanks to the Ride swap program anyway.

-Cookie "Just yanking chains" Iorio

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I just want to mention that I am embarrassed to be an LA Times reader after reading that poorly written article. The part where he starts going off on his opinion is very 'enthusiast message board-y' and totally unprofessional.


It's an editorial, different emotions can be expressed.

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^^LOL, one can only hope! I honestly think SFDK should take Boomerang out. It does nothing for the park and that area could prove useful for adding a new coaster. Boomerang currently lies behind Kong and adjacent to the old IWERKS theater (with Tazmanian kinda in between the two areas a little). It'd be the perfect place to add a new coaster and no one would really miss Boomerang.


I thought Deja Vu was underrated too, though. Deja Vu is certainly better than any other Boomerang/Invertigo clone by FAR. I hated waiting in line for it (esp. when it had troubles halfway through) but I think it was worth the wait. Too bad... I'm just glad they're not demolishing it.

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God damnit, I'm already going to Knott's for a second time in one year, why oh why do I have to venture back to SFMM as well!!? I really liked Deja Vu, Sad to see it heading out of here, but it only leaves more to look forward to when I can finally make it out to SFNE!

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