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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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SFMM has needed a ride like this for 15+ years! Good for them for finally getting one!


I'm trying to figure out the 'first ever virtual loop' claim though? Doesn't like everyone of those 7D attractions have a fake loop!?!? How many times have I done a loop in a mine car on some terrible simulator?!?

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The fanboys are losing it on Instagram and Facebook over SFMM having the gall not to add another record breaking coaster. It's funny as hell.


Personally, I'm loving the idea of one of those beautiful Hall of Justice buildings looming out of what was the most dead area of the entire park.

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Personally I think this a great addition to the park and it will be a huge hit with the GP. I really like that we are getting a custom version that will differ from the other installations. I rode the JL version at SFGAm earlier in the summer and I was very impressed with it. Plus, it consistently had the longest line of any ride in the park. For people complaining about it not being a coaster, just look on the bright side. Since tons of people will be in line for JL, it will make all the coaster lines shorter!

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The only reason I'm not happy about this addition is because I know how this park works and how quickly things deteriorate or don't come to fruition on high attention rides that get installed. I mean if the park can't even maintain audio on Apocalypse or flames on X2...maybe they should consider taking care of and fixing the things they already have including other areas that need attention (bathrooms, other themed lands in the park) instead of ignoring and letting those things continue to deteriorate while building new.


They could have skipped a year attraction wise.


I am not buying a Season Pass for 2017.


Really glad they are taking the time to work on a new "land". Wonder what they mean by remodeling of existing attractions? Be curious to see what they do with the area.


Well if it's anything like the last 2 "land additions/remodels" I'd expect A LOT of concrete and very little shade.


Plus, it consistently had the longest line of any ride in the park. For people complaining about it not being a coaster, just look on the bright side. Since tons of people will be in line for JL, it make all the coaster lines shorter!


This means very little in terms of how it will effect the lines elsewhere in the park, it may just be that it has terrible capacity. Now if you have a 32 passenger B&M running 3 trains and having the longest line in the park, then I could see what you mean...

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Definately down with the retheme from the abandoned theme park theme the area has going on right now and the attention taken away from the other rides with the JL addition...i personally couldnt care less about the JL although im sure ill ride it at some point, when the wait is very short. At least its not a waste of money, alot of people seem excited for it, ...also excited for the frisbee at sfdk, i guess that warrants another trip up there hopefully i can get in 45° velocity next time as well...

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This ride is going to be fantastic when it's 100+ outside.


Great addition, nice to see that area of the park getting some love too.


SFMM has really done a good job updating the park with every new addition. They kinda work counter clock wise and so far, so good.

The only area that needs a re-fresh now is the ex Cyclone Bay area(I assume that is in the plans for 2018) and up on the hill around Ninja and a repaint for Tatsu. Otherwise they did good in the past years in my humble opinion.

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Really glad they are taking the time to work on a new "land". Wonder what they mean by remodeling of existing attractions? Be curious to see what they do with the area.


I am too. They did great jobs with DC, Twisted Colossus and New Revolution with what I'm sure were limited budgets, so this should be nicely done as well.

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∆ Negative Nancy up here, jeeeez

It's definitely a consistent theme


I'm not a fan of the JL rides but I am looking forward to seeing the impact this one has on the park. Seems like a fantastic choice from a reliable manufacturer so I think it'll be a big hit. It would be great to see that area increasingly populated by more flats over the years. In fact, the whole area would be well served to house a kind of modern carnival environment — updated, high-capacity classics with solid lighting and whatnot.

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I have to say I'm impressed with the choices this park has made post Full Throttle. Making Colossus fun to ride again, removing the OTSR from Revolution, adding a new show (Kwerk), and now the park's first major non-coaster family ride in years. It's like thy're finally listening to what people have been saying for a good while.


It may not be glamorous or headline grabbing fanboy fodder, but I have to give credit where credit is due.

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We are also doing a Six Flags Themed TPR Bag-O-Crap Twitter give-away! See our Twitter feed for details on how to be entered to win this cool Six Flags stuff including a couple of those giant park "wall maps!" Continue to RT our tweets from later today to be entered for a better chance to win! Winner will be picked later tonight or tomorrow morning.










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