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The Six Flags Magic Mountain (SFMM) Discussion Thread

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^Wow what a jerk!! People have no regard for other people's property!!


Yeah, they're called Bernie voters.


For the love of god can we please keep political jabs out of theme park discussion? Thanks.

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^Wow what a jerk!! People have no regard for other people's property!!


Yeah, they're called Bernie voters.


Bring politics or some stupid crap like this on our forums again and you will be banned faster than you can fall off a log flume.

I'd like to see that quote adapted to this topic

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^Wow what a jerk!! People have no regard for other people's property!!


Yeah, they're called Bernie voters.


Bring politics or some stupid crap like this on our forums again and you will be banned faster than you can fall off a log flume.

I'd like to see that quote adapted to this topic




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^Wow what a jerk!! People have no regard for other people's property!!


Yeah, they're called Bernie voters.


Bring politics or some stupid crap like this on our forums again and you will be banned faster than you can fall off a log flume.

I'd like to see that quote adapted to this topic





And therefore y'all are all Trump supporters

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Whether it was intended as a bad socialism joke or a legitimate political comment, please keep these forums free of political discussion. It's too polarizing of a topic and never ends well.

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Just checked on SFMM's website for hours and it looks like they have added another weekend to Fright Fest this year. It starts the 17th of September this year. It also looks like they took our advice about Holiday in the Park. They are staying open until 9PM this year. Much better.

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I enjoy dark rides for what they are. They will never compete on the same scale as large roller coasters, but they appeal to a wide range of people and are almost essential to every major amusement park. The old theater area (and that area of the park) could not be a more perfect spot for SFMM to add a Justice League ride.

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Just checked on SFMM's website for hours and it looks like they have added another weekend to Fright Fest this year. It starts the 17th of September this year. It also looks like they took our advice about Holiday in the Park. They are staying open until 9PM this year. Much better.

I'm surprised that they were only open until 8 and now only extended to 9. Six Flags Over Georgia is open until 10pm every night for HITP and the place seems plenty busy. I wouldn't mind them staying open later even!


What time does it even get dark at Magic Mountain in December? Here it's just before 7pm.

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Just checked on SFMM's website for hours and it looks like they have added another weekend to Fright Fest this year. It starts the 17th of September this year. It also looks like they took our advice about Holiday in the Park. They are staying open until 9PM this year. Much better.

I'm surprised that they were only open until 8 and now only extended to 9. Six Flags Over Georgia is open until 10pm every night for HITP and the place seems plenty busy. I wouldn't mind them staying open later even!


What time does it even get dark at Magic Mountain in December? Here it's just before 7pm.


In California in December, it gets dark around 5:30-6:00.

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would really love to see longer hours all around.. I don't know the repercussions of doing that as far as having more hours for the workers and selling more/less food/merchandise/etc., but can't really get too many night time rides on coasters unless it's in the fall or on weekends.. with the exception of their nights open til 8 or so..


anyway, I can't complain I'm happy the season is here and can't wait to head over on weekdays while school is still in and it is empty. Anyone planning on going tomorrow? Coasters on a monday morning.. can't wait

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I'm all for dark rides at parks like Universal and Disney, because they actually do them well.


CF and SF however, have absolutely no business doing dark rides, because they're cheap, they don't maintain them, and they're not done well. Leave that kinda stuff to the pros, and concentrate on what you do best Six Flags -- COASTERS! Even though you don't always do those well either!


A dark ride would be a complete waste of space, and as much as they'll swear it's going to be amazing, they're going to cut corners when the deadline nears, they're going to over promise and under-deliver, and in a couple years nothing is going to work the way it is supposed to.

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I'm all for dark rides at parks like Universal and Disney, because they actually do them well.


CF and SF however, have absolutely no business doing dark rides, because they're cheap, they don't maintain them, and they're not done well. Leave that kinda stuff to the pros, and concentrate on what you do best Six Flags -- COASTERS! Even though you don't always do those well either!


A dark ride would be a complete waste of space, and as much as they'll swear it's going to be amazing, they're going to cut corners when the deadline nears, they're going to over promise and under-deliver, and in a couple years nothing is going to work the way it is supposed to.


I'm torn, I think a dark ride would be a nice switch up at MM but they're already lackadaisical when it comes to maintenance etc; And those Justice League rides look complex with a lot of moving parts. How long would MM keep up with the ride I'm wondering. Isn't their maintenance team already overloaded and understaffed? They should just put some type of compact coaster in the spot they cleared and call it a day

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