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Six Flags St. Louis (SFStL) Discussion Thread

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^ Oh interesting! I didn't have it pictured at that angle. I'm still hoping that stupid, useless façade along the rail road tracks will be removed! It serves no purpose and its ugly lol!

Those facades were taken down as one of the first stages of construction.


I'm Glad they're actually trying to make spinsanity good, I have to admit those facades were weird and I wouldn't say out of place, but seemed to ruin the area. By the way I'm new so hello everyone.

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^ Oh interesting! I didn't have it pictured at that angle. I'm still hoping that stupid, useless façade along the rail road tracks will be removed! It serves no purpose and its ugly lol!

Those facades were taken down as one of the first stages of construction.


I'm Glad they're actually trying to make spinsanity good, I have to admit those facades were weird and I wouldn't say out of place, but seemed to ruin the area. By the way I'm new so hello everyone.


Welcome to TPR!


I'm glad the facades are gone. I know it was part of the Hollywood themed section, but that area pretty much lost the look. Is it possible that the park will rename the Studio Backlot section to something new or am I dreaming?

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I'm glad the facades are gone. I know it was part of the Hollywood themed section, but that area pretty much lost the look. Is it possible that the park will rename the Studio Backlot section to something new or am I dreaming?


Considering you still have Batman, Ninja, and Joker back there, I doubt it.

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If you haven't, I strongly recommend those posting in here to checkout the last few pages of the Six Flags Corporate thread. Lots of discussion and analysis of their recent shareholder call.


The TL;DR version of it is that it looks like Six Flags is very happy spending what they have been spending on park updates, so expect more clones for the foreseeable future. (Bring on the 4D!)


Also, with the success of Holiday in the Park adding to the bottom line, they are experimenting with a Mardi Gras event at several parks this year (not STL) as a trial. That's pretty interesting given STL has one of the biggest Mardi Gras celebrations outside of New Orleans. Late February has traditionally been super risky with bad/cold weather around here, but given how mild the temps have been the last few years maybe they'll give it a whirl if it proves successful at other parks?

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If you haven't, I strongly recommend those posting in here to checkout the last few pages of the Six Flags Corporate thread. Lots of discussion and analysis of their recent shareholder call.


The TL;DR version of it is that it looks like Six Flags is very happy spending what they have been spending on park updates, so expect more clones for the foreseeable future. (Bring on the 4D!)


Also, with the success of Holiday in the Park adding to the bottom line, they are experimenting with a Mardi Gras event at several parks this year (not STL) as a trial. That's pretty interesting given STL has one of the biggest Mardi Gras celebrations outside of New Orleans. Late February has traditionally been super risky with bad/cold weather around here, but given how mild the temps have been the last few years maybe they'll give it a whirl if it proves successful at other parks?


Honestly I'd rather have any other new concept by S&S. If the park doesn't open til March 25th, considering that Mardi Gras is the 28th of February this year, they'd have to open the park a month early. I noticed that the Mardi Gras thing we're only at southern parks like Mexico and FT. So I don't think we will get a Mardi Gras festival until global warming makes it warm enough, and also they could make enough profit off the festival. SHORT ANSWER: I DONT THINK WE'LL GET THE FESTIVAL. (Not at all mean just so people see)

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I think the Mardi Gras concept is a neat idea, but I don't ever see it happening for SFSTL, like earlier stated, the park would have to open in February... that just won't happen, and that goes for the other parks in the colder regions. Six Flags does ever other ideas up their sleeves for other events, most of them are sub par and cheesy ideas, but it shows that they are starting to think outside the box a little bit more.

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the park would have to open in February... that just won't happen, and that goes for the other parks in the colder regions.


While it is a stretch, everyone said Holiday in the Park wouldn't happen in colder regions either... until it happened. Then they said they wouldn't run the coasters... until they did. This argument doesn't hold up. Personally I don't see them opening in February in the near future but that "cold weather" argument means nothing at this point.

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The park doesn't have to be open on Mardi Gras for them to still do the event. I've been told it has been talked about this year for SFSTL to get it but probably later in the spring to early summer, when there is more attendance to justify it. The park already has a suitable parade route, and a storage location for all the floats.

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The park doesn't have to be open on Mardi Gras for them to still do the event. I've been told it has been talked about this year for SFSTL to get it but probably later in the spring to early summer, when there is more attendance to justify it. The park already has a suitable parade route, and a storage location for all the floats.


A Mardi Gras parade would be nice, but I for one would love to see the Glow in the Park parade return, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. You can easily see the old Glow in the Park parade storage from SkyScreamer anyways, right now it's just wasted space that could be filled with some upgraded versions of the past floats to at least get close to what other parks offer, and then you have a reason for guests to stay at nighttime, hence selling more concessions, light-up toys, etc. etc.


Bottom line is it's a wasted opportunity to not have a night time show, heck, the park's zoning system for audio is still fully functional, it's basically a no-brainer. The crowds in the videos I've seen off to the sides of the street were huge, and that was 2009, when the company had just entered bankruptcy. Look at how many people showed up for Fright Fest last year and from what I see a bunch of them stay until at least 10:00, it's not like people aren't willing to spend a few more hours with their families to see a parade.

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Besides having to leave work early after getting sick, it was a pretty good day. I opened my car door and heard the great sound of Mr. Freeze doing "short shots" (correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that's what they call them), sending the train up the top hat without going over. Then, as I left I could hear Batman and was able to see a train going up the lift from I-44. Tomorrow the dispatch buttons will be getting a workout for training. However, there are still positions open in Rides (plus many other roles) at the park, and you (or someone you know) can apply at www.sixflagsjobs.com.


And thus ends another shameless job plug by HWFan.

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the park would have to open in February... that just won't happen, and that goes for the other parks in the colder regions.


While it is a stretch, everyone said Holiday in the Park wouldn't happen in colder regions either... until it happened. Then they said they wouldn't run the coasters... until they did. This argument doesn't hold up. Personally I don't see them opening in February in the near future but that "cold weather" argument means nothing at this point.


I completely understand your thought process and where you are coming from. HITP was always an option and was just a matter of time before it came to our park... truthfully, I thought it would have been way sooner, rumors were that it was supposed to be years ago that SFSTL got it and anyone who thought SFSTL would never get HITP is just a damn fool. But Mardi Gras is different, it's nowhere near the size of an event like Christmas, and its a week or 2 long event where HITP is during the holiday season which is about 6 weeks long. Trust me when I say it won't happen here, at least not for a LOOONG while. In order for it to happen her, at least during the actual Mardi Gras time period, the other parks would have to show that its beyond huge and profitable.

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The reason people show up in the cold in Mardi Gras in the Soulard area is for booze, beads, and bare naked body parts. Six Flags can only really offer one of those three things. Granted I'm over that scene, but without the trio I don't envision large crowds. Otherwise, who the hell cares about Mardi Gras?

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Here is a question for someone who goes to this park regularly... Is Xcalibur pretty reliable, always open? I've always wanted to ride this beast. It was closed when I visited SFGA many years ago. Seems like it was always closed at that park.

Depends. Xcalibur always seems to one of the most temperamental rides in the park, particularly when I worked it. Sometimes it just does not want to run; other times it acted like the most reliable one in the park. That said, maintenance does a fantastic job and a lot of the problems that plagued it elsewhere aren't nearly as bad at SFStL, so it's *usually* open.

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