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SteveStL last won the day on December 26 2024

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    Saint Louis, Mo
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  1. the massive sign on the mid hill That is now the Entrance Sign on the Queue Pavilion, right?
  2. 'For Life' ... that's the irony here. The older you get, the worse that coaster becomes.
  3. I always hated the Mid-Course Brake on the Boss... happens way too soon in the circuit. First and Third Drop are great fun, otherwise it is sorta Meh. The Double Helix removal also disappointing. I rather ride SE or Americal Thunder.
  4. I'd like to see The Boss's Trains in the boneyard. That would make me happy.
  5. The Ninja's shelf-life ran out 20 years ago in my opinion. Probably considered an excellent coaster in the 80s, now just a relic of a first generation looper.
  6. In a nutshell... I think most of us believe SFSTL can be an excellent park with just handful of additions. Granted, they are not cheap additions... but just a few choice rides could elevate our park to a new pedigree. The potential is there, and we want it to happen so bad. At summer's end we get hopeful for that Big Announcement but alas end up with disappointment. Then we have to vent it out somehow, thanks to forums like this one.
  7. I hope there are plans in the near future to demolish that Go Fresh Restaurant, between the Theater and the Kiddo's Land. What an eyesore, worse than the Carousel. Just on my mind, needed to vent it out.
  8. I have seen the photos, looks like they are using the Jaws of Life to bring it down.
  9. My take on SFGAd, I think they will modify Kingda Ka into some sorta TTD2-like creation. Since they didn't mention the Drop Ride portion of the ride getting 'retired', it makes sense to me.
  10. With all the ride removals from other Parks, SFSTL will have plenty to choose from to fill our vacant lots!
  11. Probably the same guy who was obsessed about our old Skyway and its removal 40 years ago.
  12. Speaking of Ride Removals... I would like to see STL get new Bumper Cars, Drop Tower (old Excalibur spot), and over course a new (or new to us) Steel Coaster (Tidal Wave). And while I am hoping, Titan Track for The Boss. I have lost all hope for a RMC Conversion, so Titan Track (or similar) would be great. And Rebuild the Double Helix!!!
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