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  1. They seem to focusing on infrastructure improvements and projects that need to be done, and will then return to other projects like the batmobile once able.
  2. Plenty of other parks have Presidents just as capable as Jeffrey Siebert, the only difference is SFFT gets every resource they could ever want while some other parks are lucky to even get scraps. It's easy to look good when you get the financial support to do anything you want.
  3. 1. It is not a hand me down, it is a brand new coaster that was supposed to go to a park in China, not Dubai. 2. An RMC of the Boss is actually more expensive than the Boss was to build outright or a new ground up RMC would be.
  4. Six Flags Over Texas has the Giant Discovery model, St. Louis is getting the Giga Discovery which is 25 feet taller than the Giant version. St. Louis will have the same as Great Adventure, Fiesta Texas, Magic Mountain, Mexico, and soon to be Great America.
  5. The skyline sure looks different today than it did yesterday...
  6. I think this family coaster is the best fit for the park at this time. It's fill the one big gap we had for the younger guests, and thank god it's not one of those prototype skyline coasters.
  7. Nothing was sold, the few people that kept saying it was were former employees that had no actual information from what was going on within the park itself.
  8. The HIP decor was loaned to the Island H20 waterpark in Orlando as part of the Night of a Million lights, which is for the Give The Kids the World charity to help give seriously ill children and their families trips to Orlando. After the event is over, Six Flags will be getting their decorations back. Here is more info on the event itself, https://www.gktw.org/lights/
  9. World of Illumination was pretty neat, definitely a new spin on drive through events as the entire display is "Cosmic", it sounds weird but outer space meets christmas was a fun combo, and seeing that many synconized lights was impressive. Holiday Square looked great and had quite a bit of the old HIP stuff. They also had firepits, hot chocolate, funnel cakes, ice cream, and lots of merch including a bunch of HIP merch left over from last year. Overall I though it was pretty fun and the best part was the snow falling from the roof of the front mall and making the whole area look nice with the falling snow.
  10. Hopefully IF HIP ever comes back, all the people saying it was the only reason they bought passes actually show up, and more than once every few years. It is a very expensive event to put on so it needs the attendance numbers to justify keeping it going.
  11. Anyone that went to Fright Fest this year, what were your favorite parts? Anything standout or how it compared to years past.
  12. 2016 was the only year that the lighting was completely contracted out for HIP, Oak Island Creative was the company and they worked with Six Flags staff to install the first year, then in 2017 they just provided some minor guidance and since 2018, Six Flags has done all HIP decor setup in house.
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