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Favorite element

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Mr. Freeze's inverted top hat and also the launch up the spike/back down.

Titan's HUGE airtime hill.

Afterburn/Krypton Coaster's zero g.

Diamondback's first drop.

Maverick's stengel dives.

Mystery Mine's vertical lifts.



Scooby Doo's Spooky Coaster's secret surprises!

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Mr. Freeze's inverted top hat - it's not very intense, but it is scary with being upside down so high in the air with only a lap bar holding you in

Viper's double down drop - a great moment of airtime

Nitro's helix - very very intense

Cobra rolls

Zero-G rolls

Vertical loops - so simple, but still a lot of fun

Not a single element, but El Toro's finale with the highly banked turns and filled with airtime is awesome

Shivering Timbers helix - a fast helix, and although nowhere near as intense as Nitro's, it is still a lot of fun

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  • 9 months later...

I may or may not have slightly random tastes in elements. Oh, and I don't know or care if these are all "elements".


--Vertical and beyond-vertical drops of any style

--Cobra rolls, vertical loops, and pretzel loops

--Series of bunny hops (American Thunder, etc.). So classic, especially when contrasted with twister elements!

--Classic chain lifts on sitdown coasters, and flying coaster lift hills


--Surprise drops (caused by darkness, sudden change of direction, timing, etc.)

--Extreme headchoppers

--Hills with stand-up airtime, and all great airtime hills

--Overbanked turns

--Intense helices (Goliath at SFMM, etc.)

--Any drop or turn on a woodie that provides a great view of the lift hill and first drop (Renegade, Coaster, etc.)


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My top five, in reverse order:


5. Dive Loops


4. Zero-G Rolls


3. Pretzel Loops (specifically Tatsu's)


2. Stengel Dives (only been on Maverick's, but that rocked my world)


1. Airtime Hills (specifically El Toro's...Holy $h!t!!!)


-Doug "I'll take airtime over being upside down any day" Heim

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1. Zero-G-Roll (Kraken's being my favorite)


2. Whatever Maverick did to me twice in the portion after the launch, because that was sooo bad***...better yet, anything that happened on Maverick gets my number 2.


3. Vertical/Beyond vertical first drop (Sheikra and Maverick respectfully as the only two I've experienced)


4. Pretzel Loops on B&M Flyers


5. Goood airtime


6. Dive-Loops


7. Inverting Top Hat (Mr. Freeze)


8. Batwings/Pretzel Loops? on B&M Inverts

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