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Weirdest Things The 'GP' Have Said

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^You think that's a troll? I personally just saw one worse, on
for Cheetah Hunt:


AnEscapeArtist33 said:


Robs stupid mouth ruins the video.


Rob likes touching underage boys.


Rob likes penises in his mouth.


Rob is a fat oaf.


I know this might be very subjective to some people, but *Facepalm*



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^In those comments, I see a LOT of stupid:


1. Turn off the volume, genius!


2. I can't speak for Robb, but we'll assume he doesn't.


3. And if he did?


4. Well, show yourself. Don't criticize others without letting them criticize you too.


Anyways, my GP gem:


OMG! This ride is soooo scarie. Did u no they sell diaperz at da entranse to dis ride so dat no 1 will have 2 buy new underwear? It real is that bad. Its the forces pushing on ur bowls. All da fliping an twistin. Makes you carp urself all over-bigg mess. Gos 2 sho that no ride has ever been built bigger than it.


In a Youtube comment for X2....facepalm. In the same park as Superman!

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Saw a guy in the butterbeer line in the Three Broomsticks today and his little brother asked, "where are the moving pictures?" and the brother responded "this isn't Pirates of The Caribbean."


No lie, and the guy was wearing an HP shirt and had a wand, so unless he was just joking around he is one uneducated HP fan, my inner dork was about to scream at him. =/



EDIT: Mind you the older brother was about 16-17.

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Recently, I took a trip to SFDK with about 15 friends, all of them GP. Some stupid things I heard were...


"OMG. (At Medusa testing) Are they running it backwards?"

In line for Sky Screamer last tuesday (after the opening on the previous Friday)


Me: This ride just opened last Friday

Friend: Were you here last Friday?

Me (In my mind): Really? We just drove hours to get to this place. Why would I visit twice in the same week?

Why is it that whenever you know some random statistic about some coaster (or ride) somewhere, many people assume you have been on that coaster?


Next to Roar:

"Is this ride really made of wood, or is it just made to look that way?"

(We were literally 5 FEET away from the structure, close enough to where you could see all the details and chips in the wood.)

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^You think that's a troll? I personally just saw one worse, on
for Cheetah Hunt:


AnEscapeArtist33 said:


Robs stupid mouth ruins the video.


Rob likes touching underage boys.


Rob likes penises in his mouth.


Rob is a fat oaf.


I know this might be very subjective to some people, but *Facepalm*


Another person who refuses to acknowledge the extra B.

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OMG! This ride is soooo scarie. Did u no they sell diaperz at da entranse to dis ride so dat no 1 will have 2 buy new underwear? It real is that bad. Its the forces pushing on ur bowls. All da fliping an twistin. Makes you carp urself all over-bigg mess. Gos 2 sho that no ride has ever been built bigger than it.


In a Youtube comment for X2....facepalm. In the same park as Superman!


My god, I could barely understand it!

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On a Youtube comment of Scream at SFMM:


"This is the exact same ride as Medusa at Six Flag Discovery Kingdom"


Here are a few things I here at parks a lot from the GP:


"Wow, (Name any really awesome non-inverting coaster here) sucked! It didn't have any loops!"


"(Name any really bad inverting coaster here) was awesome! I love the loops!!"


"OMG! That coaster goes upside down with NO shoulder restraints!! How unsafe!" (They really don't seem to care when a flat ride goes upside down with lap bars, only roller coasters)


They also like to put THE before every ride name "THE Medusa was so awesome!"


"I don't like going on wooden coasters! They are all so rickety and old and are going to fall apart!"


"Did you know that (Random roller coaster here) (Any incorrect and stupid fact here)"


"Did you know some on died on that ride?" or "I think this ride is closed because some one died on it"


They also have this idea that you HAVE to ride with some next to you on a ride, or else its not fun or its scarier. On TTD, some people thought I was really brave for going on that ride in the back by my self.

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^To add on to your last one, I love the people who insist on sitting in one of the middle two seats on a B&M. Almost like sitting in a seat in the middle is going to prevent you from falling out.




That movie seriously ruined theme parks.

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Two teenage girls in row next to me while we were waiting for rain to clear up in the Superman line:


Girl 1:) Viper is WAY older than the The American Eagle....

Girl 2:) Isn't this 30 years for the eagle?

Girl 1:) Yeah, but Viper is like twice as old which is why it's so small. My dad has pix of it when it was the only thing in the park.



I truly truly would have liked to have called her dad and seen THAT pic......

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The logic alone behind the following claim makes this dumb even if you aren't an enthusiast.


The other day, I was getting on the Swingshot when the guy next to me became worried because his lapbar wasn't locking in place. This was, of course, because the ops were still letting people onto the ride, but he made so much of a fuss that people on the other side got obnoxious as well. What took the cake was when he said, "If I die, I'm suing you guys!"


Now how exactly do you plan to do that?

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^ I know exactly what you mean. For some odd reason the lap bars on S&S swings cause people to act that way. It's even worse when an already-locked lap bar is released, then people really start to freak out. I mean, it's not like someone got on the loudspeaker and said, "Your lap bars have been released on purpose, ride host please re-check all lap bars."



First night of coastermania:

"theres a coaster in england that is 10 min long and only goes a top speed of 45 mph!"


He was around 13 and a member of ace.....


He wasn't that far off. Sure he exaggerated a little, but don't we all? The Ultimate lasts about 7 minutes and goes 50 MPH, not bad for 13 years old.


^To add on to your last one, I love the people who insist on sitting in one of the middle two seats on a B&M. Almost like sitting in a seat in the middle is going to prevent you from falling out.


I can see where they're coming from, I used to do that when I was 'scared' of coasters. It gives the rider a false sense of security. I have friends and relatives who wouldn't dare sit in an end seat on a drop ride (i.e. Power Tower at CP or Pitt Fall at Kennywood), but will sit in the middle no problem.

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This isn't something the GP has said, but it is probably a big factor in why the GP can be so misinformed. Since I'm going to be heading to SFFT in later June, I decided to check out their website. Here's what I found whilst reading about Superman- Krypton Coaster:


It takes nerves of steel to ride the MAN OF STEEL’s thrill ride—the largest steel coaster in the Southwest. (We made it faster by removing the floor. )



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I just remembered something from 5th grade:


Kid: "Do you know what the fastest roller coaster in the world is?"

Me: "Yeah, it's Kingda Ka."

Kid: "No, it's Top Fuel Dragster at Cedar Point."

Me: "Dragster goes 120 miles per hour, Kingda Ka goes 128."

Kid: "No, Dragster goes 157miles per hour you retard."

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A few days ago at Disneyland after space mountain.

Kid: "dad that ride was awesome"

Dad: "It goes fast because it's in the dark."

I dont get it... that might give it the illusion, but at the end of the day its a coaster on a track with or without the "showroom."

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