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Which rides have given you greyouts?

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I have never had a full gray out, but have had many slight gray outs. I found out that if I just relax I can some what cause a very small gray out.


Anyways the best grey out I have gotten was at SFSTL on batman. The first vertical loop and the helix as the end.


I have had a slight gray out on

MF, Maverick, Ninja (SFSTL) and that is about it.


Anyone ever blackout??


My very first time I went on Millennium Force, I passed out during the first overbanked turn, and came to during the final tunnel. It may have been from the beer we had at our Canadian tailgate party beforehand, but it was still fun

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Anyone ever blackout??


I have not although I think I was close my first time on I-305. For me, I consider it a greyout when I get tunnel vision as I often get dizzy on rides due to invertigo, particularly corkscrews. Anyway, my field of view kept getting smaller and smaller until I could only see about a 3' wide view. It finally cleared and I regained my peripheral vision by the time we hit the bottom of the second hill. I never had it last that long on subsequent rides although I tried some techniques that must have helped to minimize it.

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  • 10 months later...

The only coaster I have greyed out on is Kraken, and it was while going into the Immelmann loop. I think it's weird that it's the only moment that has made me grey out because Kraken's Immelmann is far from the most intense element I've experienced (I rode Manta a bunch of times and never greyed out in the pretzel loop) :?r.

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As everyone else has said, I've had it happen on I305 as well. Goliath (SFMM) and Backlot Stunt Coaster have both done it to me on their helices. Batman the Ride does it for me sometime during the first three inversions and Great America's Flight Deck does it for me during the turn after the vertical loop.

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Personally I have had greyouts on:


Dueling Dragons: Fire (Or Dragon Challenge: Whatever the name has been changed to.) - I actually use to greyout on this coaster frequently. Not sure why, but I would greyout on this coaster at least once a day when I rode it several times a day.


SheiKra - again, I would greyout on this coaster at least once a day when I rode it several times a day.

Kumba - again, I would greyout on this coaster at least once a day when I rode it several times a day.

Montu - again, I would greyout on this coaster at least once a day when I rode it several times a day.


Top Thrill Dragster - again, I would greyout on this coaster at least once a day when I rode it several times a day. I would always greyout in the pull-up for the tower.

Millennium Force - Bottom of the first drop... Pretty much every time I ride the ride.

Mantis - I recall a few greyouts on Mantis. Not sure where at in the layout.


Titan at SFOT - I greyout pretty much every time I ride it. Greyouts happen in the "extra helix: and the final "Helix of death."

Batman The Ride - Several Greyouts on different Batman The Rides at various Six Flags parks.


I am sure more will come to mind, but this is all for now.

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Skyrider, Canada's Wonderland: I always greyed out between the vertical loop and the first airtime hill.


Le Vampire (Batman Clone), La Ronde: I usually grey out the first time I ride this each visit, mainly on the helix after the first 3 inversions. After that, I'm fine. As a side note, I've found the front row to be far worse for grey outs than the back row. In the front, you're assaulted with high G forces during the first 3 inversions, and I usually feel like I'm going to not just grey, but black out by the time I'm through the helix. However, the back row seems to give just a bit of a break, with a split second of hangtime at the top of the two vertical loops before slamming you back into your seat with positive Gs. It's a lot more enjoyable than I probably made it sound, and one hell of a lot better than the fromt IMO.


Surprisingly, I've never greyed out on Mindbender at Galaxyland out in Edmonton when I've rode it. The forces were strong, but seemed enjoyable in a weird way, and werent as abrupt as other high G coasters (which ironically pull less Gs), such as the ones mentioned above.

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Also, Shockwave at SFOT. I have had a few greyouts between the 2 vertical loops. It was the worst when doing the Travel Channel video shoot, and having to ride the ride over... and over... and over... and over... The more I rode it the worse the greyouts got. Also, I think the lack of sleep, and food probably played a part.

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I305, no surprise there - I've actually blacked out on that one. It's really unpleasant.


Pretty sure Millenium Force got me.


And for some reason, Verbolten. Verbolten!! Wtf. Shortly after going inside the building - the first couple times I just thought it got really dark in that part of the ride, and then one time I didn't greyout and realized what was happening. It doesn't bother me nearly as much as I305 though.

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I've actually greyed out on many coasters over the years, Scorpion at BGT being the first. Others include I-305, Millennium Force (first drop into first overbanked turn), GateKeeper (at the top of the Immelman), Backlot Stunt Coasters (first helix), Verbolten (inside of building), Goliath and Titan (helix), and others that I can't think of at the moment.

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Only one I can think of right now would be Batman:TR at SFGAdv. I think it was either the first loop, zero-g, or the second loop. It has been awhile. It happened to my buddy and I right around the same time. Scary at first.


Have yet to ride I-305, but have ridden Mill. Force a couple of times and so far so good.

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and in Gatekeepers Immelman. Not sure how the one on Gatekeeper happened

It might not be crazy forceful but the inverted drop/immelmann combo does provide a good amount of positives for a fairly long time, potentially resulting in greyouts. I rarely greyout but recently it happened to be on abismo (the extended skyloop in Madrid) whose drop/sort of inclined immelmann combo is (if you forget the roll) not that different from gatekeeper's.

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As others have mentioned, the first over-banked turn on Millennium Force is usually a blur to me.


Some others include:


- Exiting the vertical loop on the Vekoma Dutchmen when riding in the last row

- Storm Runner's giant sidewinder/immelmann...the pull-up into it is pretty tight, and I think it's an underrated (or at least generally unrecognized) spot of high positive G's

- The pretzel loop of Tatsu

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