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Mirabilandia Discussion Thread

P. 41: Nickelodeon Land announced for 2025!

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and hope the girl will be ok.


I've read that she has only a little injury at her foot.... I've also read that during the ride she felt she hit something but , she thought it wasn't important and it was when she left the train she wasn't able to walk and she explain to the staff (is it the good word?) she hit something... An only then they started to understand what happened....

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Does not matter if the train is silent or loud. THERE IS A FENCE THERE!!!


Is there, its not as if they fence there rides of well! (look below)


Its still an idiotic thing to do. If they were desperate for it they should of asked a member of staff to do it for them (not with the ride operating offcourse).


Picture from the 2005 Europe TPR trip.

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Someone must of seen the guy climbing the fence, Even if I dropped my mobile phone I would ask an Ops to get it for me.


It's not worth risking a life for a piece of metal, coth or plastic.


The worst part must of been when the girl saw the guy a sec before she hit him.


When I ride B&M Inverted coasters, I try to keep my legs straight (not the normal sitting position of 90 degrees) for the "near ground" parts of the ride.

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  • 4 months later...
During the 2009 season a new megacoaster will be built in Mirabilandia.


The location is the one where now there is the wooden coaster Sierra Tonante, which will be broken up from now. The new steel coaster will occupy a larger area because the track, very quick and with a lot of "air time", will go beyond the borders of the park.


It will be a farewell without regret for the old - 15 years of activity - Sierra Tonante, which will be substituted by a sit-down coaster of a very high level, both for the lenght and for the height. It wil be higher of Katun, the inverted coaster of the park. In the meanwhile the new attraction will be used from a wide target of guests, according to what it has been done in Europa Park, where Silver Star, the megacoaster, is the symbol of the park.

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